TOEIC Reading Complete Sentences

Test 7

101. Advertisers use all kinds of _____ to get your attention and your dollars. (A) formula (B) process (C)strategies (D) arrangement

102. Those ______expertise was surpassed only by their diligence. (A) technician (B) technical (C) technique (D) technology

103. Please tell other staff who are addicted to tobacco _____ both in the hall way and in any working areas. (A) don’t smoke (B) not smoking (C) aren’t smoking (D) not to smoke

104. The representatives are _____ going home and seeing their families after this negotiation. (A) looking up to (B) looking for (C) looking out (D) looking forward to

105. Our company is thinking of _____ its operations into foreign markets. (A) raising (B) inflating (C) enhancing (D) expanding

106. The secretary typed up the monthly report in time but it is_____ not correct. (A) already (B) still (C) anyway (D) yet

107. The ______are too strict for the subcontractors to meet (A) specifications (B) specified (C) specific (D) specifying

108. If the marketing strategies are well applied, we _____ our profits by 20 percent. (A) will have been increase (B) would have increased (C) will increase (D) increase

109.______, friendships, etiquette, patience and protocol are integral parts of business. (A) Socializing (B) Social (C) Sociable (D) Society

110. In some countries, business people have a very direct style, while in ______they are much more subtle in style. (A) others (B) the others (C) another (D) each

111. It has recently been proved______the laser can be used to perform bloodless, painless surgery.(A) where (B) until (C) while (D)that

112. All the companies cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes _____ they want to be competitive and profitable. (A) if (B) why (C) how (D) that

113. When you eat ______, you get the vitamins you need from the foods you eat.(A) a diet of well balance (B) to balance a diet (C) a diet is well balance (D) a well-balanced diet

114. We only give discounts of more than 20% to customers with whom we have ______a good, long-term trading relationship. (A) set off (B) set for (D) set off (D) set up

115. Hospitals are competing for shrinking market share; ______they are attempting to discover the most cost-effective and highest quality care. (A) therefore (B) also (C) besides (D) furthermore

116. Football and baseball ______currently played in the United States are basic modifications of games that originated in England (A) which (B) are (C) as(D) that are

117. Not every person who is indicted ______. (A) of guilt (B) is guilty (C) to be guilty (D) guilty

118. Understanding and heeding cultural ______is one of the most significant aspects of achieving successful in any international business enterprise.

(A) varies (B) differs (C) variables (D) different

119. Educators reminded that the subtext of many advertisements can be______; some promoting sexism and racism and other encouraging ethnic stereotyping. (A) agreeable (B) attractive (C) controversial (D) diversified

120. We cannot process the order _____ we get a copy of the purchase order. (A) because (B) that (C) until (D) when

121. Please use the _____ envelop for your reply. (A) is enclosed (B) enclose (C) enclosing (D) enclosed

122. The customer service representatives ______at the receptionist desk for product introduction. (A) always are available (B) are always available (C) are available always (D) being always available

123.The publisher expects circulation ______in the coming new year. (A) to ascend (B) to increase (C) to escalate (D) to raise

124. Using the checklist is an ____ way to make plans. (A) effective (B) effected (B) affective (D) affective

125. The ______about out recycling plans will reassure consumers. (A) public (B) publish (C) publication (D) publicity

126. The captain requested that all passengers ____ emergency procedures. (A) reviewed (B) reviews (C) reviewing (D) review

127. Scholars and experts on economics suggest the government ______a research institute of economic development (A) organizing (B) organize (C) organized (D) organizes

128. The Ford-model car has always been in good condition and seldom been brought in for ______. (A) repairs(B) despair (C) impairs (D) comparisons

129. Our latest advertising packages include brochures ______videos. (A) or (B) either (C) neither (D)and

130. Mr. Wang’s secretary will_____ the messages if he has not time to answer the phones.(A) make (B) do (C) take (D) leave

131. The name list of the new executive directors, ______was announced today, would be very surprising and beyond people’s expectations (A) when (B) whose (C) it (D)which

132. An attractive display is one thing that encourages customers _____ the products of the company. (A) to buy (B) buying (C) buy (D) bought

133. ______one gets, the more precious friendship becomes; for it affirms the contours of our existence. (A) As older (B) Being older (C) The older (D) As older

134. An estimated five and a half billion tones of carbon ______released into the atmosphere each year by burning of coal, oil, and synthetic fuels. (A) have been (B) have (C) has (D) has been

135. If a relaxed baby ______by loving, attentive parents, he might grow up to be an intelligent risk taker – an artist, or a scientist. (A) is raised (B) was raised (C) were raised (D) has been raised

136. Anyone who has experienced a gut-busting laugh knows ____ it interrupts tension. (A) how (B) what (C) which (D) when

137. At work or home, the basic tenet for humor is: take your responsibilities seriously, _____ don’t take yourself so seriously. (A) and (B) but (C) either (D) nor

138. There is some evident that ______mentally active can slow age-related decline. (A) keeps (B) keeping (C) kept (D) while keeping

139.Men tend to be seduced by technology; _____ they get into the faster-race-car syndrome, bragging about the speed of their microprocessors. (A) but (B) while (C) for example (D) due to

140. The telephone is an extension of the human voice and the telescope and microscope are extensions of their ______. (A) seeing (B) seen (C) sight (D) sought

141. Since their inception, the department has been troubled by high turnover.

142. The figure compares with a effective tax rate last year of 36 percent which resulted from write-offs.

143. Steven Spielberg, one of the most successful Hollywood movie director, shows his creativity in the diversity of his films.

144. Despite products of the technological age –TV, videos, computer games – have taken many people away from reading books, the book industry is still thriving..

145. Increasingly, waste is being seen as a resource that the world can not longer afford to squander.

146. If the service is not prompt, the customers would have gone to another restaurant.

147.The director asked Helen gives the customers a tour of the factory and a demonstration of the latest products.

148. The letter that Mr. Howard sent it from Taipei has a lot of typographical errors.

149. The staff are required to attend the company training sessions a week twice.

150. Some people think it is good to censor books and the other believe that censorship goes against the basic right of freedom of expression.

151. Stockbrokers are people who buy and sell shares for their clients and charging fixed rates of commission for this service.

152. Researchers have found that the healthiest diet is simple, inexpensive, and traditional fare that people abandon as they moving into affluence.

153. The items on this invoice were mislabeled and has incorrect stock identification number.

154. The visitors only has a twenty-dollar bill with her when she landed at Hartford airport.

155. Due to poor planning and problems with local cash flew, most analysts predicted that the firm remained solvent for only a few months.

156. The writings of Helen Keller serve as an inspiration not only for people with disabilities and for all people the world over.

157. If e-mail had been invented before the telephone, it would be the most popular communications medium.

158. Modern children should be taught to deal direct with reality and to be proud and confident.

159. The director had her assistant picked up some related references for the proposal which will be submitted at the coming quarterly meeting.

160. As business has become increasingly international, the need for clearly-understood communication between members of different cultures are even more crucial.

101-110 / CBDDD / BACDA
111-120 / DADDA / DBCCC
121-130 / DBDAC / DBADC
131-140 / DACAC / ABBCC
141-150 / ABBAC / BABDB
151-160 / CDCAB / DBAAC