Ascension Announcments – 05/22/16

Remember in your prayers: Carol Grabaum; True Durish; Marcia Warner; Judy Killmer; Charlotte Brady; Norm Pretzer; Keith Stone; Mackale McGuire; Carolyn Ottinger; Pete Miller; Jeff Leppert; Ralph Mahl; Del Yeschick; Kim Estrada; Cody Page; Jerry Kochs; Gilbert Bell; Ronald Martin; Art Paquette; Martin Gembrowski; Amy Wortley; Art Rohn; Mary Bresser; Family of Lois Dillon

Ascension Families:Jonathan, Amanda and Alice Doerr; Emily, Max and Amora Dreyfus; Bruce DuHamel

Honduras Missions

Our Saviour Lutheran, Saginaw: Pastor Jeff Bonn

Prayer Chain Requests should be called to Barb Van Marter at 781-7803.


A Staffed Nursery is availabletoday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The nursery is for children ages five and under.

Family Golf Scramble:Join us at today at Twin Oaks Golf Course, 6710 W. Freeland Road at 3:30 p.m. (please arrive 15 minutes early to check in). The cost is $18.50 which includes a cart. Teams will be put together according to experience, age and ability. Everyone will tee off, and then play from the location of the best shot. Come join in the fun! Contact Bob Dillenbeck with any questions at 799-2065.

Attention - Float Builders of all ages! Ascension will be entering a float in the Shields Festival Parade this summer. The Board of Evangelism is looking for people across all generations and talents that would be interested in planning and building the float and in walking in the parade. The parade is Saturday, July 9th and the theme is sports. If you are interested in helping, please get in touch with Charleen Boland at 781-5623 or . We are also in need of a wagon and someone willing to pull the float.

Attention Thrivent Members:The Evangelism Board is looking for a few Thrivent members to support us as a Thrivent Action team. This is a simple process where Thrivent will help us with some seed money for a couple of outreach projects that we are planning. If you are willing to help, please contact Charleen Boland at 781-5623 or .

Summer Youth Program: This summer, Ascension and the Christian Education Board will be holding a soccer sports camp in place of our VBS program. This is a great opportunity for outreach into our community and to share Jesus with our youth through sports. More information is available in the May Messenger.

Disposable Cameras Needed: We are collecting disposable cameras for foster kids who are attending Stony Lake Lutheran Camp this summer. A collection box is located in the Gathering Area. Thanks for your support!!

Large boxes needed are for the clothes for the Back to School Fair. Please bring in any you may have. Thanks!!

The SCRIP Programis a way to increase the giving to Ascension by our members taking a few extra minutes in lieu of giving a few extra dollars. When gift cards are purchased through Ascension, a percentage of those cards’ value will come back to the church without reducing the value of the card. Copies of the order forms are available at the church or online at If you have any questions, please contact Dan Durow.

Attention Gardeners: Do you want to garden but don’t have a place to put one or do you know someone like that? Ascension’s Community Garden is ready for YOU! To “rent” a plot we ask for a freewill donation that goes to the Food Pantry (suggested donation is $10-$15). To get a user agreement or answer any questions you might have, please contact Michelle Wardlow at 642-2146 or . More information is also available on the Kiosk.

Lost and Found:Please check the Lost and Found Box in the Gathering Area to see if anything belongs to you. Whatever is left at the end of May will be donated. Thank you!!

Prayer Cross: There is a Prayer Cross located near the back of the Sanctuary. It is a cross to weave prayers, concerns and burdens. A basket of fabric is next to the cross. You may add your prayers and burdens at any time.

Please sign up if you’re willing to bring in a snack for our coffee hour on Sunday mornings. The sign-up sheet is located on the Kiosk in the Gathering Area. Thanks!

Youth Pop Can Fund Raiser: You can either drop your cans off in the vestibule near the Fellowship Hall or you can contact a member of the Christian Education Board and we will arrange to pick them up. Thank you for your support!!

Attendance Cards: Please fill out an attendance card and place in the offering plate.


Sewing Group: Ascension’s Sewing Group will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, June 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Bring your sewing machine, and join us for fun and fellowship. We will be working on an easy community service project. Contact Sandy Graham or Ruth Schomaker with questions.

Lunch and Games – June 8th from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Come and join us as we share in lunch and then in games, including Euchre, Dominoes, Apples to Apples and many others. You are invited to bring a dish to share and then spend a couple hours in fellowship. Friends are always welcome.

Conversation and Cocktails: On Thursday,June 9th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.we will gather at Gabby’s to discuss various topics during “Conversation and Cocktails.” This is an intentional gathering of people who wish to discuss issues that bring church and real life issues together.

Back to School Fair: Ascension will be hosting its Third Annual Back to School Fair on Thursday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. This is part of the God’s Work-Our Hands Initiative —for the church to proclaim the gospel in our actions and show the world the love we have from God in our actions. It truly is God’s work and our hands. We are planning to provide school supplies, gently used clothing, entertainment, information, food and fun as we come together as a community. You can help by saving your gently used clothing for children and teens, purchasing new socks and underwear for children and teens or by making a financial donation. Please contact Pastor Julie with any questions.


This Week at Ascension:

Today:8:00 - Worship/Communion 9:15 - Sunday School/Adult Study

10:30 - Worship/Communion/Confirmation 12:00 - Bldg. Use/FH 3:30 - Golf League

Monday: 9:00 - Retirees Breakfast

Tuesday: 10:30 - Adult Bible Study

Wednesday: 10:00 - Mail Messenger 7:00 - Worship/Communion

Thursday: 6:30 - Choir Rehearsal

Friday: Office Closed

Next Sunday: (May 29th) 8:00 - Worship/Communion 10:30 - Worship/ Communion



Faith in Action:

Head Ushers:Dave Dawson/Dawn DaltonReaders:Larry Nuechterlein/Dawn Dalton

Acolytes: No Acolyte/Hannah Webb & Madison HustonPrayers: Charleen Boland/Bill Gregor

Sound Board:Marty Debozy/Brian BergProjection:Brian Berg/John Richardson

Camera Operator: Joel Richardson

Friendly Caller: Sue BaileyHospital Caller: Rick Hamilton

Flowers on the Altar: Given in Memory of her Father, James L. Kelly by Dawn Dalton

Given in Memory of their Mother, Jane Jakes by Ruth and Greg Jakes______

Contact Info for Pastor Julie Bailey



Facebook:Pastor Julie Bailey

Current Financial Status

As of the first four months of 2016, our numbers are:

General Fund

Income: $ 68,223

Expense: $(66,301)


Mortgage Fund

Building Fund Income: $15,812

Vanco Building Transfer 3,425

Total Building Income $19,237

Loan Payments (19,376)


We are continuing to strive toward our goal of $30,000 in our Building Fund when the balloon matures in a little over 2 years. Thus far, we have about 4-5 months of payments accumulated in the Building Savings Account and the Mission Investment Fund. Please continue the good work.