This competition is being organized by the REDD/CCAD-GIZ program from the German International Cooperation Agency in El Salvador (from now on, REDD/CCAD-GIZ Programme ).
The purpose of this competition is:
· To value and analyze the state or situation of the climate change effects in the Central American region and Dominican Republic.
· To explore the present thought from the student population on climate change in the region.
· Encourage competitors to participate in the VII Central American Forest congress to know about the importance of the forest sector in the region.
The competition starts on Monday, 11 April at eight hours (8:00) in the morning, and ends at seventeen hours (17:00) of Sunday, 31 May, 2011.
All persons residing in the member countries of CCAD may participate in the competition (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Dominican Republic).
Only persons older than 18 years of age, students in the farm, forest or environmental subjects may participate.
Present a letter of reference from the deans office from your university to prove your present student status and level.
All persons who presents incorrect, incomplete or illegible data, will be disqualified.
Information will be verified by the qualifying jury, and forging it will be reason enough to disqualify the candidate. Said jury will be composed by a representative from the REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program, the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (SE-CCAD), and the Pro-Tempore Chair of CCAD.
Present a document on:
· What are your reflections on Climate Change in the Central American region and Dominican Republic?
· What ideas of reaction do you observe with the Climate Change effects in your country and the Central American region? (technical arguments)
· How do you promote community collaboration in your country through the individual and community actions to stop or diminish this phenomena?
Note: No masters, thesis or graduate essays participate
The document to be presented must include the following:
Title: In capital letters, centerd, in Arial font, bold and 14 points.
Author: Complete name, Arial font, 12 points, university, country, e-mail and studies underway. (See format annexed to these rules for competition)
Executive Summary: In running text without distinguishing paragraphs, font Arial 12 points, simple space, justified, maximum ½ page.
Document Schematic:
The order of these sections within the document, and after the title and summary, is the following:
· Introduction
· Climate Change in the Central American Region and Dominican Republic
· Ideas of reaction before the effects of Climate Change
· Individual/community actions supporting decrease of climate change effects in your country
· Personal Conclusions
· Literature reviewed.
The extension of the text will be of a maximum of 5 pages, space and a half, Arial in 12 points. Justified text with 2.5 cm. margins, single space.
Fonts under the tables, the tables and graphs must measure 14 cms and be written in Arial 8 points.
Use as text processor, Word for Microsoft.
The document must be sent via e-mail to:
1. Personal data file
2. Reference letter from the Dean's office from your present university (signed and sealed)
3. Current passport (scanned in pdf format)
4. Engagement letter signed (scanned in pdf format)
Work sent not complying with the previous requirements, will not be considered for the competition.
Three winners will be selected based on the documents presented, which will be assessed by a REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program established jury that will include among its members a representative from the Executive Secretary of the Environment and Development Central American Commission (SE-CCAD), Pro-Tempore Chair of CCAD and the REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program.
Winners will be announced on 01 June, 2011 through the site:, where the corresponding essays will be published.
The prize will be the financing of the winner's participation in the Forest Congress 2011 to take place in Managua, Nicaragua, on 29 and 30 June and 1 July, 2011. Financing includes air ticket, airport taxes, transport to and from the airport, room and board during the event that will last a maximum of three days.
Those favored may not sell, re-sell, auction or in general any act whatsoever that might imply the commercialization of the prize.
The prize in no case may be exchanged, altered, compensated by another, relent to a third party, unless there is an agreement in writing between the REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program and the winner.
Winners must provide a copy of their passport, which must be valid.
The winners promise to cooperate with the REDD/CCAD-GIZ
PROGRAM in the advertising activities linked to the competition, without remuneration whatsoever for this work, and without costs for him/her, authorizing the communication of his/her name and image in advertising, if necessary.
The participant accepts expressly to comply with all and each of the RULES of this present competition.
The non-compliance of any of the RULES will cause the exclusion of the participant from this present competition.
In case there is any doubt or discrepancy in the interpretation of any of the present rules, the REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program will make an interpretation tending to the spirit and goal for which the promotion has been created.
The participants may consult the rules of this present competition in the REDD/CCAD-GIZ Program web page at the following address:, as well as unloading the annexed documents necessary for their participation.