Monday 15 May 2006 at 2.00 pm

The Work of the Independent Review Team (LAC)

Author:Dawne Brent

Tel. No:01992 588811

Executive Member: Jane Pitman

  1. Purpose of the report

1.1To inform the Corporate Parenting Group of practice and outcomes in relation to Looked After children through the Statutory Review process.

1.2To identify priorities for the next 12 months.

2. Summary

2.1The introduction of the Independent Review Team (IRT) has ensured all looked after children have their case reviewed independently of the resource provision and casework responsibility.

2.2The Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) challenge poor practice and highlight areas of concern to Managers whilst wanting to work alongside them to improve standards. They will also highlight good practice and encourage workers by passing on complements.

2.32005/06 has been a time of considerable change for many children with new allocated workers and changes of structure within CSF. The impact of this has been some young people having a number of different workers allocated to their case throughout the year.

2.4The IROs have noted major areas of need in relation to learning and development for front line staff and their managers. They have been actively involved in the induction programme for new staff and continue to offer advice and guidance to workers. There remains a concern that this is seen at times as an alternative to Supervision by Team Managers. The IROs must remain separate from the case work decisions to ensure their independence in reviewing and monitoring case work practise.

2.5Around a dozen cases have been taken to Deputy Director/Operational Directors for resolution whilst 20-30 others have been resolved at Children’s Service Manager level. Resolution locally, at Team level, has at times been a protracted experience. Resolution must be within the timescale of the young person and achieve a positive outcome.

2.6The IROs work closely with VOICE to ensure that children and young people have an opportunity to access Advocacy when their planning has not been timely. Many young people feel that they would rather the LA ‘got it right’ than have to complain.

2.7There is recognition that many of the difficulties need a systemic approach to change and this is taking place through the fine tuning of Growth and Change. However there is concern amongst the IROs that young people cannot wait until structures are in place before their needs are met.


3.1In 2005/06, 2383 reviews were completed by the IROs.

3.2The IROs annual report to the Area management teams highlights areas of good practice and offers suggestions for ways forward in maintaining and improving the service to looked after children.

4. Backgroundand Statutory Framework

4.1The Independent Review Team (IRT) became a statutory requirement in September 2004, as Section 118 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. This made it obligatory for all reviews of looked after children to be chaired by a person independent of case work responsibility or resources provision.

In April 2005 the IRT was placed within the Conciliation and Appeals Unit within the Commissioning, Performance and Resources portfolio.

In January 2006 the Team moved to become part of the new Customer Focus Team, (CFT), under the Head of Policy, Planning, Commissioning and Performance.

4.2The CFT includes the IRT, Complaints and Appeals, Parent Partnership and Participation teams. Sitting together, these teams are able to pull together information from our ‘customers’ which will influence the way we provide services and respond to their comments and concerns.

4.3The IRT are responsible both for the review and monitoring of the care plan for the individual case as well as the monitoring of the Local Authority’s performance in meeting the plan in a timely and appropriate manner. The Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) must be sure that the human rights of the child are not breached by the actions of the LA. If there is concern which cannot be dealt with at a local level up to and including the Chief Executive, the IRO can refer the case to CAFCASS for resolution.

4.4The role of the IRT, is to ensure that care planning for looked after children meets their needs, is timely, prevents drift and delay and engages children, parents and carers in the planning process.

5.Work currently being undertaken

5.1IROs Chair around 200 reviews each month. These will include those reviews of children placed in Foster Care, Residential placements, Agency placements, Adoptive placements and Secure Units.

5.2The reviews of young people managed by Child Asylum and Refugee Team and the National Children’s Home Leaving Care Service are managed by IROs who specialise in these areas.

5.3Direct Consultation takes place in around 25 cases each month. This entails a Consultation Assistant, (CAs) part of the IRT, visiting the young person and using a range of tools to gain the young persons views for their review.

5.4In around 60% of cases Viewpoint is used. In others the CAs use a range of tools including consultation documents, play, art and activities. We have recently acquired ‘Big Mice’ and Touch Screens to enable younger children and disabled children to access the Viewpoint screens.

5.5Paper consultation documents have been reviewed and now link clearly to the 5 outcomes.

5.6The Viewpoint contract allows for a number of consultations to take place on behalf of HCC with children placed outside of the County.

5.7The Independent Visitors Scheme for looked after children is also part of the IRT. There are currently around 25 children who meet the criteria for an Independent Visitor. However at this time we are only able to provide the service to around 8 children due to a lack of volunteer visitors.

5.8The coordinator is currently going through a recruitment process to increase the numbers of volunteers available but she has had a very poor response.

6.Future Developments

6.1The development of a review process for children receiving a series of short breaks should be complete by May 2006. This is a group of children for whom we wish to meet our statutory requirements in relation to reviewing and monitoring of the services provided.

6.2Nationally the role of the IRO is being reviewed by DfES and CAFCASS. Each LocalAuthority has been sent a questionnaire which looks at the development of the role, effectiveness in bringing about change for looked after children and suggestions as to why no cases have been referred to CAFCASS

6.3A review of the Independent Visitors Scheme will take place during the next 12 months to ascertain whether the service can effectively be commissioned through an independent agency.