In November 2008 Father kept waking me up with the words in my spirit: "January 20th: The Beginning of the Slaughter of the Sheep". I wrote an article by that name shortly afterwards. The January 23, 2009 news worldwide told that one of the first acts of Obama as “President”, to coincide with the 36th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, was to overturn what former President George W. Bush made law after he took office. Bush put a ban on the funding of abortions worldwide with taxpayer money. Obama reversed that. The slaughter of the unborn sheep has been promoted once again using American taxpayer money. The slaughter of the sheep has once more begun with unborn sheep.

Also the methodical take-over and crushing of the middle class--taxing them to death, setting them up to have their property taken, and the new laws enacted to take away their rights totally, has also begun.

Proverbs 6:16-19: “These six things Yahuweh hates, and seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands shedding innocent blood, a heart devising wicked schemes, feet quick to run to evil, a false witness that speaks lies, and one who causes strife among brothers”.

As I wrote in my last article “America’s Secret Destiny”, the nation of America was indeed slated to fulfill the destiny of Lucifer's plans from the 1500s, and even from BCE. Because from its inception, its core, its foundation, America was chosen by Lucifer and his human agents of philosophical insanity Father must destroy it totally, as He says in Jeremiah 50 and 51, so that the root of evil that is now producing the greatest evil fruit in the world, will be destroyed.

I have warned about the judgment of Yahuweh on America in several articles and in my teaching for a long time, looking at a root that went back to the early 1600s, and especially since the late 1800s, not realizing until recently that the root was from BCE. The 1600s root is joined to the original root... and far more visible.

Many lawyers have petitioned the Courts, even the Supreme Court, with much proof, before he election and afterward, that Obama was not born in the United States. There is no proof of where Obama was born--no valid birth certificate. His maternal grandmother, who said she was a witness to his birth in Kenya, conveniently died on November 3rd. He is not a U.S. citizen, and thus his presidency is unconstitutional. But, the Courts, the Electoral College, and the Supreme Court, have all thrown out the petitions. Recently a woman was slated to bring her proof to the Supreme Court. The day before she was to come, president-elect Obama, had a private meeting with the Supreme Court judges—unprecedented in American history—and, of course, the Supreme Court turned the woman away without hearing her.

When Obama stuttered and misquoted the oath of office, he was Constitutionally incorrect. According to the Constitution, he had to say it

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exactly as all other Presidents have said it, word for word, or it was invalid. Therefore, on January 22nd a private swearing in ceremony took place, closed

to reporters. This time he DID NOT swear on a Bible. What did he swear on, if anything? — A Koran, a copy of the communist manifesto, or some other book

of the occult, or just nothing? In the official picture of his second swearing in, he was photographed from waist up only, but all the news networks stated that he did not put his hand on a Bible.

From the Web: OBAMA’S SECOND SWEARING IN JANUARY 22, 2009 BBC REPORTING: Barack Obama has been sworn in as US president for the second time in two days, because one word was given out of order during Tuesday's ceremony.

The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts, administered the oath again at the White House. The decision to repeat the oath was taken out of an abundance of caution, an official said. But Mr Obama joked: "We decided it was so much fun...." before adding: "We're going to do it very slowly."

In contrast to the first oath-taking, Mr Obama did not swear on a Bible and his wife Michelle was not at his side.

I... do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

And instead of an audience of millions, only a few close aides saw the second attempt, with even journalists excluded from the Map Room of the White House.

Tuesday's stumble went largely unnoticed at the time.

Many felt, thought, and said, that George W. Bush would be the last president. I felt that strongly myself, just as this Queen of England will be the last royal monarch on the British throne, and this Pope will be the last one. Former president George W. Bush was # 43: 4 + 3 = 7 – number of completion, conclusion. “President” Barack Obama is # 44: 4 + 4 = 8 – the Messiah’s number, the day of the resurrection, the number of new beginnings.

Many call “President” Obama the Messiah, or “savior”, some claimed to be healed in his meetings, women swooned in his presence, and he claimed to be divine. But, those of other nations also call him by those titles. The day of the inauguration the world celebrated with great festivities, including the Muslim world, and Europe.

From January 24, 2009, By Drew Zahn, WorldNetDaily: DES MOINES, Iowa – “Amid the pomp, circumstance and celebration of welcoming a new president, an artist in Iowa created an inaugural parade sure to draw attention, even hundreds of miles from Washington, D.C.: Barack Obama, riding on a donkey,

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complete with waving palm fronds and "Secret Service" escort.

As WND reported, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan declared in October that when Obama talks, "the Messiah is absolutely speaking." But artist Matthew J. Clark's parade – marching Obama through the streets of Des Moines in similar fashion to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem – takes the messianic imagery even farther.”

George W. Bush was the last president of the United States. The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama is unconstitutional—not qualified to be the President of the United States. In my update: “Obama, Rich Warren and the Stalin Plan”, I tell about the trick that Stalin used with his military of bringing in foreigners to do the dirty work that the citizens wouldn’t do. And most likely there are other reasons, but Barack Obama is not the President of the United States!

Who, or what, he is will be known before long, but one thing’s for sure, he is like no other president. He has a volatile personality and changes quickly from

nice to nasty, from sweet to sour, from hot to cold. He has a volatile temperament that is potentially dangerous. Even members of the House and Senate are concerned. He has already pulled some things that are reminiscent of a dictator’s actions. It has been said that he is the world’s president, a world ruler, for the nations of the earth are overjoyed at him.

But, he is a foreign intruder whom the America people have given more power to than any other human on earth. He has made reference to himself as being divine. He has openly said, when asked to elaborate on the changes he would make: “I am the change”.

From Last Trumpet Newsletter, December 2008: “On November 10th, 2008, it was reported that the co-chair of the Obama transition team, Valerie Jarrett, used some very interesting words on the Meet the Press program. She made the following declaration to Tom Brokaw: "Obama will be ready to rule on day one." She then repeated herself with the following words: "Given the daunting challenges that we face, it is important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule from day one." January 20th was day one!

I am collecting evidence, from his supposed royal lineage, to his being worshipped by many, to his hypnotic magnetism, his strong appeal to the youth, and his very Hitler-like conduct and Communist platform, as well as his active aggression to make things happen as he wills—“from day one”.

In my article “The Turning Point” I tell about Obama campaigning in Berlin, Germany, to cheering crowds. What is an American running for President doing campaigning in Germany anyway? In Appendix A below, you will read about his Hitler salute to the German masses before his speech, and how it was returned—even though that was illegal according to German law. In “The Turning Point”, I show that Obama’s speech to accept the Democratic nomination in Denver, Colorado, was delivered from a replica of the altar of Zeus—the original taken from Pergamum, Turkey, and placed in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin, Germany. When Hitler made his great speech proclaiming “the final solution”, he also made it from a replica of the same altar, which

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was set up in Nuremberg. The original anti-messiah was Antiochus Ephiphanes, who in 167 BCE set up a statue of Zeus over the ark in the Temple, and attempted by violence to Hellenize all those in Israel. He made the guarding of the Torah illegal. Anyone caught obeying the Torah was punished by death. In this, he was the first “the lawless one”—the Torah-less one--the anti-messiah. Messiah Yahushua says in Matthew 24:15 that once again one will do the same thing.

Holocaust survivors have said how close his campaign and actions now are to Hitler’s. A Cuban refugee, who fled from Castro years ago, also said the same thing—how his actions and manner were how Castro took over. His calling for a civilian policing force is very much like the youth policing forces of Mao, Hitler, Stalin and Castro.

His first use of an executive order was to close down the Gitanamo Bay prison, in which are many Muslim terrorists. Who is behind this?

Where did he arise from all of a sudden? Who has given him all his money and

power? Some of his funding has been traced to the Chicago mafia and big power brokers. But, a great portion of his campaign money came from overseas, from an unknown source.

The death of any world powerful nation is accompanied by several common signs--one of them being the elimination of the middle class by severe over-taxation—the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Jobs are eliminated, and people are left stranded. Thousands of jobs are being eliminated almost daily, and from 2008, millions were lost. This is happening at a rate of speed that is incredible. The government has moved in to buy up the mortgages and when people can’t pay for their houses, the government will act to take them. The American taxpayers are expected to replace the money for all the bailouts, even now fund abortions worldwide. Another sign is death is the employing of mercenaries in the military, which we are doing big time, and another is moral

degradation—we are the world’s worst at that. The citizens are slaves of their controllers, and most don’t even know they are controlled or slaves either one. But, some are getting suspicious! There are more signs, but America qualifies for burn out on all fronts.

Where is all this bail out money going? A huge portion of it—trillions of dollars of it—is going into the pockets of the ultra rich. They turn it into euros, and place it in overseas banks where it cannot be taxed, and leave the hard-working middle class of America with the bill. When it all goes under, the ultra rich won’t go under—they’ll just keep riding high on the euro, which is about to rise higher than the English pound, and when the dollar is no good anymore, the rich will be sailing high. When we go to a world economy, their cash won’t diminish…while the rest of the world will be starving, dying of disease the rich have created, as well as having their houses and property taken from them because they can’t pay for it, leaving them homeless. The concentration

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camps will be open as temporary shelters, or labor camps open for the more long-term boarders.

From Last Trumpet Newsletter February 2009: “In spite of the economic catastrophe that is now engulfing our nation, an amazing plan is now being put into effect at the behest of the United Nations, which will involve vast amounts of U.S. dollars. I was shocked to read the article in the Houston Chronicle, which featured the headline dated November 13th, 2008, as follows: “Can Ancient Babylon Be Restored?” The story goes on to tell of plans to completely restore the ancient city of Babylon, Iraq. This ancient city was greatly beloved of Satan. It is the place where the first astrologers drew the first star maps. It is where the first laws were codified and where the Hanging Gardens became one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was also the cradle of idolatry, the basis for Freemasonry and all false religions. Truly, this is one of the last signs of the end of this present world! The United States has poured vast amounts of money into Iraq and continues to do so. The United States has now inaugurated its largest embassy ever. On January 6th, 2009, the $700 million embassy took the omens of inauguration, for that is the meaning of that word inaugurate. The fortress-like structure is on 104 acres of land and has space for 1,000 employees. It is more than ten times the size of any U.S. Embassy in the world. This embassy is also six times larger than the entire United Nations’ complex in New York City. Is this more than an embassy?

My note on this: You can “google” in U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, and see this monstrosity. Is modern end-time Babylon re-uniting with its “mother”—Babylon of old? Nimrod built Babylon and Nineveh, and America is both end-time Babylon and end-time Nineveh. Refer to the two studies: “End Time Babylon” and “The Nation of Nineveh”. Also refer to the article “When the Goat Hit the Ram”. When America went into Iraq, one of the first things they did was to start archeological excavations of the ancient city of Babylon. They say they found the tomb of Gilgamish, who is purported to be Nimrod—a Nephilim. Gilgamish describes in detail in his “Epic” going above the earth, describing his ascent as a modern-day astronaut would do. One of the main reasons why they went to work immediately in Babylon to do excavations, was to get at the Nephilim DNA and technology that they thought was buried beneath the ground. The gates of Babylon, the Ishtar Gates, were taken to Berlin, and Hitler paraded the Jews through them on their way to their death.