Date/Time: October 23, 2015 10:00-12noon

Location: Research Triangle Park at the Redwoods Training Center 2801 Slater Rd #110 Morrisville, NC 27560

Directions & More Info:

Attendants: Gary Ander, Brandon Alexander, Chandrika Brown, Renee Cordero, Teka Dempson, Fredrick Douglas, Felecia Ferrell, Terri Grant, Lucy Heffelfinger, Carla Huff, Stacy Justiss, Lisa Lackman, Dawn Manus, Katrina McDaniel, Paul Savery, Gerri Smith, Sheri Starks, Cathy Stephenson, Tammy Theall, Ana Velasquez

Guest: Amy Horgan

Phone/Adobe Attendants:Damie Jackson-Diop,Jenna Barnes,Kiesha Crawford,Phillip Stonecipher

Agenda/Topic / Action
Welcome &
Introductions / Co-chairs convened the meeting. Introductions completed.
Approval of Minutes from prior meeting / October 9, 2015 minutes distribute by email prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes for posting on the website: . After one suggested correction, a motion was made to approve the minutes. Motion second. Motion carried. Minutes approved with edit.
Discussion Topics & Presentations
Additional information:
Parking Lot:
Next Meeting Scheduled:
Next Agenda Items:
Meeting Location:
Listserv Information:
Website: / Topic: Old business:The Co-Chair will ask for feedback from the collaborative members in regard to ideas for presentations and/or agenda items. Ana Velasquez highlighted last meeting presentation by Rogelio Valencia and his discussion on services for undocumented families. Services is getting harder for this population because Medicaid and some agencies will not be accepting ID from Mexico to render services. DSS has to pay for their mental health needs as allowed by their policies.
-Comments from the floor: It is consider by some members of the collaborative to be a political sensitive issue for the state collaborative to advocate for this population. Our mission will allow us to advocate with our community legislator to address issues seen in our communities.
Parking Lot issue
Topic: Adobe Connect: A link will be sent by Renee to help assist members in becoming comfortable using this connection into our meeting. If time permits regarding Brandon’s work load, he may be able to supply us with a tutorial. Be on the lookout for an email regarding this topic.
Topic: New Location: Chandrika checked with Cardinal regarding the use of their space. They cannot guarantee us the use of their space for every meeting because of their priorities over future scheduling. However, we will keep this in mind for the future.
Topic: Sub-Committees: No report out. This will occur in December 2015.
Presentation:Compassion Reaction: Amy Horgan, Trillium
Video #1 My Strength program meets users where they are to help with resources. Trullium is tracking data through their website since this is the first time the app is being used by youth. It is “user base” and can be shared with therapist. The app is free and can be access by each community by phone. Our (Trullium) goal is to provide the user with a resource that will improve their outcome. MyStrength website has a tab marked “outcomes” so you see some of the measures that is collected. MyStrength is not a healthcare provider therefore it does not give mental advice, provide diagnosis, or suggestion treatment options.
Video #2 Rachel’s Challenge:One of the advantage seen through Rachel’s Challenge is it has help kids break down barriers/walls and has allowed them to connect with other kids. It has proved to be effective on the outcomes of suicide in young teens. Schools that have participated in Rachel’s Challenge reports a decrease in the attempts of suicide by their students. It goes beyond “Helping to STOP Bullying”….it is about a story…THEIR’S! Amy Horgan provided a breakdown of how the event can be laid out. The state collaborative can help by supporting this to get it in the schools and in our communities. Schools need assistance with the cost of Rachel’s Challenge. For the schools who are lucky enough to afford this, they sometimes only do the assembly part and not the complete course. It is a daylong team building approach. It goes even beyond the teachers and the effects can be seen and/or felt in the communities.
Explore these links below on your own for more information:
  • MyStrength -
  • Rachel’s Challenge -
Adobe Connection was considered to be a part of the money already allotted for the collaborative to use for electronic communication resources for connecting into the meeting. Since there was money in the budget, the collaborative members were in favor of moving ahead with the cost of $425 annually. Renee will finalize the required procedure of setting up our account through the Adobe Connection representative.
School Base Mental Health committee (sub-committee of the Collaborative) will be discussing how to proceed with Rachel’s Challenge.
Renee will capture the Parking Lot items and place them in the minutes as well as keeping a journal of items. We hope to start marking items off.
1. In regards to the discussion on undocumented population: Does the state collaborative have a role in helping to fight this fight for families/youth? If the state collaborative is going to support this issue, maybe we can provide something along the lines of “guidelines” to form a formal mentor to the local collaborative(s).
2. Revisit strategic plan document. December meeting is the target date at this time.
3. Kiesha to have bylaws issues typed up and submitted prior to the December meeting.
Motion was made and second to adjourn the meeting at 12 noon.
Reminders: All future meetings will be held from 10 am to 12 pm time unless otherwise noted. Upcoming meeting dates are:
  • November 13, 2015* 2nd Friday only
  • December 11, 2015* 2nd Friday only
  • January 8, 2016
  • January 22,2016
**Note: November and December dates will operate on our holiday schedule for meetings.
1.Terri Riehardt as speaker
2.Update on the status of merging Collaborative with SOC Committees
Location: Research Triangle Park at the Redwoods Training Center 2801 Slater Rd #110 Morrisville, NC 27560
**To exchange resources and questions send email messages/requests to:
Collaborative Listserv:
Please use the Listserv to share successes in your community, share information and resources, make inquiries and build community. Smaller forums will be set up for committee work rather than the Listserv. Requests to be added or questions can contact: Susan Robinson at or call 919-218-9164
NC-Collaborative-Strategic-Planning-Final-Summary-Report.pdf found when you scroll over home, it is a drop down box.