The Scout Hall, Heol-Y-Delyn, Lisvane, Cardiff, CF14 0SR

Tel: 07763 917724

Charity Number: 1027527


We have several new children starting with us after half-term. I’m sure they will all settle in quickly and have a super time at Treetops. On behalf of the team I wish them and their families a warm welcome.

Don’t forget that this week (commencing Tuesday February 28th) is Welsh week at Treetops. We’d love to see as many children as possible dressed in Welsh costumes, rugby shirts etc. throughout the week (except Thursday – see below) but especially on Wednesday, St David’s Day.

Thursday March 2nd is World Book Day so please send you child in dressed up as a character from a book or with a book-related accessory. It is really important that children are introduced to the magic of books at an early age and this is a great way to do it. Every child who dresses up on the day will be given a small treat and there will be a bigger prize for the best costumes in both the morning and afternoon sessions.

Our context for this half-term is “We are the World”. There will be a different theme each week including how we travel, climate, foods of the world and where we live. We will also carry on looking at a different number each week starting with number 8 this week and finishing in with 13 during the week before we break up for the Easter holidays.

As I’m sure you are aware we are a charity. The money we receive from fees goes towards paying rent, electricity and wages. We rely on our fabulous committee of parents to raise funds to buy equipment and toys for the children. The next fund-raising event is on Friday March 17th 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Please join us at the Ty Mawr for a quiz night. Further information can be found in the leaflet provided in your trays. Committee members will be selling tickets at drop off and pick up from 28th February.

Please note that there will be no session during the afternoon of Monday June 19th as we will be hosting the Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the Treetops field. More information to follow nearer the time.

Lucy Kemp
