From (Your Property Name )Holiday Crime Prevention TipsHoliday Crime Prevention TipsHoliday Crime Prevention Tips

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The gatherings and outings that surround the winter holiday season can increase opportunities for criminal activity. Remember: You and all occupants and guests must exercise due care for your own and other’s safety and security. The best safety measures are the ones you perform as a matter of common sense and habit.We suggest these simple tips to assist you in having a safe and relaxing winter holiday season.
Always be ALERT and AWARE of your surroundings. Pay attention to who is around you and what activities are occurring. In case of an emergency, always call 911.Report any suspicious activity to the police first, and then follow up with a written notice to us.

Personal Property:

·  Always lock the doors of your car, even while driving. Take the keys and remove or hide any valuables. Park your car in a well-lit area. A thief is looking for easy targets and anything you can do to deter them from choosing your car, the better.

·  Do not leave valuables, gifts and other “theft attractors” in your vehicle and keep all radar detectors, navigation systems, and MP3 players out of sight.

·  Never leave your purse, wallet, mail, paycheck stubs, bills or cell phones in your car.

·  Never leave your car unattended with the motor running or with the keys in the ignition – even for the very short time to run back into your apartment or check your mail.

·  Check the backseat of your car before getting into your car

At Home:

·  Be wary of solicitors or suspicious persons. “May I help you?” will often be sufficient to deter a potential intruder. Thieves do not want to be confronted or identified.

·  If you are away for the holidays, make arrangements to have your mail and newspaper picked up by a neighbor or friend, secure your home and use lamp timers.

·  Know your neighbors. Watching out for each other is one of the best defenses against crime.

·  Keep your keys handy at all times when walking to your car or home.

·  Do not go inside if you arrive home and find your door open. Call the police from another location and ask them to meet you before entering.

·  Make sure door locks, window latches and sliding glass doors are properly secured at all times.

·  Use the keyless deadbolt in your apartment when you are at home.

·  Don’t put your name or address on your key ring or hide extra keys in obvious places, like under a flower pot.

·  Check the door viewer before answering the door. Don’t open the door if you don’t know the person or have any doubts.

·  Regularly check your security devices and detection devices to make sure they are working properly.

·  Lock your doors and leave a radio or TV playing softly while you’re gone. Close curtains, blinds and window shades at night.

·  Don’t give entry keys, codes or gate access cards to anyone.

·  Do not leave gifts or expensive items in view of the window where they can be seen from outside.