January 21, 2009 -- Minutes






7:00 P.M.



The meeting was called to order by President Doman at 7:41p.m.

I. Roll Call: Present: Mr. Bayer Mrs. Kulak

Mrs. Doman Mr. Niccolai

Mr. Hasbrouck Mr. Russell

Ms. Zielensky

Absent: Mr. Moluski Mr. Safin

II. Recognition Of:

a. PTA


c. Student Representative

d. Special Requests

III. Additions and/or Changes to the Agenda

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Russell the Board makes the following additions

and/or changes to the agenda:



______4. Funding of Sports Complex



______1. 2008-2009 Substitute List

Michael Cumberledge Phys Ed/ Health Ed K-12 Complete

______9. Assistant Middle School Volleyball Coach



______9. Early Retirement Incentive – Attachment J-5

Voice vote7-0. Motion carried.

IV. Audience Comment/Questions on Agenda Items Only

School board recognition from community, students and teachers.

V. Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Hasbrouck the Board makes a matter of record the

minutes as listed:

December 2, 2008 – Reorganization Meeting

December 2, 2008 – Committee of the Whole Meeting

December 10, 2008 – Regular Board Meeting

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

VI. Treasurer’s Report – November and December 2008

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Hasbrouck the Board makes a matter of record the

treasurer’s reports for November and December 2008. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

VII. Communications/Correspondence

Mrs. Mancini read a letter from Kelly Zajicek thanking them for their continued support for your basketball and football over the past 10 years.

VIII. Federal Programs

IX. Superintendent’s Report

January is school director appreciation month. This is the day to say we thank you and appreciate everything that you do.



1. Athletic Account Report – Attachment A-1

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Ms. Zielensky the Board makes a matter of record the attached athletic account report for November 2008. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

2. High School Activity Fund Report – Attachment A-2

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Russell the Board makes a matter of record the

attached high school activity fund report for November 2008. Voice vote 7-0. motion carried.

3. Field Trips

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the following

educational field trips:

a) Group: Class of 2012 (79)

Teachers: Mrs. Loskey, Ms. Hvizda, Mr. Dillow, Mr. John and Mr. Perecko

Date(s): January 15, 2009 (Thursday)

Destination: Mon Valley CTC, Speers, PA

Purpose: Orientation and Career Exploration

Cost: Transportation $99.00


b) Group: PA Jr. Academy of Science Grades 7-12

Teachers: Mr. Lowden

Date(s): February 21, 2009 (Saturday)

Destination: California University of PA, California, PA

Cost: $80.00 – School Registration Fees


Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.


1. Facility Use Request

On a motion by Mr. Niccolai seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the following facility use request as listed:

a. Group: Drama Club

Sponsor(s): Mrs. Martin

Fac. Requested: High School auditorium, cafeteria, band room

Room 129 and 101, lobby

Date: January 2, 2009 to March 3, 2009 – practice

March 4, 5 and 6, 2009 (Wednesday – Friday)

Time: 3:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Admission: $5.00

Purpose: High School Musical

b. Group: High School Softball

Sponsor(s): Craig Edwards

Fac. Requested: High School Gymnasium – Weight Room

Date: January 4, 2009 to March 2, 2009

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Sundays)

3:00 p.m. -- 5:00 p.m. (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Purpose: Recreation and Conditioning

c. Group: California University of PA

Sponsor(s): Stephanie Burner

Fac. Requested: High School Gymnasium

Date: February 21, 2009 (Saturday

Time: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Purpose: Club Volleyball Tournament

Fee: $25.00

Insurance: provide insurance naming school additional insured

d. Group: High School Baseball

Sponsor(s): Don Hartman

Fac. Requested: High School Gymnasium or baseball field

Date: March 1 through March 31, 2009

(Saturday and Sunday only)

Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Purpose: Baseball Instructional Camp for grades 3-8

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

2. Bids for Excavation

On a motion by Mr. Niccolai seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes Administration to seek bids for the site excavation and any bidding that may be necessary for the sports complex. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

3. Core Borings

On a motion by Mr. Niccolai seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes Administration to proceed with core boring at the sports complex site by J. Scott Bush Company, P.C. at the approximate cost of $24,500. To be paid from the 2008 capital projects fund Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

4. Disposal of:

On a motion by Mr. Niccolai seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes Administration to

advertise for bids in the disposal of the following:

Old Tractor

Old Van

2 pianos at the middle school (donations received)

8 guitars

Old text books

Savin Copiers (6)

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

5. Timbering

On a motion by Mr. Niccolai seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes Administration to proceed with Tri-State Timber Consultants to timber; clear cut at the sports complex site and selectively timber the remainder of the district campus.

Mr. Bayer suggested that we run the plans past the sponsors of the Audubon Society to be sure that this fits in with the overall plans.

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

Mrs. Doman asked about relocating the softball field and if there was any information received. Mrs. Mancini reported that we had nothing final yet we are still looking. Mrs. Doman asked if we would be able to practice on the existing field and Ms. Mancini stated that she did not think that we would be able to so we should look into find an alternate field to use.


1. Conference/Workshop Requests:

On a motion by Mr. Hasbrouck seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the following

conference/workshop requests as listed:

a. Workshop: Zonas Club of Washington County

Amelia Earnhart Scholarship Award Dinner

Attending: Mrs. Mancini, Mrs. Folmar, Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Loskey

Date(s): February 4, 2009 (Wednesday)

Destination: Holiday Inn, Meadowlands, PA

Approx. Cost: $96.00 -- Meals


b. Workshop: Fluency – Get up to Speed

Attending: Mrs. Wineland, Mrs. Haschets, Mrs. Faieta, Mrs. Wright,

Mrs. Zidek and Mrs. Miller

Date(s): January 22, 2009 (Thursday)

Destination: Intermediate Unit 1, Coal Center, PA

Approx. Cost: $90.00 – Registration

$300.00 -- Substitutes

(Budgeted – Title 1)

c. Workshop: 2009 PA/Title I Improving School Performance Conference

Attending: Mrs. Mancini, Mr. Sears. Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. Miller

Date(s): January 25 – 28, 2009 (Sunday - Wednesday)

Destination: Sheraton Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA

Approx. Cost: $1,160.00 – Registration

$572.16 – Mileage

$136.00 tolls/parking

(Budgeted – Title 1)

d. Workshop: PA Middle School Association 35th Annual Conference

Attending: Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Krofina, Mrs. Lightner, Mrs. Fabbri and

Mrs. Winfield.

Date(s): March 1-3, 2009 (Sunday - Tuesday)

Destination: Harrisburg, PA

Approx. Cost: $1,345.00 – Registration

$354.51 – Mileage

$556.00 – Lodging

$600.00 – Substitutes

$25.00 – Tolls


e. Workshop: PIL Mentor Meeting

Attending: Mrs. Folmar

Date(s): February 19, 2009 (Thursday)

Destination: Baldwin Whitehall High School

Approx. Cost: $36.36 -- Mileage


f. Workshop: RTI CoHort II Overview and Principals Training Attending: Mr. Sears, Mrs. Nagy, Mrs. Sauritch, Mrs. Shannon,

Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Zidek, Mrs. Haschets, Mrs. Fowler,

Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Nicholson

Date(s): February 6, March 2, April 2 and May 8, 2009

(Friday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Destination: Intermediate Unit 1, Coal Center, PA

Approx. Cost: $660.00 – Admission

$1,500.00 -- Substitutes

(Budgeted – Federal Programs)

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

2. Student Teacher Placements – West Virginia University

On a motion by Mr. Hasbrouck seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the following student teacher placements for West Virginia University:

Student Cooperating Teacher Subject Dates

Michael Anoia Don Hartman Phys Ed/Health January 13 – February 13, 2009

Robert Kepics Tom Webb Phys Ed/Health January 13 – February 13, 2009

David Keiling Tom Webb Phys Ed/Health March 30 – May 8, 2009

Amy Toler Don Hartman Phys Ed/Health March 30 – May 8, 2009

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

3. Student Teacher Placements – California University of PA

On a motion by Mr. Hasbrouck seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the following student teacher placements for California University of PA:

Student Cooperating Teacher Subject Dates

Jane Engel Bill Fabbri Biology January 12 –April 24, 2009

Stephen Schuch Tricia Reposky Mathematics January 12 – April 24, 2009

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.



1. Payment of Bills – Attachment E-1

On a motion by Ms. Zielensky seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the payment of

bills as listed:

General Fund $1,817,829.23

Federal Programs $ 1,220.02

Capital Reserve $ 111,125.00

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

2. Tax Collector Salaries

On a motion by Ms. Zielensky seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes an increase for

the following municipality tax collectors as listed in option #4.

Allenport 2.75 % California 1.80 % Coal Center 6.80%

Elco 5.10% Long Branch 3.55% Roscoe 2.30%

West Brownsville 3.80% West Pike 2.00%

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

3. Donation to Burgundian

On a motion by Ms. Zielensky seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the $1,500 donation to the Burgundian as budgeted. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

4. Funding of Sports Complex

On a motion by Ms. Zielensky seconded by Mr. Russell the Board authorizes the Business

Manager to proceed with PNC capital bonds as the funding source for the sports complex

in the amount of $4.5 million and gives Administration the authorization to proceed with

necessary documents.

Mr. Hasbrouck asked if it needed to be added “at the present rate”. Mr. Smart stated it did not need to be added it was understood.

Roll call vote 7 – yes (Mr. Bayer, Mrs. Doman, Mr. Hasbrouck, Mrs. Kulak, Mr. Niccolai,

Mr. Russell and Ms. Zielensky) 0-No.


1. Cafeteria Account Report – Attachment F-1 F-1b

On a motion by Mrs. Kulak seconded by Mr. Niccolai the Board makes the attached cafeteria

reports from the months of November 2008 and December 2008 a matter of record. Voice

vote 7-0. Motion carried.


1. 2008-2009 Substitute List

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board approves the following additions

to the 2008-2009 substitute list:

Angel Lusk Secretarial, Food Service,

Teacher Aide, Dedicated Aide Complete

Gregory Zajicek Social Studies 7-12 pending receipt of physical and I-9

Harry Albert Biology, Science, Chemistry Complete

Katherine Irwin Elementary K-6 pending receipt of FBI and physical

Carl Sarber Elementary K-6 pending receipt of physical and I-9

Michael Cumberledge Phys Ed/ Health Ed K-12 Complete

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

2. Addition to the 2008-2009 IU 1 Emergency Substitute List

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board approves the following addition

to the 2008-2009 IU 1 Emergency substitute list:

Diane Gibson MA Education (St. Francis Univ.) -- BS Business Mgmt (Duquesne)

Shannon Sealy Liberal Arts (Cal U)

Ryan Fulks Criminal Justice (West Liberty State College)

Nathan Hassett Phys Ed (West Virginia Wesleyan College)

Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

3. Advertise for substitutes

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board authorizes Administration to advertise for substitutes in the following positions: substitute teachers, maintenance, custodial, food service, teacher aide and dedicated aide. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

4. 7th and 8th grade Softball Coach

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board appoints Alison Edwards (non-bargaining member) to the position of 7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Softball Coach pending receipt of completed paperwork, salary set at $1,400 (80%) of the subcontracting agreement. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

5. Reinstate Golf Coach

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board reinstates Bill Fabbri as Golf Coach. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

6. Middle School Volleyball Coach

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Russell the Board appoints Renee Pascoe (non-bargaining unit member ) to the position of Middle School Volleyball Coach, salary set at $1,942.25 (85%) of the subcontracting agreement. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

7. Volunteer Baseball Coach

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board appoints Nick Damico (non-bargaining unit member) as a volunteer baseball coach for the 2008-2009 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

8. Winter Sports Position

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board appoints Matthew Mauger to the position of score keeper for the girls’ basketball games. Stipend as per bargaining unit contract. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

9. Assistant Middle School Volleyball Coach

On a motion by Mr. Russell seconded by Mr. Bayer the Board appoints Stephen Schuch (non-bargaining unit member) to the position of Assistant Middle School Volleyball Coach, salary set at $1,400.00 (80%) of the subcontracting agreement. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.


Mrs. Kulak noted that she is very pleased with were we stand in our technology use.

Mr. Russell pointed out that the reason for this is that the Board 15-20 years ago started to budget $100,000 every year for technology. This keeps our students where they need to be.

Mrs. Doman commented that our kids have been in the top three at the state level in students




1. Policy 249 – Bullying/Cyber Bullying

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Hasbrouck the Board makes a matter of record

that the Policy approved in December will be renumbered as 249.1. Voice vote 7-0. Motion


2. Act 1 Resolution – Attachment J-1

On a motion by Mr. Bayer seconded by Mr. Russell the Board approves the attached Act 1

Resolution as presented in Attachment J-1. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried.

3. Workman’s Comp Physician List and Employee Notification –Attachment J-2