North Central Sectional 4H Leader’s Council Meeting

Saturday, November 20, 2010

San MateoCountyEventCenter

Meeting Minutes, final

Call to Order:

President Elisa Dowd called the meeting to order at 9:40am.

Flag Salute:

The American flag salute and the 4H Pledge were lead by Sarah Stice from San MateoCounty.

16 Adults, 11 youth in attendance.


Introductions were made around the room, and a county sign in sheet was passed around, which will be submitted to the Secretary, Julie Figliozzi Wong

Adult Council Reports

President’s Report:

Elisa Dowd introduced the three new executive officers, Elisa Dowd, president, Alice Elder, treasurer, and Julie Wong, secretary.


Cheryl Fraser moved to approve the Aug. 2010 meeting minutes. Second by Lorita Sutton. No corrections. It passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Alice Elder reported that Amador, Yolo, and El DoradoCounties have not yet paid sectional dues. The sectional budget does include a space for returned check fees, and Alice will amend the budget to include a line item for these instances. Needs to receive old budget from Birgit Hempel, past treasurer. The three new executive officers, Elisa Dowd, Alice Elder, and Julie Wong, have been added to Bank of America account signature card.

  • Quarterly Income:$4380.00
  • Quarterly Expenses:$ 251.69
  • Quarterly Profit:$4133.31
  • Balance 11/18/2010:$25,317.31

Approval of the Treasurer’s report was moved by Lorita Sutton. It passed.

Sectional Goals

Goals were set by Elisa Dowd via Statewide teleconference. They are:

  • Increase participation at sectional level events for teens
  • Encourage teens do meaningful jobs and functions that are beyond regular project level activities.
  • Action item – every adult in attendance is challenged to bring one additional 4-H teen youth to the next Sectional meeting.
  • Reminder - Each County in the NC Section has 3 adult and 2 youth voting positions. Let’s get participation up there.

Youth Council Report

Sarah Lloyd reported that Sectional Youth Council proposed two possible community service projects to be distributed to members in the section, and then returned at State Field Day:

  • Heart-shaped pillows to comfort young patients at Children’s Hospital. A simple version of the project consists of pre-started pillows; a more advanced version includes cutting the fabric from a pattern. Council will try to get fabric donated, possibly from Joanne Fabrics. Dan Hogan suggested that work sessions could occur at Sectional Presentation Day, and participants to receive community service points.
  • Walk-a-thon to raise $$ for TBD cause.

Breakout committee meetings began at 10:00 am.

Resume business meeting at 11:15 am.

Committee Reports

Sectional Presentation Day:

  • Adult chair is Dan Hogan, hosted by San MateoCounty
  • Date is March 26 2011. Will repeat a somewhat later start time, with registration from 9:30 -10:00, presentations 10:00 - 2:00 PM.
  • Brown bag lunch will be offered from an offsite catering company.
  • Digital photos will be taken of medalists, coordinated by adult Julie Wong & youth Rebecca Bernal.
  • Judges. Tacy will enlist some local adults to serve as fill-in judges in the event of absences, last minute cancellations, and to help achieve the goal of having three judges per room. Each county needs to send one judge per every 3 participants from that county.
  • “Plug-in events” are activities for participants and attendees to do when they are not presenting or watching presentations, and may provide opportunities for life skill- or project skill-related development events. Plug-ins are events are not organized by Sectional Council, but we do need to reserve space for them. 2011 plug-ins include an interview contest, horticultural contest, heart pillows community service sewing project, and a youth council booth. Organized by Dan Hogan.
  • Need to solicit another county to shadow San MateoCounty this year, and then host Sectional Presentation Day 2012.

Citizenship Weekend:

Adult chair youth Mariah Nuerge. Date & location are still TBD. Maybe April, 2011.

Family Consumer Science Field Day Committee:

  • Adult chair Lorita Sutton, youth chair Rachel Rose.
  • 2010 event was held at the San Joaquin Ag. Center was attended by 46 participants from 8 Counties, 25 workshop presenters. 9 state fashion review committee members in attendance
  • Lots of community service workshops
  • Date of next event is Nov. 5 2011. Applications are now open for adult chairs & workshop leaders. FCS Field Day has its own Yahoo! Group that interested folks can join. Contact Lorita Sutton for membership.

Conferences Committee (CAL):

  • The youth chairs are Lauren Kett, Wendy Clark and Jesse Clemens. The adult advisors are Teri Wignal, Pauline Kirby, Bob Flores and Tony DeTomas. The alternate adult advisors are Dan Hogan and Sami Segale
  • The conference planning is well underway with the theme, “Super Heroes, Super is as Super Does”. The committee’s next meeting will be after the SLF planning meeting in Yolo County January 8th.
  • Co-chair Lauren Kett reported that applications have gone out, deadline to submit them to countyYouth Development Coordinators is Nov. 30th. Cost is $150, + $10 for shirt. Theme is “Super is What Super Does”. Limited to 15 delegates per county, NOT including CAL staff. First in, first goes.
  • T-shirt design & color have been chosen.
  • Chaperones – each county needs to provide 1 adult per every 8 delegates, BUT also provide coverage for delegates of both genders.

State Office Report

Tufts Study on Positive Youth Development

Results were presented by Evelyn Conkln-Ginop. Color copies are available on the state website at 4-H Center for Youth Development, Basically, kids who get involved in 4-H make better adults.

Healthy Living Advisory Council has grant $$ available. Application handouts were distributed.

State Presentation Day

Mary Engebreth presented an initiative to promote enhanced focus on three particular topics. For the next few years presentations that focus on personal safety, water, or military youth qualify for a special participation pin separate & distinct from any medal the participant may receive. Participants must indicate that their topic qualifies when they register for State Presentation Day, and receive the pin simply for advancing to State Presentation Day. They do not need to earn a medal.

State Council Report

Adult Council Report

Adult rep. Cheryl Fraser reported on the following topics discussed at the October 24th State Council meeting:

  • Using technology such as webcams to promote meetings. Can get help from State Technology team. The purpose would be to gain greater participation and demonstrate how being on a committee is fun.
  • Discussed moving from hardcopy binders to online documents for event planning.
  • State committee applications due
  • Grant $$ are available from S.E.T. for gardening projects.
  • Ag. Science Field Day will be held at UCD in March 2011
  • Alumni program was discussed.
  • “Thrive”, a program that supports kids in defining and keeping them on their goals as they grow, was introduced. “Thrive” training workshops for leaders will be held later in the year.
  • Special award pins for State Presentation Day
  • Tech team will again host a photo contest at State Field Day, plus 2 minute video contest.
  • Sandy Shapre Lester was introduced as State Council president. April meeting will be in Southern section, location TBA.
  • Operation “Cover Up” introduced to make hospital gowns for cancer wards.
  • State Leaders’ Forum will be Nov. 5-7 at AsilomarConferenceCenter, hosted by North Central Section

Youth Council Report

State 4H Youth Representative Taylor Walters reported on the highlights of the youth meeting. They are:

  • Parliamentary procedures review for the State Field Day.
  • State curriculum available on line
  • S.E.T. grants
  • State Fashion Review is May 29, 2011. Theme is “What’s in Your Closet?”

State Ambassador Report:

There are no State Ambassadors in attendance, because they are all at another event.

Technology Leadership Team Report:

Murlin Lee reported that Tech. Team trainings and a meeting for planning the rest of the year are approaching. Now accepting applications for the Tech. Team.

Western Regional 4-H Leaders’ Forum

Birgit Hempel reported for Rosemarie. The 2011 WRLF will be on a cruise from Seattle to Alaska, May 7-14. $989/ person, shared occupancy. Though family & friends cannot join workshops, they can join other events, including youth that are over 16. Family & friends and are therefore invited to join the cruise, but all MUST register through WLF website, NOT the cruise line website. This event is expected to sell out. Go to


State Fashion Review:

Mary Engebreth reported on two service sewing projects.

  • “Operation Cover-Up”. Mary brought an example of hospital gowns that are being made for cancer wards. She can provide patterns. Must be constructed of 100% cotton fabric. Please encourage all Counties to participate, and bring completed gowns to State Fashion Review.
  • “Quilts for Wounded Warriors” are cotton quilts that are given to soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The dimensions must comply with 45” x 81” to fit gurneys. Make 12.5” squares of any red, white, or blue cotton fabric. Filling is a flannel sheet, can be hand tied with yarn. Can send completed 12.5” squares OR assembled quilts to Mary for completion. She even has pre-cut strips for distribution. Blurbs were handed out to take back to Counties.

NEW – A manual for State Fashion Review NOW exists! A .pdf version is available at Includes sections for participants, judges, and committee members. On State website now. Each County has received an electronic copy on disc, books were given out at SLF last weekend at Asilomar.

Old Business:

Treasurer Alice Elder asked how to reconcile in Quicken???

All events have line item in NSC budget. Committee Chairs, please be aware of what your budget is and stay within that.

Inventories – Need pin count for Sectional Presentation day, please verify what’s in bins, and provide list to the executive board for replenishment.

Family &Consumer Sci - please provide list of non-consumable items to executive board so that we can make these available for other events.

New Business:

Our next meeting will be Saturday, Feb 19th in AlamedaCounty.

(Feb. 19thAlameda Farm Bureau; May 21stSacramentoCounty) Need volunteers for August and November 2011 meetings.

Vickie Bosworth, SLF 2011 Chair – invites all to stay for a State Leaders’ Forum planning meeting, to happen following the conclusion of NCS meeting. NCS is the host of the 2011 State Leaders’ Forum.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm. Movement to adjourn was made by Alice Elder, seconded by Rebecca Bernal. Passed. Thank you all!

Post-NCS council meeting session

State Leaders’ Forum 2011 Forum Discussion - Chair Vickie Bosworth, current State Leaders’ Council President. SLF is the only 4-H conference exclusively for adult leaders. In 2011, NCS is the conference host section.