Course: Disaster Recovery andMitigation





INSTRUCTOR:James D. Weed Sr., MS.

Office Rinker School of ConstructionManagement

Room 303


Bio for James D. Weed Sr. MS.

Mr. Weed is currently the Director of Emergency Preparedness and Safety at Prince George’s Community College.

Mr. Weed held the position of Emergency Management Coordinator for Pasco County Office of Emergency Management. He oversees emergency management planning and policy, training and exercise, public preparedness and education and special events management and also oversees the Logistics Management and Resource Support program, Critical Infrastructure Protection and Key resources, and serves on a number of regional and state working groups.

Prior to his service in Pasco County Florida Mr. Weed held the position of Emergency Management Division Coordinator for Carroll County’s Office of Public Safety Support Services, Maryland where he serves as one of the advisors to the Carroll County Commissioner’s and the Public Safety Support Services Administrator on matters of emergency management and homeland security. Mr. Weed began his tenure with the county in 2010 where he oversees emergency management planning and policy, training and exercise, public preparedness and education and special events management. Mr. Weed is continuing to focus on building public and private partnerships and developing programs that connect the knowledge and energy of the county’s citizens with the public safety community. This has resulted in a growing and comprehensive emergency preparedness program for Carroll County.

Prior to his service for Carroll County, Mr. Weed held the position of Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Programs for the National League of Cities where he managed a combined staff of Homeland Security and Emergency Management analyst and curriculum designers that provide crisis management evaluation and training for over 1,500 member Towns and Cities that make up the National League of Cities (NLC) organization. He conducted studies for member cities and towns in the areas of, identifying local leadership strategies, tools and resources for disaster and emergency response and management. He managed the development and implementation of local and regional training programs that focus on building the necessary skills of local elected and appointed officials/leaders to effectively address the four missions of emergency/crisis management and training programs that are designed to educate the community leadership about their roles in emergency/crisis management.

Mr. Weed also served as the Director of Emergency Management for Anne Arundel County, Maryland where he served as one of the chief advisors to the Anne Arundel County Executive and the Chief Administrative Officer on matters of emergency management and homeland security. Mr. Weed began his tenure with the county in 2003 where he oversees emergency management planning and policy, training and exercise, public preparedness and education and special events management. He was responsible for the development of the Anne Arundel County Mobile Command and Communications Unit, which provides complete communications interoperability to first responders from all sectors of government.

He has served as the Director of Local Government Studies for TriData Corporation where he consulted on fire department and emergency management studies for jurisdictions such as Houston, Texas; Seattle, Washington and Broward County, Florida among others. He has been an investigator for major fire and emergency management incidents for the U.S. Fire Administration and worked on special research projects in these areas.

Mr. Weed served as the State Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Director, where he developed and implemented a Statewide Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Division for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He managed the day-to-day operations of the regional response teams consisting of 385 employees and he designed and implemented a unified command system by creating partnerships with federal and state agencies, as well as private industries, for a multi-agency response program. In his capacity as director, he directed the design and implementation of a statewide management information system utilizing multiple communications devices to transmit receive and download data worldwide for all emergency response activities.

Mr. Weed is a graduate of the University of Maryland where he earned a B.S. in Fire Administration and Management Studies and a graduate of the Grand Canyon University where he earned a Master of Science degree in Public Safety Executive Leadership. He is an Associate Professor of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for the University of Maryland where he teaches between one and four undergraduate degree courses per semester delivered online and face-to-face in emergency management, homeland security and fire science. Course include emergency planning and management, disaster mental health, communications, international emergency management, leadership and strategic planning, fire administration, hazard and risk management, homeland security policy and management, disaster resiliency and vulnerable populations management, statistics, research methods, and thesis and project management. His non-teaching duties include curriculum and program development, advisement, professional development activities and grant writing within the emergency management and homeland security areas.

He is a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the Maryland and Florida Emergency Management Association and the International Association of Emergency Managers.

OFFICEHOURS:I am in the officeM on -Frihours varydepending on travelandmeetings;however,Iamusuallyavailable8 am-5pm. Youcanemailmeanytime.


**COURSECOMMUNICATIONS:ThereisaGeneralDiscussiontabthatcanbeused,or send me an emailthrough the course email. Urgent messages can be sent to my email.


AMACOM Publishing ISBN9780814416136

**ADDITIONALRESOURCES:UseresourcesonthecoursesiteundertheResource tab

**COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides students an opportunity to understand real world disaster response efforts through academic study and interactive applied activities. Topics include the Incident Command System (ICS), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) management, Resource Management (RM) and Command­ Communications-Coordination (C3).






3.Write a disaster recoveryplan.



EMERGENCY SERVICES PROGRAM: Identify and evaluate organizational problems associated with fire and emergencyservices.

**TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: I am looking for students to demonstrate a working knowledgeofthesubject.Youneedtobecreativewhenyoucompleteyourassignments butmaintainaprofessionalappearanceofyourwork.Yourworkneedstobecomplete andinsuchamannerthatsomeonecanpickupyourdocumentandunderstandwhat youaretryingtoconvey.Andmostofallyourworkneedstobesupportedwithresearch andcitedinproperyinAPAformat.

**INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: The course is designed for individual and group interactivity.Itisimportanttopostandrespondtodiscussionquestionsinthecourse withinthetimeframeallotted.Thisprovidesalearningenvironmentbynetworkingwith other students in the course. The assignments are individual base to give you the opportunitytodoavarietyofactivities,inmanycases,similartowhatyouwillbedoing inroleasaleaderintheemergencyservicesprofession.


ATTENDANCEPOLICY:Thecourseisdesignedinmoduleformat.Youshouldcheckthe site at least once a week. You are required to complete the assignments including discussion questions within the time period designated on the module. There will be meetingssetupthroughoutthecourse.Requirementsforclassattendanceandmake-up exams,assignments,andotherworkinthiscourseareconsistentwithuniversitypolicies thatcanbe foundintheonlinecatalogat:

**QUIZ/EXAMPOLICY:Thereisafinalprojectforthiscourse.Therearenoexamsor quizzes.

MAKE-UPPOLICY:Youmustcontactmeifyouaregoingtobelateonanyassignment to receivecredit.

**ASSIGNMENTPOLICY:Allassignmentshaveaduedate.Pleasebesuretocheckthe dateand timeitisdueineachmodule.

**COURSE TECHNOLOGY: Class meetings will require a web camera and mic/audio. If you are not able to use a web camera you will need to at least provide audio/mic, you can call in on a phonealso.


UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, "We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor andintegrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doingthis assignment." The Honor Code ( .edu/sccr/process/student-conduct­ honor-codeO specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obliged to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. Ifyou have any question s orconcerns,

please consult with the instructor of in thisclass.



Requesting accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of Students Office ( Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. You must submit this documentation prior to submitting assignments or taking the quizzes or exams. Accommodations are not retroactive,therefore,studentsshouldcontacttheofficeassoonas possibleintheterm forwhichtheyareseekingaccommodations.

UNIVERSITYPOLICY ON ACADEM ICMISCONDUCT:Academic honesty andintegrityare fundamental values of the University community. Students should be sure that they understand the UF Student Honor Code at

NETIQUElTE:COMMUNICATIONCOURTESY:Allmembersoftheclassareexpected to follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats. [Describe what is expected and what will occur as a result of improper behavior]


Forissueswithtechnicaldifficultiesfor E-learninginSakai,pleasecontacttheUF Help Deskat:

•(352) 392-HELP - select option2

**Anyrequestsformake-upsduetotechnicalissuesMUSTbeaccompaniedbythe ticket number received from LSS when the problem was reported to them. Theticket

number will document the time and date of the problem. You MUST e-mailyour instructor within 24 hours of the technical difficulty if you wish to request a make-up.


•Counseling and Wellness resources






Week1 / Introduction-onlinepost
ReadSyllabusandreviewcoursecontent GettingStarted
AssignModuleOne-DiscussionandAssignment AssignFinalProject
Week2 / Module one Discussion and Assignment due
Week3 / DisasterManagementandTheoriesofDisasterManagement
Week4 / Building the BusinessCase Evaluating Risk
Selecting aStrategy
Module Two discussion and assignment due
Weeks / Build an interim Plan Writing thePlan
Assign Module Three discussion andassignment
Week6 / Administrative Plan Crisis ManagementPlan
Module Three discussion and assignment due
Week7 / Technical Recovery Plan Work Area recoveryPlan
Assign Module Four discussion and assignment
Week8 / Emergency OperationsCenter
Module Four discussion and assignment due
Week9 / ElectricalService
Testing yourPlan
Assign Module Five discussion and assignment
Week10 / Vital Records Recovery Telecommunications and Networking ModuleFivediscussionandassignmentdue
Week11 / Workstations Data
Assign Module Six discussion andassignment
Week12 / Suppliers Customers
Module Six discussion and assignment due
Week13 / Human Resources Fire
Assign Module Seven discussion andassignment
Week14 / Terrorism
Health andSafety
Module Seven discussion and assignment due
Week15 / Final Projectdue

Grading Policy:

Thegradeisbasedonapointsystem.Youdividethetotalnumberofearnedpointsinto thetotalamountofpointsavailabletodetermineyourgrade.Agradingrubricforthe finalprojectisundertheResourceTabonthecourse.

Assignment / Points orpercentage
GradingDiscussionParticipation-15pointseachdiscussion / 105points
Homework Assignments - points eachassignment / 105points
Final Project - comprehensive andapplied / 100points
TotalGrade / 310points


A =93.0to100%C = 73.0 to76.9

A- = 90.0to92.9C- =70.0 to 72.9

8+ = 87.0to89.9D+ = 67.0 to69.9

8 =83.0to86.9D = 63.0 to66.9

8- = 80.0to82.9D- = 60.0 to62.9

C+ = 77.0to79.9F = below60

See regarding current UF gradingpolicies.

Evaluation Process:

Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three Weeksofthesemester,butstudentswillbegivenspecifictimeswhentheyareopen. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at