Technology FAQ at MTMS

I.  Computer Carts & iPads

II.  Genesis & Study Island

III. Monroe Networks & Schoolwires Website

IV. Stay connected & Extra help

Computer Carts & iPads

1.  I want to use a computer laptop cart but it is locked, why?

a.  All laptop carts signed out on the laptop cart calendar http://mtboeweb/agcart/ will be unlocked after school the day before it is needed. If a cart is not signed out, it will remain locked and should not be used. Only those carts officially signed out should be used. This will help the monitoring of all carts and ensure they are in good working condition when needed.

2.  There was a problem when using a computer laptop cart, what should I do?

a.  Please report all problems through Computer Medic. Any problems left on sticky notes on the laptops will remain unresolved unless reported through Computer Medic.

3.  None of the apps on the iPad are working!

a.  Before completing any task on the iPad, please open Safari (the Internet browser) and log-in to Barracuda using your regular log-in credentials (username/password). This will open access to the Internet, which many apps need to access to function properly.

Genesis & Study Island

4.  How can I view my students’ usernames and passwords?

a.  Student passwords change every year once they enter Middle School. You can find a list of your students’ passwords in the Reports tab in Genesis. The report is number 990257 and is called “User Names and Passwords.” When you click on the report you choose your name and then the class period you need the passwords for. That will give you the list of usernames and passwords for that period, which you can then print.

b.  If you would like to view the log-in credentials (username/password) for only one student, you can search for that student in “Student Data” within Genesis and then click the “User Text” tab. The network user ID and password will appear.

5.  What if a student is missing from the password list?

a.  If a student is missing from a password list, use the Student Data tab in Genesis to search for that student. When you find them, click on their name and look under the User Text tab. You should find their login information listed there. If they are a new student or they do not have any information listed, please use Computer Medic to request the information. Make sure to include the full name, grade level and team name when requesting the info.

b.  Note: When distributing student passwords, please encourage the students to keep the information private by having them write the passwords in their agenda or another safe location. Remind them that they should not be sharing this information with their friends.

6.  How do I and my students login to Study Island?

a.  Student and staff Study Island usernames end in @MTMS (example JDoe@MTMS). Student passwords are their computer passwords. Staff passwords are 123456 the first time you use it this year. When you go in using this password it will prompt you to change it to a password of your choice. **If you are still having issues, see Donna in room 127 or Kim in room 206.

7.  How can I tell if a new student has a Study Island account?

a.  If you have a student who is new (started the school year late) and you want to find out if they have a Study Island account, login using your teacher account. From the teacher page in the My Classes section, click on Password list. This will allow you to look up their information. If they are not listed, please send an e-mail to Donna Montgomery with the student’s username, password and grade level.

b.  If you have a student transfer into our school, please first use Computer Medic to get a computer account setup for them. Then contact Donna or Kim to get a Study Island account setup.

Monroe Network & Schoolwires Website

8.  What’s the fastest way to add a printer?

a.  Use the link that Chris Gross sent out at the start of the school year: http://mtboeweb/mtmsprinters/

9.  Can I access my network files from home?

a.  Yes! To access your files from outside of the district, use eBackpack. The address is

10.  Can students access their student drive from home?

a.  Yes! Students also have access to eBackpack and should be encouraged to use it. This should reduce the need for flash drives and allows students to finish assignments at home. If you have any questions please see Kim (room 206), Donna (room 127) or any member of our Technical staff.

11.  Help! I don’t know how to access or edit my SchoolWires webpage!

a.  You can access and edit your webpage by logging in to the Site Manager located at the top of any district webpage. If you need further help accessing your staff webpage on SchoolWires, please see Donna or Kim for assistance.

12.  I want to access and edit my team’s webpage, but there is no Site Manager option.

a.  If you need access to your team page or another section of the MTMS website, please send Donna an e-mail to set up the appropriate editing privileges.

Stay Connected & Extra Help

13.  I want to stay up to date on the latest technology, what should I do?

a.  MTMS has a Pinterest page dedicated to staying updated on the latest technology. Follow us! If you are interested in pinning to the group boards, please contact Kim. You can also follow Kim on Twitter, where she tweets about the latest technologies. Follow her @ms_itech

b.  There are additional resources and tutorials on Kim’s staff webpage under “Tech Resources for Teachers” including important web links.

14.  I have technology questions that aren’t answered here. Who do I turn to?

a.  We’re here to help! Please don’t hesitate to contact Donna Montgomery (room 127) or Kim Lowden (room 206). We are happy to assist you with any technology questions, issues, concerns, etc. that you may have.