Annotated Bibliography – Wilkerson

Area of research: The effects technology has on human relationships

O’Donoghue, Zoe. (ND). “Friend Me”: The Impacts of Technology on Human Interaction, Running Head: Technology and Human Interaction.Retrieved on July 8, 2012 from

The journal article The Impacts of Technology on Human Interaction covers the topic technology on human interaction. Technology is making changes in humanity beyond those typically biological - especially in the areas of relationships and the way they were formed. The author states that our brains are being taught or retrained to evolve and “driven by the new digital era”. This article specifically researches the influences of technology on relationship formation.

Coyne, S. M., Stockdale, L., Busby, D., Iverson, B., & Grant, D. M. (2011). "I Luv U :)!": A Descriptive Study of the Media Use of Individuals in Romantic Relationships. Family Relations, 60(2), 150-162. Retrieved on July 8, 2012 from (Peer Reviewed).

The journal article “I Luv U!’: A Descriptive Study of the Media Use of Individuals in Romantic Relationships is a study done about using different forms of Media to communicate within a romantic relationship. The participants used in the study were committed to a serious relationship. The study used a questionnaire instrument to assess a variety of relationship variables. The study looks at “computer-mediated communication”, “non-computer-mediated forms of communication”, the method of data collection, and the results of the study. This study shows the positive and negative results of using digital media to communicate with the one you love.

Lloyd, J. M., Dean, L. A., & Cooper, D. L. (2007). Students' Technology Use and Its Effects on Peer Relationships, Academic Involvement, and Healthy Lifestyles. NASPA Journal, 44(3), 481-495. Retrieved on July 8, 2012 from (Peer Reviewed).

The journal article Students' Technology Use and Its Effects on Peer Relationships, Academic Involvement, and Healthy Lifestyles is a study. The study looks at the technology used by students and the relationship it has their psychosocial development. They had done previous research to explore computer use along with cognitive development. The study looks at the use of computers, IM, handheld gaming devices, and MP3 players and the effects they have on relationships, academic involvement, and lifestyles. The results of the study show both positive and negative effects of the psychosocial development, including differences based on gender and race.

abc News (March 13, 2010 by Ki Mae Heussner). Is Technology Taking Its Toll on Our Relationships?. Retrieved June 28, 2012 from

The article Is Technology Taking Its Toll on Our Relationships looks at the effects technology is having on personal relationships. How many “Friends” can one person have? According to Dunbar, “human brains can only handle 150 friends.” The article talks about how technology is degrading the way we communicate romance, how relationships are being leapfrogged into the next stages, romance is becoming complicated. People are more satisfied with their jobs and the flexibility they have. The article also touches on how the use of some technology can actually add 10 extra work days each year. This article touches on a lot of key points of the effects of technology on relationships among humans.

Psychology Today (June 8, 2010 by Alex Lickerman, M.D.). The Effect of Technology on Relationships. The Risk of Internet Addiction. Retrieved on June 28, 2012 from

The article The Effect of Technology on Relationships looks isolation, dangers, and etiquette while using the Internet. The summary of this article can be summarized by the author’s statement, “It’s as if the part of our nervous system that registers the feelings of others has been paralyzed or removed when we’re communicating electronically.” His conclusion is to limit the amount of electronic communication to the transmissions of facts. This article supports the point of my topic the effects of technology on human relationships.

ScienceDaily (May 20, 2008). Being ‘Always On’ Impacts Personal Relationships More Than It Impacts The Written Language. Retrieved on June 28, 2012 from

The article Being ‘Always On’ Impacts Personal Relationships More Than It Impacts The Written Language is about how we should be more concerned about the effects of technology on interpersonal relationships than how it is effecting the written language. This article talks about the ease of avoiding unwanted interaction by using caller ID or checking your cell phone before answering it. The article also discusses how college students “feel empowered”. This article is useful for my project because it discusses ways we use to avoid unwanted contact and now how it is enhanced by the various technologies we possess. (June 25, 2012 by Katherine Danks). Sexting Now Targets Kids Young as 10. Retrieved on June 28, 2012 from

The article,Sexting Now Targets Kids Young as 10, is about young kids sexting. The article brings to light the dangers and consequences of kids sexting. According to the article, "young people can find themselves the victims of humiliation, bullying, harassment, threat, punishment and criminalisation." It has been reported that young people have died from suicide and being place on the sex offenders register for years. This article brings to light a serious issue that can affect a lot of human relationships, as well as, kids being exposed to sexual acts at a very young age and opens doors to pornography and pedophilia.