PE / Class
12PE / Unit
Methods of training / Topic
Weight Training..
Achievement Objective(s)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
Identify what a weight training lesson comprises of. / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
All – take part in a weight training session.
Most- understand what comprises of a weights training session and how they would change their program, for strength, power and endurance.
Some- be able to give other examples weight training exercises.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Managing self- students will be shown a weight training circuit they will work in pairs and work through the activities.
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities
5mins / Starter
Introduce today session which is a weights training circuit.
Discuss the principles of training associated with weights training.
Ask the boys to do whole body stretches. As we will be working the whole body.
Today’s lesson will be focused on endurance- 15 reps 2-3 sets minimal rest.
See stations below:
Shoulder press.
Sit ups
Upright row
Bench press
Leg curl
Lat pull down
Bag lunges
Bag squats
Bent over row
Bicep curl
Dead lifts
Tricep press
Push ups
Kettle weight –swings.
Cool down/ stretches and log sheet.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Recap the key point of weights training. How can we apply the principles of training? / Overload- to many muscles in the same group back to back exercises.
-  Increasing the amounts of reps and sets.
-  Decrease rest time.
-  Decrease time between training sessions.
Discuss how you might change a plan for strength, or power?
2-6 reps 3-6 sets rest 3-5mins (power)
4-8 sets 3-6 3-5mins. ( strength)
Print of the station names and place them in the relevant areas in the gym.
Time the boys each group will move round on your call.
Students are required as part of the credits to keep a log of different methods of training.
Emphasis with cool down to help muscles relax quicker, and remove lactic acid.
Intensity-fast reps
Overload-see above.
Frequency- 3 days a week 24-48 hour rest
Specific- to endurance, power or strength.
25 maps. 25 log sheets for the boys.
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?

T:\SECONDARY\TLE\Lesson Plan - students.doc