Standard Occupational Classification Code Categories and Descriptions as Specified by STATSA/DOL.

(With examples of occupations amended by the ISETT SETA so as to reflect a more relevant and up-to-date occupational classification adapted to conform to ISETT Sector Scope of Coverage).

120 Corporate Managers.

This group is intended to include persons who as directors, chief executives or department managers - manage enterprises or organisations, or their internal departments, requiring a total of three or more managers

Corporate managers determine and formulate policies and plan, direct and coordinate the activities of enterprises and organisations, or their internal departments or sections.

Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: determining and formulating policies; planning, directing and coordinating the activities of the business

enterprise or other organisation as a whole, or of their internal departments or sections. Supervision of other workers may be included.

Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups:

1210 Directors and chief executives

1220 Production and operations department managers

1230 Other department managers


In some cases where specific professional, technical or operational skills and knowledge may be required of workers at managerial level, it may be difficult to decide whether a particular job belongs in this or another sub-major group. In such cases, additional information on the main tasks of the job in question is essential. If the main tasks require the operational application of specific professional knowledge or a particular technical skill, then the job belongs in a different sub-major group. If, however, professional knowledge or technical skill serve only as a basis for managerial tasks, then the job belongs in this sub-major group. For example, if the main tasks of a job consist of diagnosing and resolving and/or repairing problems or faults, the job belongs in Major group 2, Professionals. However, if one of the main tasks is to allocate research and development funds for various projects within an enterprise or organisation on the basis of technical knowledge, then the job belongs in this sub-major group.

Professionals and technicians who, as consultants, advise enterprises and organisations on general or specialised management, or on operational functions, should be classified into Major group 2, Professionals, or 3, Technicians and associate professionals, as appropriate.

1210 Directors and Chief Executives

Directors and chief executives head enterprises or organisations (except special interest organisations) and, with the help of at least two other managers, determine and formulate

policies, plan, direct and coordinate the activities of enterprises or organisations, usually within the guidelines set up by a board of directors or a governing body to whom they are answerable for the operations undertaken and results obtained.

Tasks performed usually include: determining and formulating policies, planning, directing and coordinating the general functioning of the enterprise or organisation, with the help of at least two other managers and, as a rule, within guidelines set up by a board of directors or a governing body; reviewing the operations and results of the enterprise or organisation; reporting on results to the board of directors or to the governing body; representing the enterprise or organisation in its dealings with outside bodies, including government and other authorities. Supervision of other workers may be included.

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit group:

1210 Directors and chief executives


Directors and chief executives head enterprises or organisations (except special interest organisations) and, with the help of at least two other managers, determine and formulate

policies and plan, direct and coordinate the general functioning of the enterprise or organisation usually within the guidelines set up by a board of directors or a governing body, to whom they

are answerable for the operations undertaken and results obtained.

Tasks include -

(a) determining and formulating policies of the enterprise or organisation;

(b) planning, directing and coordinating the general functioning of the enterprise or organisation;

(c) determining and directing a particular policy, through consultation with subordinate managers;

(d) reviewing the operations and results of the enterprise, or organisation, and reporting to governing bodies;

(e) representing the enterprise or organisation in its dealings with outside bodies, including government or other authorities;

(f) performing related tasks;

(g) supervising other workers.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

# Chief executive, enterprise

# Director-general, enterprise

# Director-general, organisation

# Managing director, enterprise

# Managing director, organisation

# President, organisation

Examples of some occupations in group 1210 related to the ISETT Sector are:

- / chief executive officer - computing service company
- / chief executive officer – IT systems supplier
- / chief executive officer - telecommunications company
- / chief executive officer – IT products supplier
- / chief executive officer – IT software solutions
- / chief executive officer - trade, broadcasting and other services
- / chief financial officer - trade, broadcasting and other services
- / computer marketing development, sales director
- / data processing director
- / deputy chief executive officer - broadcasting and other services
- / director, operations - satellite communication service
- / director, switching systems
- / engineering deputy director - broadcasting and other services
- / executive director broadcasting and other services
- / executive director, assistant - broadcasting and other services
- / finance and administration deputy director, broadcasting and
- / financial director - broadcasting and other services
- / general manager - trade, broadcasting and other services
- / human resources, deputy director, broadcasting and other
- / information systems, deputy director, broadcasting and other
- / information systems, Managing director - financial, communications and
- / marketing deputy director - broadcasting and other services
- / operations deputy director - broadcasting and other services
- / personnel deputy director - broadcasting and other services
- / planning deputy director - broadcasting and other services n.e.c.

1220 Production and Operations Department Managers

Production and operations department managers of enterprises or organisations requiring a total of three or more managers, plan, direct and coordinate activities concerning the production of goods or the provision of services, under the broad guidance of directors and chief executives and in consultation with managers of other departments or sections.

Tasks performed usually include: planning, directing and coordinating activities concerning the production of goods or the provision of services by the enterprise or organisation; directing daily operations: overseeing the selection, training and performance of staff: reviewing the results and reporting them to directors and chief executives; liaising with managers of other departments; representing their department in its dealings with other parts of the organisation or with outside

bodies. Supervision of other workers may be included.


The unit groups defined in this minor group classify jobs of production and operations department managers found in nine broad areas of economic activities. To define these areas in

more detail, the following references can be made to the International standard classification of all economic activities (ISIC), issued by the United Nations Secretariat, ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/4/

- Unit Group 1221 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category A Agriculture, hunting, and forestry, and B Fishing.

- Unit Group 1222 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category C Mining and quarrying, D Manufacturing, and E Electricity gas and water supply.

- Unit Group 1223 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category F Construction.

- Unit Group 1224 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category G Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods.

- Unit Group 1225 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category H Hotels and Restaurants.

- Unit Group 1226 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category Transport, storage and Communication.

- Unit Group 1227 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation categories J Financing intermediation and K Real estate, renting and business activities.

- Unit Group 1228 refers to the jobs of Production and operations department managers which are found in enterprises classified in ISIC divisions 90 Sewage and refuse disposal sanitation and similar activities, and 93 Other service activities, and in tabulation category P Private households with employed persons.

-Unit Group 1229 refers to the jobs of Production and department managers which are found in the enterprises or organisations classified into ISIC tabulation categories L Public administration and defence; compulsory social security excluding class 7522 Defence activities, M Education, N Health and social work, Q Extra-territorial organisations and bodies, and in division 92 Recreational cultural and sporting activities.

Examples of Some Occupations in Group 1226 related to the ISETT Sector are:

- / communications manager - telecommunications
- / co-ordinator of technical services - telecommunications
- / equipment manager - telecommunications
- / facilities manager - telecommunications
- / general manager - broadcasting and other services
- / installation manager - telecommunications
- / installation superintendent - telecommunications
- / manager, communications - telecommunications
- / manager, earth stations - telecommunications
- / manager, general - broadcasting and other services
- / manager, network installation - telecommunications
- / manager, networks - telecommunications
- / manager, satellite programs - telecommunications
- / manager, telecommunications engineering
- / manager, telecommunications services
- / manager, transmission lines
- / microwave links facilities manager - telecommunications
- / microwave transmission facilities manager - telecommunications
- / network manager - telecommunications
- / network operations manager - telecommunications
- / network, services manager - telecommunications
- / operations and transmission services manager - telecommunications
- / operations manager, telecommunications
- / radio station general manager
- / regional manager - telecommunications system
- / sales general manager - trade, broadcasting and other services
- / telecommunications manager
- / telecommunications services manager
- / traffic manager - telecommunications
- / transmission lines manager

1230 Other Department Managers

Other department managers of enterprises or organisations requiring a total of three or more managers, plan, direct and coordinate particular activities, under the broad guidance of the directors and chief executives, and in consultation with managers of other departments or sections.

Tasks performed usually include: planning, directing and coordinating activities of their department; directing daily operations; overseeing the selection, training, and performance

of staff; reviewing the results and reporting them to directors and chief executives, liaising with managers of other departments; representing the department in its dealings with other parts of the organisation or with outside bodies.

Examples of Occupations in Group 1236 related to the ISETT Sector are:

- / computer applications manager
- / computer facility manager
- / computer system operations manager
- / computer systems development manager
- / computer systems manager
- / data centre manager
- / data processing and systems analysis manager
- / data processing co-ordinator
- / data processing manager
- / data processing planning manager
- / electronic data processing (EDP) manager
- / information systems manager
- / management information systems (MIS) manager
- / manager, computer and related services
- / manager, computer applications
- / manager, computer facility
- / manager, computer system operations
- / manager, computer systems
- / manager, computer systems development
- / manager, computerised information systems
- / manager, data centre
- / manager, data process planning
- / manager, data processing
- / manager, data processing and systems analysis
- / manager, electronic data processing
- / manager, information service
- / manager, information systems
- / manager, management information systems
- / manager, systems - computer systems
- / manager, systems development - computer systems
- / network controller
- / supervisor, computer operations
- / supervisor, data control
- / systems development manager - computer systems
- / systems manager - computer systems

130 General Managers

This group is intended to include persons who manage enterprises, or in some cases organisations, on their own behalf, or on behalf of the proprietor, with some non-managerial help and the assistance of no more than one other manager who should also be classified in this sub-major group as, in most cases, the tasks will be broader than those of a specialised manager in a larger enterprise or organisation. Non managerial staff should be classified according to their specific tasks.

1310 General Managers

General managers head various small business undertakings which they manage on their own behalf, or on behalf of the proprietors, with the assistance of no more than one other manager and some non-managerial help.

Tasks performed usually include: planning, formulating and implementing policies: managing daily operations and reviewing results: negotiating with suppliers, customers and other

enterprises; planning and controlling the use of resources and the selection of staff; reporting to owners, if any-, supervising other workers.


The unit groups defined in this minor group classify jobs of General managers found in nine broad areas of economic activity. To define these areas in more detail, the following

references can be made to the International standard classification of all economic activities (ISIC), issued by the United Nations Secretariat ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/4/REV3/ADD.2, New

York, 1988.

- Unit group 1311 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category A Agriculture, hunting, and forestry and B Fishing.

- Unit group 1312 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category C Mining and quarrying, D Manufacturing and Unit group E Electricity, gas and water supply

- Unit group 1313 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category F Construction.

- Unit group 1314 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category G Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods.

- Unit group 1315 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category H Hotels and Restaurants.

- Unit group 1316 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation category I Transport, storage and communication.

- Unit group 1317 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation categories J Financing intermediation and K Real estate, renting and business activities.

- Unit group 1318 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC divisions 90, Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities, and 93 Other service activities, and in tabulation category P Private households with employed persons.

- Unit group 1319 refers to the jobs of General managers found in enterprises classified in ISIC tabulation categories M Education, and N Health and social work, and in division 92 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities.

Examples of Some Occupations in Group 1316 Relating to the ISETT Sector are:

- / audio-visual equipment repair supervisor
- / cable installation and repair foreman/woman - telecommunications
- / cable splicing foreman/woman - telecommunications
- / electronic equipment installation and repair supervisor
- / installation foreman/woman - telecommunications
- / line foreman/woman - telecommunications
- / maintenance supervisor - telecommunications lines
- / repairs foreman/woman - telecommunications lines
- / service foreman/woman - telecommunications
- / service supervisor, telecommunication lines
- / service technician supervisor
- / supervisor, electronic equipment installation and repair
- / supervisor, radio repair
- / supervisor, service technician
- / supervisor, telecommunication installers and repairers
- / supervisor, telephone installation
- / supervisor, television repair
- / telecommunications general manager
- / telecommunications supervisor

200 Professionals

Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge, apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories, teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner, or engage in any combination of these three activities. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.

Tasks performed by professionals usually include: conducting analysis and research, and developing concepts, theories and operational methods, and advising on or applying existing

knowledge related to physical sciences including mathematics, engineering and technology, and to life sciences including the medical profession, as well as to social sciences and humanities; teaching the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels; teaching and educating handicapped persons; providing various business, legal and social services; creating and performing works of art; providing spiritual guidance; preparing scientific papers and

reports. Supervision of other workers may be included.

It should be noted that, depending on the specific tasks and degree of responsibility in executing them, as well as on the national educational and training requirements, it may be

appropriate to classify some of the occupations that are identified here into Major group 3, Technicians and associate professionals. Such like cases are to be found in particular

among teaching occupations, nursing occupations and social services occupations.

Occupations in this major group are classified into the following sub-major groups:

2100 Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals

2200 Life science and health professionals

2300 Teaching professionals

2400 Other professionals

2100 Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Science Professionals

Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to

fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, mathematics, statistics, computing, architecture, engineering, and technology.

Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: conducting research, enlarging, advising on or applying scientific knowledge obtained through the study of structures

and properties of physical matter and phenomena, chemical characteristics and processes of various substances, materials and products, and of mathematical, statistical and computing