Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6BB
Headteacher: Mr J Whitfield
Deputy Headteacher: Miss L Axton
Telephone: 01273 680811
Fax: 01273 607359
10th March 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
With less than a fortnight to go to ‘Let’s Dance’ at Brighton Dome, we have some important updates for you.
Arrangements for Wednesday 22nd March:
During the day the children will be travelling to the Dome for a Dress Rehearsal. They will need a packed lunch as we will need to adapt the time of lunch to fit in with our busy day. If your child is in Y1 or Y2 (Universal Free School Meals) or is in Y3 and entitled to Free School meals and you would like him/her to have a packed lunch provided by the school, please tick the box in the reply slip below.
Children need to wear their normal school uniform and bring a coat. We will be taking their costumes.
We will be travelling to the Dome by bus, leaving school at approximately 9.00am and returning at around 1.00pm (If for any unforeseeable reason we are delayed, we will contact the school immediately.)
In the evening we will meet by the Pavilion Café in the Pavilion Gardens at 5.45pm prompt. At 6pm we will then take responsibility for the children and escort them into the Dome. We will not be able to wait for any late arrivals.
The doors open to the public at 6.30pm and the show starts at 7pm. It is anticipated that the show will finish around 9pm.
The children can obviously wear their own clothes in the evening, but please ensure they will be able to change independently.
Although water is provided in the dressing rooms, please provide your child with one or two drinks for the evening (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles please) and a small snack such as a cereal bar (no nuts) or some fruit.
The children are performing in the first half of the show and once they have performed, they will return to their dressing room to change. During the interval we will take our seats at the front of the auditorium to enjoy the second half of the show. During the interval it gets very busy with children moving to and from dressing rooms within a very limited time and therefore it will notbe possible for you to come forward and talk to your child at this stage (we have also found this can actually unsettle and upset the children when you have to leave them again to return to your seats for the second half).
All children are expected to remain for the second half to support the other dancers and to experience the amazing dances that other children have been working on so diligently.
At the end of the show the Dome staff will issue instructions about how, where and when to collect your children. It is very important as we have to adhere to their Health and Safety regulations and follow this successful procedure because as you will appreciate there are lots of other schools performing as well.
Should you have any questions we will hold a brief five minute meeting in the hall on Thursday16th Marchafter Dance Club.On that day, please come directly to the hall where you will be able to collect your child directly after the meeting.
Details of DVDs/Blu-Rays and photos will follow.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Sue Langfield and Natalie Woodford
To the school office: Mrs Lynsdale Let’s Dance 22nd March.Deadline:16th March 2017
Child’s Name ……………………………………………………….. Class ……………..
My child is in Year 1 or Y2 and I would like a packed lunch for them
for Let’s Dance
My child is in Year 3 and is entitled to Free School Meals and I would
like to order a packed lunch for them for Let’s Dance
I will provide my child with a packed lunch myself
Signed …………………………………….. Parent/Carer