Ms. Rago
Pembroke Pines Charter High
(954) 583-3700 ext. 6104
Textbooks: Biology: Concepts and Connections - 5th Ed. Pearson
Biology- Holt McDougal (available online at ClassZone website)
Purpose of this course: This course provides students with an in depth look at living organisms and their environment. We will study structure and functions of living things and how they interact with their surroundings. This course will involve research, investigation of problems, and critical thinking skills. As an Honors level class, the material will be covered at a heightened pace with the expectation that most of the reading will be completed independently. This class will also develop your social, communication, and leadership skills.
Course Content: May change in response to student needs, testing, and calendar changes.
Unit #1: Introduction to Biology and the Nature of Science
Unit #2: The Chemistry of Biology
Unit #3: Cells
- Structure & Functions
- Energy molecules of Life
- Reproduction of Life
Unit #4: Genetics
Unit #5: Evolution & The Classification and Diversity of Living Organisms
Unit #6: Ecology
Unit #7: Human Biology
FourClass Rules:
- The GOLDEN and MOST important rule = R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
- Be prompt
- Be prepared
- Ask for help
Behavioral/ Academic/Tardy Consequences:
- Warning
- Parent Phone call
- Detention/ Parent phone call(Detentions: Mondays/Wednesdays afterschool for 1 hour)
- Referral for Saturday school(issued by administrator)
Class Supplies:
- 1 composition notebook
- Folder with additional loose leaf paper
- Pen/Pencil/Highlighter
- Calculator
- School Planner
You are required to bring your supplies to class EVERY DAY!!!
90-100 AHomework:15%
87-89 B+Class Notebook/ Participation: 20%
80-86 BTests/ Quizzes:45%
77-79 C+Projects/Lab Reports: 20%
70-76 C
67-69 D+
60-66 D
0-59 F Grades will be available for parents and students to check online at
HOMEWORK: Most homework assignments will be checked at the beginning of class. Some homework assignments may be collected unannounced.** NO LATE HOMEWORK POLICY!!! Unless excused absence or discussed with teacher PRIOR to due date, there with be NO EXCEPTIONS and grade will be a zero!
QUIZZES/TESTS: Quizzes and county-wide mini assessments will be given throughout a unit, both announced and unannounced. Test will be given at the end of a chapter(s) and will be announced.
END OF COURSE EXAM: The End of Course (EOC) Exam for Biology will be administered in May. For the 2013-2014 school year, a passing grade of a 3 or higher is required to pass the course and earn credit towards graduation.
CLASS NOTEBOOK AND FOLDER: A composition notebook will be used for all class work. These notebooks will be collected and graded at the end of EACH QUARTER. A folder is necessary for all handouts and lab worksheets.
EXTRA CREDIT/ PARTICIPATION: You will have numerous opportunities to earn extra credit, including volunteering for classroom jobs. Participation will be included in your grade based on completion of daily Quick Questions and involvement in class discussions/activities.
ABSENCES: if you have an EXCUSED absence or tardy, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from the class assigned Homework Helper. All makeup work will be due within the specified school handbook time frame! Any make up work not turned in on time will result in a zero.Any unexcused absences will NOT be able to make up work and will result in a zero.
AFTER SCHOOLTUTORING: Tutoring will be available for Biology Honors classes on Mondays from 2:00-3:00 pm by appointment. Students are to come prepared with questions.
TECHNOLOGY: Cell phones, head phones, iPODs, MP3 players, etc will ONLY be allowed if instructed by teacher.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty,on any assignment, such as cheating, plagiarism, and collusion, is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action. Consequences issued are outlined in the Student Handbook.
- Entering class – Greet Ms. Rago and fellow classmates, sit in assigned seat and take out your class notebook. Copy down the daily Quick Question off the board and answer using COMPLETE SENTENCES.
- Once the bell rings- Students are to be in their seats working on the Quick Question.
- Ms. Rago’s bell –When I ring “my bell”, I need your attention. All conversations are to stop and be attentive for further instructions. A second ring of the bell is a warning for the entire class and a third ring results in the entire class receiving an extra homework assignment.
- Questions/Class Discussions- I encourage you to participate in class discussions, ask questions and share your opinions on various science topics. However, I expect respect while I am talking, as well as your fellow class members. Please raise your hand and wait to be called on before responding. Everyone deserves an opportunity to be heard.
- Lab Safety- All students are to uphold all laboratory safety rules both during labs, class, and outdoor activities. Proper lab safety procedures will be included in the signing of your lab safety contract by you and a parent.
- Hall passes- Each student will receive 2 hall pass coupons per quarter, which will be kept in your class notebook. Quietly bring your coupon FILLED OUT, and I will initial approval. I will then give you the school hall pass which you must fill out as well. ANY UNUSED COUPONS WILL BE COUNTED AT THE END OF EACH QUARTER and worth 5 points extra credit!
- Class Dismissal- I dismiss you, not the bell. You are to be in your seats, with all class supplies returned and the room neat and organized.
- Code of Conduct/School rules – All rules and regulations outlined in the PPCHS code of conduct and student handbook will be abided by.
***************************************************************THIS PAGE IS TO BE PRINTED and RETURNED TO MS. RAGO!
Biology Honors
Student Name: ______
Period: ______
Student Birthday: ______
* Student Allergies/ medical issues you would like me to know about: ______
Student Schedule:
Period 1______
Period 2______
Period 3______
Period 4______
Period 5______
Period 6______
Declaration of Understanding:
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information outlined in Ms. Rago’s syllabus. I understand that all school rules also apply in Ms. Rago’s classroom. I am aware of what is expected of me in Honors Biology class and I will work to my fullest potential with consistent effort and a positive attitude.
Student Name (Print) Student SignatureDate
Parent Name (Print) Parent SignatureDate