Pupil Premium Grant 2015/16
Allocation 2016/16£52,800 (estimate)
  • To close / narrow the gap between FSM and non FSM children in school and with their peers nationally
  • To continue to provide early targeted intervention for underperforming groups as identified through assessment data – focussing on those with PPG/disadvantaged to address gaps identified in last OFSTED
  • Analyse progress of PPG/disadvantaged/Ever 6 children half termly for the causes of under achievement and through the Appraisal process and pupil progress review meetings
  • Parental Engagement strengthened through Parental Engagement initiative targeted at children who receive PPG who are not closing the gap to their peers
  • Booster sessions after school for Year 6 children in 3 small groups focussing on narrowing the gaps for all children with a focus on children receiving PP grant of all abilities to achieve their full potential
Teaching, learning and assessment
  • To ensure never less than good / outstanding teaching for those children in receipt of PPG
  • Teaching Assistants are highly trained and used to effectively support and lead interventions to narrow gaps for children with PPG
  • Teaching Assistants are used effectively by class teachers (in line with EEF recommendations) to support the teaching and learning in class of children in receipt of PPG
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
  • Attendance / punctuality and behaviour of children in receipt of PPG is monitored and in-line with other children in school and nationally though EWO service provided by Cardinal Hume Catholic School
Leadership and Management
  • Ensure high quality early intervention from experienced teaching staff
  • Analyse progress of children in receipt of PPG/disadvantaged and Ever 6 pupils to determine and identify strategies / interventions to address any issues in performance
  • Identify children in receipt of FSM to all staff and track their progress and provision
  • HT drop in sessions focusing on progress, behaviours for learning and challenge for children in receipt of PPG
  • Ensure governing body have full knowledge and awareness of allocation / spending / impact of actions
  • Parental engagement
  • Small class to focus on basic skills and standards
  • Engaging environment inside and outside

Success Criteria:
  • Pupils begin to narrow the gaps between those in receipt of PPG and those who are not.
  • HA children in receipt of PPG start to achieve in line with their academic peers
  • Analysis of children taking part in early targeted intervention demonstrates progress above that expected and is being accelerated
  • Analysis of each cohort demonstrates a closing / narrowing of the gap with peers in school and nationally
  • Parental Engagement initiative shows a positive impact on outcomes for children and in attainment and progress
  • Booster sessions (Year 6) show a narrowing of the gap for children in receipt of PPG
Teaching, learning and assessment
  • Teaching to be never less than goodwith someoutstanding. This is to be measured through HT drop in sessions, lesson observations (linked to Appraisal process), pupil progress review meetings and book scrutiny and monitoring
  • Targeted intervention for underperforming groups to take place. Timely impact and monitoring ensures maximum impact for all PPG children allowing them to make accelerated progress and attainment
  • Ensure quality first teaching quality of teaching – linked to Appraisal process
  • Targeted early intervention (throughout the school) in reading, writing and maths
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
  • If attendance / punctuality and behaviour of children in receipt of PPG not in-line with other children in school and nationally then provide access/referral to EWO service
  • SENCO to monitor cohort half termly within classes to assess impact of intervention or work with class teachers/ TAs to address any issues in performance
  • SENCO to track additional information and direct resources appropriately based on outcomes using Individual Pupil Tracker. Areas: attendance, parental attendance at consultations, involvement in extra - curricular activities
Leadership and Management
  • Action plan identifies provision and expected impact
  • SENCO acts as advocate and is able to carefully track progress and impact of intervention strategies
  • Named governor and rest of governing body have a detailed knowledge of actions / their rationale / cost and impact
  • SENCO to collate information regarding progress and impact across range of interventions and activities offered to this cohort
  • HT to ensure lesson observations/ HT drop in feedback is given to continually focus the teachers/support staff on the provision offered for children who receive PPG
  • Governing body have a full knowledge of the impact, progress and attainment of children in receipt of PPG providing appropriate challenge to the SLT
  • Parents more supportive with school life and engaged with children’s learning from the start
  • Smaller groups to allow for more individualised learning

Tasks / Responsible / Training implications / Resources / costs / Time frame / ECM
Provide targeted early intervention for children underperforming in Maths in receipt of FSM / PPG
  • 1st class@number x 11 sessions per week
(Years 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5) / JG – TA
GW - SENCO / Ensure staff have received training to deliver the programme / Level 2 TA (PM) £10200
Level 3 TA (PM)
£11,700 / Ongoing throughout the year based on need / (3) Enjoy and Achieve
Provide targeted early intervention for children underperforming in English in receipt of FSM / PPG
  • Rainbow Arc
  • Reception additional phonics support x 2
  • 1 to 1 readers (Year 6)
  • Toe by Toe
  • Digismart – afterschool club
  • Writing club
/ JG – TA
GW - SENCO / Ensure staff have received training to deliver the programmes / Level 2 TA (PM) £10200
Level 3 TA (PM)
£11,700 / Ongoing throughout the year based on need
Provide targeted intervention for children underperforming in English / Maths (year 6)in receipt of FSM / PPG (as identified in assessment data/ FFT aspire)
  • Year 6 Booster classesx 3 groups
  • HLTA to focus on PP children in 4/5/6
  • Extra teacher from January until May 2016 to support small groups in Year 6
/ JG – Class Teacher
SF- Head Teacher
CG – Class Teacher
CF- Class Teacher / Ensure staff have up to date knowledge of new curriculum and school policies in regards to strategies / Staffing costs (Teachers) £2,800
Additional Teacher £10,900 / Ongoing throughout the year based on need
Parental Engagement programme
Staff / SF
All class Teachers / Staff training to be given on leading and developing successful parental engagement meetings by SF / Time out of class for teachers to meet parents
Supply cover cost
£570.00 / 3 times a Year. More based on child’s/family need.
Provide access to financial support if required for:
  • Access to trips and clubs free
  • Support with uniform costs
  • Home reading books provided by school
/ All staff to identify
GL- Admin
SF- Head Teacher / Current need identified at
£1080 / Ongoing – as when needed
  • Use of TA’s within class effectively to support learning of children in receipt of PPG
  • Teaching to be never less than ‘good’ across the school.
  • Teachers working in small groups to narrow gaps with children in receipt of PPG
  • Half- Termly moderation activities in Key Stage meetings
/ All teachers
Support Staff
HT and DHT to observe and monitor
Subject leaders / Staff Meeting x 2
CPD training / Current CPD financed through teaching school St. John Boscoe / Autumn term CPD
Staff meeting refresher Spring Term
HT drop in focus
Behaviour and Safety:
  • Vulnerable children meetings to identify those in receipt of PPG with CHCS
  • Attendance analysed by FSM / PPG
/ All staff
GL- Admin / Ensure staff awareness
Whole school awareness of attendance importance / Ongoing throughout the year
Monitoring and Evaluation:
  • What has the impact of our actions been on pupil progress?
  • Progress data analysed termly for impact to determine success of strategies – linked to Appraisal process
  • Progress data analysed annually to measure overall impact of intervention strategies used
  • Governors monitor action planning / spending / impact at each FGB Performance. Evidence provided by HT of narrowing of gaps and impact
  • Regular feedback to staff / governors / parents / children on impact of actions and of audits
  • Parental feedback on parental engagement programme – Impact through attainment and progress measured.

2015-2016 St Anne's will receive around £52,800 (estimate)
This money will be used to provide:
Overview / Aim/ Impact / Cost
Teaching Assistant (Level 2)
Interventions (AM) / To raise standards and narrow gaps for children who are struggling to make progress and achieve in Reading, Writing and Maths. / £10,200.00
Teaching Assistant (Level 3)
Interventions (PM) / To raise standards and narrow gaps for children who are struggling to make progress and achieve in Reading, Writing and Maths. / £11,700.00
Additional Teacher Support (for PP children)
(1 x Supply, Jan to end of May) / Small group work with PP children (Year 6) to narrow gaps to accelerate progress for all children. / £10,920.00
Interventions (AM) / Work in Year 4/5/6 class to narrow gaps and support children's learning alongside class teacher. PP focus children / £15,300.00
Parental Engagement Meetings
(Supply Cover - 2 afternoons, 3 times per year) / Developing indepth partnership arrangements with parents and carers through extended and more frequent meetings to discuss progress and next steps to improve learning. / £570.00
Attendance Service
(CHCS - Claire Brooks) / Service used to improve attendance issues of vulnerable and disadvantaged children in school. / £2,000.00
Financial support for School Trips / 6 x pupils in Year 6 - residential planned for June 2016 / £1,080.00
Booster Sessions
(After school) / Running for 2 hour for approx 36 weeks of term / £2,800.00
TOTAL / £54,570.00
Variance to budget / -£1,770.00