Appendix of “Herbivores, saprovores and natural enemies respond differently to

within-field plant characteristics of wheat fields”

Total abundance of the different taxonomic groups caughtby suction samplerand interception traps (FIT). Both surveys are included in the mean abundances. FG Animal feeding strategy. S- Saprovores, F- Flower-consumers, O- Omnivores, CH- Chewing-herbivores, SH- Suction-herbivores, Pa- Parasitoids, Pr- Predators, ◊ Undefined functional role, wti- without trophic importance (see text for more details). We have also included the references which support the feeding strategy chosen.

Order / Families / Suction sampler / FIT / FG / References
Acari / 281 / 60 / SH/SH / 1
Araneae / Araneidae / 37 / 276 / Pr/Pr / 2
Clubionidae / 2 / Pr/Pr / 2
Gnaphosidae / 4 / Pr/Pr / 2
Linyphiidae / 158 / Pr/Pr / 2
Lycosidae / 3 / Pr/Pr / 2
Miturgidae / 2 / Pr/Pr / 2
Salticidae / 5 / Pr/Pr / 2
Sparassidae / 4 / Pr/Pr / 2
Tetragnathidae / 4 / Pr/Pr / 2
Theridiidae / 112 / Pr/Pr / 2
Thomisidae / 54 / Pr/Pr / 2
Collembola / Entomobryidae / 30 / S/S / 3;4
Sminthuridae / 536 / S/S / 3;4
Coleoptera / Anthicidae / 12 / S/S / 5
Cantharidae / - / 36 / Pr/Pr / 6
Carabidae / 21 / 96 / Pr/Pr / 7
Cerambycidae / 2 / CH/◊ / 8
Chrysomelidae Bruchinae / 6 / CH/FC / 9
Chrysomelidae Halticinae / 16 / - / CH/CH / 10
Cicindelidae / - / 4 / Pr/Pr / 11
Coccinellidae / 49 / 18 / Pr/Pr / 12
Colydiidae / Zopheridae / 6 / S/S / 13
Corylophidae / 22 / S/S / 14
SpF. Curculionoidea / 14 / 68 / CH/CH / 15
Lathridiidae / 104 / S/S / 16
Merylidae Dasytinae / 5 / C/◊ / 17
Merylidae Malachiinae / 5 / Pr/Pr / 18
Nitidulidae / 7 / CH/CH / 19
Oedemeridae / - / 4 / S/FC / 20
SpF. Scarabaeoidea / - / 131 / CH/FC / 21
SpF. Staphylinoidea / 18 / 805 / S/S / 22
larvae + adult (unidentified) / 114 / 2049 / ◊
Order / Families / Suction sampler / FIT / FG / References
Dermaptera / Forficulidae / 32 / 1 / O/O / 23
Hemiptera / Anthocoridae / 138 / SH/SH / 24
Aphididae / 2247 / 4851 / SH/SH / 25-27
Cercopidae / 28 / 33 / SH/SH / 28
Cicadellidae / 215 / 34 / SH/SH / 29
Cixiidae / 35 / 7 / SH/SH / 29
Coreidae / - / 4 / SH/SH / 30
Delphacidae / 20 / 4 / SH/SH / 31
Lygaeidae / 6 / 55 / SH/SH / 32
Miridae / 16 / 149 / SH/SH / 33
Nabidae / 12 / 2 / Pr/Pr / 34
Pentatomidae / 7 / 2 / SH/SH / 35-37
Psyllidae / - / 21 / SH/SH / 38
Reduviidae / - / 2 / Pr/Pr / 39
Scutelleridae / 31 / SH/SH / 40
Diptera / Agromyzidae / 8 / 62 / CH/FC / 41
Anthomyiidae / 3 / 176 / CH/FC / 42
Asteiidae / 7 / 5 / S/FC / 43
Bibionidae / - / 17 / S/wti / 44
Bombyliidae / - / 30 / Pa/FC / 45
Calliphoridae / - / 6 / S/FC / 46
Carnidae / - / 8 / S/FC / 43
Cecidomyiidae / 99 / 639 / O/FC / 47
Ceratopogonidae / 15 / 211 / S/FC / 48
Chamaemyiidae / - / 4 / Pr/wti / 49
Chironomidae / 9 / 178 / S/FC / 50
Chloropidae / 70 / 1109 / O/FC / 51
Conopidae / - / 4 / Pa/FC / 52
Dolichopodidae / 45 / 45 / Pr/Pr / 53
Drosophilidae / 33 / 296 / S-CH/S / 54
Empididae / - / 27 / Pr/Pr / 55
Ephydridae / 105 / 178 / CH/FC / 56
Heleomyzidae / - / 2 / S/S / 43
Hybotidae / 341 / 151 / Pr/Pr / 57
Lauxaniidae / 3 / 1 / S/S / 43
Limoniidae / - / 4 / S/S / 58
Lonchopteridae / 100 / 84 / S/wti / 59
Order / Families / Suction sampler / FIT / FG / References
Diptera / Milichiidae / - / 12 / S/FC / 43
Mycetophilidae / - / 19 / S/wti / 60
Muscidae / - / 10 / ◊ / FC / 61
Opomyzidae / 106 / 9 / CH/wti / 62
Otitidae / - / 4 / CH/wti / 63
Phoridae / 109 / 611 / Pr/FC / 64
Psychodidae / - / 334 / wti /FC / 65
Sarcophagidae / - / 37 / ◊ / FC / 43
Scatopsidae / - / 93 / S/S / 66
Sciaridae / 62 / 852 / S/FC / 67
Sepsidae / - / 13 / S/FC / 68
Simuliidae / - / 20 / wti /FC / 69
Sphaeroceridae / 17 / 402 / S/S / 70
Syrphidae / - / 14 / Pr/ FC / 71
Tachinidae / - / 50 / Pa/ FC / 72
Tephritidae / - / 27 / CH/ FC / 73
Tipulidae / - / 8 / S/ FC / 74
Hymenoptera / Symphyta / Cephidae / - / 3 / CH/FC / 75;76
Tenthredinidae / - / 58 / CH/ wti / 75;76
Apocrita / Parasitica / Braconidae / 149 / 202 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Ceraphronidae / 7 / 58 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Cynipidae / - / 13 / C/ wti / 75;76
Diapriidae / 6 / 36 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Encyrtidae / 23 / 24 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Eulophidae / 54 / 87 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Eurytomidae / 5 / 24 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Figitidae / 33 / 6 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Ichneumonidae / 25 / 29 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Megaspilidae / 6 / 34 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Mymaridae / 26 / 61 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Platygastridae / 17 / 48 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Proctotrupidae / - / 25 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Pteromalidae / 73 / 56 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Scelionidae / 64 / 46 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Signiphoridae / - / 5 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Torymidae / 4 / 3 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Trichogrammatidae / - / 3 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Order / Families / Suction sampler / FIT / FG / References
Aculeata / SpF. Apoidea / - / 729 / FC/ FC / 75;76
Bethylidae / - / 18 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Chrysididae / - / 3 / Pa/FC / 75;76
Formicidae / 141 / 58 / O/O / 75;76
Pompilidae / - / 3 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Scoliidae / - / 6 / Pa/wti / 75;76
Blattodea _Isoptera / Rhinotermitidae / 7 / wti/C / 77-78
Lepidoptera / 7 / 143 / CH/FC / 79
Neuroptera / Chrysopidae / 157 / 58 / Pr/S / 80
Psocoptera / Peripsocidae / 25 / 16 / O/O / 81
Thysanoptera / 2509 / 6284 / SH/SH / 82
Larvae undet. / 107 / ◊



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44. Skartveit, J. 1997. 2.5 Family Bibionidae, pp. 41-50. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 2: Nematocera and Lower Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 592 pp.

45. Greathead, D. J. & Evenhuis, N. L. 1997. 2.33 Family Bombyliidae, pp. 487-512. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 2: Nematocera and Lower Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 592 pp.

46. Rognes, K. 1998. 3.51 Family Calliphoridae, pp. 617-648. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 3: Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 880 pp.

47. Skuhravá, M. 1997. 2.7 Family Cecidomyiidae, pp. 71-204. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 2: Nematocera and Lower Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 592 pp.

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49. McLean, I. F. G. 1998. 3.40 Family Chamaemyiidae, pp. 415-423. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 3: Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 880 pp.

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66. Haenni, J.-P. 1997. 2.12 Family Scatopsidae, pp. 255-272. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 2: Nematocera and Lower Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 592 pp.

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70. Roháček, J. 1998. 3.43 Family Sphaeroceridae, pp. 463-496. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 3: Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 880 pp.

71. Thompson, F. C. & Rotheray, G. 1998. 3.5 Family Syrphidae, pp. 81-139. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 3: Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 880 pp.

72. Tschorsnig, H.-P. & Richter, V. A. 1998. 3.54 Family Tachinidae, pp. 691-827. In: Papp L. and Darvas B. (eds), Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 3: Higher Brachycera. Science Herald, Budapest, Hungary, 880 pp.

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