Project Concept Form

This guidance is intended for implementing organisations completing the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) project proposal form. You should also refer to the specific programme strategy for the fund to which you are bidding. The project proposal form is mandatory for all projects to be funded from FCO Budget and should succinctly set out the details of the project enabling the Programme Appraisal Board to assess whether the project should receive funding.

The form should be completed by the Project Implementer. The final decision on whether or not to fund a project can only be made on a fully developed proposal. Ensure that you complete each section thoroughly.Once completed it should be submitted to the Post for consideration. This is the first step in the project proposal process. The Post may accept or reject project concepts.

When the Post accepts a proposal it is not a guarantee that the subsequent full project proposal will be accepted for funding. It signals the Post’s interest in receiving more details about the proposed project. Before you complete this form, check the website of the British Embassy/High Commission in the country in which you are proposing towork and/or speak to the Post’sProject Officers to find out about the Programme Strategy applicable for that country, and to check project viability.

Project Title
Implementing organisation (s)
Countries covered
Project PurposeMax 2 short sentences to help the Board identify the objective of the project / This should be short, clear and succinct, no more than two sentences describing the anticipated change. What is the immediate outcome or direct benefit the project will achieve? Think in terms of the immediate change or overall result that the project aims to bring about. This is the fundamental reason you are doing the project. It should not contain project details which can be described elsewhere on the form.
Context and Need for the Project In one paragraph (100 words) explain the problem that the project addresses, and how this relates to the programme Fund objectives. Delivery of the project purpose will help achieve the overall Programme Strategy / This should be a short paragraph (100 words max) explaining the aim of the project and how the project will meet objectives in the Country Business Plan. Why is the project relevant at this time? How will we know that the purpose has been achieved?
Project Summary In one paragraph explain what the project plans to achieve and how.
Outputs and Activities
Indicate the project outputs/deliverables , and the main activities that support each output
Risks: Please enlist potential risks and your strategy to manage them. / In one paragraph explain what the project plans to achieve. What will project completion look like. Include comments on who the main stakeholders and beneficiaries are and their role.
Please indicate the outputs you expect the project to deliver. What are the specific deliverable results expected from the project activities which should be sufficient to achieve the project purpose? Outputs are what we deliver directly from the activities and should be within (or just about within) our control.
List the tasks which will deliver the outputs. Activities should be listed in a logical order and numerically linked to the relevant output so that the Project Officer can assess whether the activities can realistically produce the outputs.
Describe the specific risks which would affect the achievement of the project purpose. You should consider the risks at all levels of your project; i.e. political, stakeholders, administrative, internal project risks. What might cause delays?
Total cost of project
Cost to FCO Fund per Financial Year (GBP)
(1 April – 31 March) / FY 2015/16 / FY 2016/17* / FY 2017/18*
£ / £ / £
Contributions from other donors/co-funders/implementer / £

This is the total FCO cost of the budget, taken from the costs section below. The summary total is placed here so the Board can quickly see the costs involved.

Post comments: to be completed by the British Embassy in Ankara

Date / Comment: To be completed by Project Officer recording the conclusion of the Project Board discussion of the project concept note. This should include any specific recommendations regarding the implementation of the project, start date, etc.


C:\Users\scetin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Outlook Temp\Project_Concept_Bid_Form_Jan13.doc