National Solid Waste Management Commission-Secretariat Office
Municipality of ______Province of ______
/ Description / With Data / Without / Insufficient DataEXECUTIVE SUMMARY
/ Overview of the plan including current situation, vision, and objectives1. Introduction / Introduction to the plan to the reader including purpose and approach
1.1 Purpose /
- City/municipality’s vision related to solid waste management**
- Key issues facing the community**
1.2 Approach /
- Approach used in preparing plan, e.g., compilation of existing information, conduct of WACS, using results of previous studies, involvement of stakeholders, etc.**
2. City Profile / Key information about the city/municipality
2.1 Location /
- Location of the city/municipality including map indicating locations of barangays, as well as residential, commercial, and industrial centers, and agricultural areas.**
- Land area**
2.2 Population /
- Current population for each barangay, indicating rural and urban areas.**
No. of rural barangays ______
- 10-yr projection of each barangay**
2025 Pop _____
2.3 Economic Profile/Land Use /
- Land use map, in particular showing the urban and rural land use classification**
2.4 Physical Characteristics /
- Geography, geology, hydrology, soil and climate of the area or region.**
3. Solid Waste Management Conditions / Description of solid waste management practices, in existence and in the next ten years**
3.1 Institutional Arrangements /
- List of existing and future agencies of the city /municipality administration that handle SWM and its services, and the roles and responsibilities of the agencies. Should include all aspects of SWM such as: collection, recycling, disposal, IEC, accounting, implementation and enforcement of regulations. **
Projected Office in charge of SWM ______
3.2 Inventory of Equipment and Staff /
- List of existing equipment and projection of additional vehicles or equipment to be purchased by year., its capacity and present conditions, location for repairs, and others.**
- Number of personnel (current and projection)**
- (with classification- working in SWM by department or type of service*).
No. of projected personnel ______
3.3 Source Reduction /
- Discussion of existing waste reduction practices.**
- Table listing the source reduction programs to be implemented and implementation schedule, including the sectors to target and the materials to be addressed and methods to determine the categories of solid waste to be diverted.
- Percentage diversion resulting from source reduction
3.4 Collection /
- Table showing the existing system (segregated vs. non-segregated) for each service area, including those serviced by private haulers, Frequency of collection to same area for each type of collection, Description of areas not currently receiving collection service
No of bgys with collection service ______
- Table showing the strategies for the implementation of the collection of the segregated recyclables, compostables and residual wastes, including the types of vehicles, collection frequency and types of containers.
- Listing of current collection routes or service areas
- Plan for increasing coverage to provide collection service to all parts of the city/municipality
- If collection service is by a private hauler, provide a list of the haulers, service areas, types of waste collected, location where waste is deposited**
3.5 Segregation, Recycling, and Composting /
- Strategy for promoting segregation in each of the barangays, including the implementation, monitoring and enforcement
- Strategy for managing recyclable ad biodegradable wastes, including the implementation, monitoring and enforcement
- Strategies for developing and expanding markets for composts, recyclables, recycled and other processed materials.**
3.6 Processing Facilities /
- Description of facilities used for processing waste, such as material recovery facilities (MRFs) and composting facilities.**
Total Number of barangays ______
% ______
- List of current and projected facilities including location, capacity, types of materials accepted, source of materials, and brief description of operations.**
3.7 Alternative Technologies for Residual Wastes /
- Description of technology, capacity etc.**
3.8 Final Disposal /
- Description of current facilities used for the final disposal of solid waste or residues from processing.**
- List of current and projected facilities including location, ownership, capacity, types of materials accepted, source of materials, brief description of operations.**
- Evaluation of the situation of scavengers/waste pickers working at existing disposal site.**
- For open and controlled dumps provide safe closure and rehabilitation plan based on DAO 9 Series of 2006 or Authority to Close (ATC) issued by EMB regional office.**
- For SLF, strategies to extend life span and capacity of the existing disposal site.**
- Projection of the amount of disposal capacity needed to accommodate residual wastes, by year for a 10-year period.**
3.8.1 Categorized Disposal Facilities (Sanitary Landfill) Design /
- Description that the capacity will be adequate for a minimum of 5 years based on the IRR and the features will be based on DAO 10 Series of 2006.**
3.9 Special Wastes /
- Report of current and available information on the quantities of these wastes disposed. **
- Plan for storage, collection, treatment, disposal and other appropriate technologies for any special wastes based on the estimated quantities to be generated in the future
3.9.1 Health Care Wastes /
- Existing treatment and/or disposal practices of infectious and other health care wastes.**
- Plan for treatment and/or disposal based on the estimated quantities to be generated in the future
3.10 IEC /
- Description of IEC program.**
- Discussion of strategy including need for public education and involvement
- Problems/issues that will be addressed; including the targeted audience
3.11 Costs and Revenues /
- Annual budget for SWM.**
4. Waste Characteristics / Uses results of WACS and recycling information to determine quantity and composition of waste generated**
4.1 Generated Waste(from WACS)
Ask the percentage for the composition
Use simpler WACS for low-class municipalities /
- Quantity of waste generated (disposed + diverted).**
______per capita waste generation
- Projection of quantity of waste generated based on population projections.**
4.2 Diverted Waste /
- Quantity of waste currently recycled and composted based on existing information, and from results of 3.4 and 3.6.**
4.3Disposed Waste /
- Quantity of waste disposed, by sector (e.g., low-income residential, middle-income residential, high-income residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, markets) (in kg/day and tonnes/year). **
- Summary tables and figures showing the quantity and composition of disposed waste by, by sector. (residential/commercial/markets/institution) **
5. Legal/Institutional Framework / Overview of existing institutional arrangements in order to identify parties responsible for undertaking the relevant aspects of the plan* (Acceptable with several ordinances)
5.1 Local Laws and Regulations /
- Current and proposed laws and regulations and their relevant provisions. (Authority and description; Include imposition of penal provisions)**
5.2 Roles /
- Current and future roles of the city SWM Board, the city, barangay, private entities and institutions as generators, citizens, NGOs and recycling companies.**
5.3 City/Municipal Solid Waste Management Board /
- Sangguniang Bayan Ordinance No. for creating the C/MSWM Board.**
5.4 Barangay Solid Waste Management Committees /
- List of BSWM Committees formed to date and schedule for Boards in other barangays**
% ______
6. Plan Strategy / Delineation of the desired outcome of the solid waste management plan**
6.1 Targets /
- Diversion targets for each year, 10-year planning period (more than 25%).**
- Table of types and percentages of materials to be diverted to meet the mandated diversion requirement.**
- Disposal targets for each year, 10-year planning period.**
6.2 Monitoring Program /
- Description of monitoring program to provide accurate information and to show whether or not policies are succeeding and to monitor the performance of the SWM plan.**
7. Cost Estimates /Financial Aspects / Financial plan for implementation of solid waste management system
7.1 Investment cost /
- Breakdown of estimated investment cost by year for 5 years, by private and public sectors. Investment costs should address each component of the solid waste system, i.e., collection, transfer stations, MRFs, composting facilities, and disposal facilities.**
7.2 Annual Costs /
- Breakdown of annual costs by year for 5 years, by private and public sector.**
7.3 Funding Options /
- Discussion of options to finance the capital investments, e.g., loans from financial institutions, central government grants, and municipal funds.**
- Discussion of options to finance recurring cost, e.g., local taxes, intergovernmental transfers, and user charges**
- Presentation of existing and projected sources of revenues. Include consideration of revenues from collection of fees; outside sources of funds, collection and use of fines, and sources for the local SWM fund and their uses**
7.5 Summary /
- Tabular summary of investment costs, annual costs, and annual revenues by year**
Investment Cost
Annual Cost
8. Plan Implementation / Implementation phases, milestones, and schedule
8.1 Implementation Schedule /
- Tables or diagrams showing the schedule of implementation.**
- Schedule should include all of the programs discussed in Section 7.**
- Table summarizing diversion goals and quantities.**
Note: *nice to have
**must have
Annotated Outline for LGU Solid Waste Management Plans