Servant-Leadership - Advisor/Teacher Training Level 1 & 2

Level 1: This workshop will provide you with the following:

·  Numerous lessons for a leadership curriculum class or hands on class.

·  Scope and sequence for an entire semester's class with a sample week-by-week overview of lessons

·  Instruction techniques in how to build a sustaining character-based program that gives heart to your program and an intentional approach to changing the climate of your school.

Level 2: This workshop will provide you with the following:

•  Resources that intentionally connects numerous video clips that powerfully illustrate and connect the servant-leadership model and concepts being taught.

•  Experiential activities used to highlight key leadership principles.

•  An experiential tool to take home and use in your classroom.

•  Ideas and discussion on service-based projects that help improve your school’s climate in real and powerful ways.

Location: Sumner High School, 1707 Main Street Sumner, WA 98390

Dates of Workshops

Level 1

·  Winter Training Saturday, January 11, 2014 8:30am – 3:30pm

·  Spring Training Saturday, May 3, 2014 8:00am-3:00pm

Level 2

·  Spring Training Saturday, May 3, 2014 3:30pm – 7:30pm

Registration Information

Advisor Name: ______School Name & District:______

Phone: ______(Text – Yes /No) E-mail:______

Name of any other advisors attending: ______

Please check the box for the workshop(s) you are registering for:

Level 1:

  Winter Training January 11th

  Spring Training May 3rd

Level 2:

  Spring Training May 3rd


Level 1: $500 for first advisor from your school, additional advisors from your building will be $350

Level 2: $350 per advisor

·  Each advisor will receive: Hard copy of curriculum, electronic copies of each document, and morning snack.

·  Lunch will not be provided, but there are several locations nearby to grab a quick bite to eat.

·  If you attend both level 1 and level 2,there will be $100 deducted from your level 1 registration

An invoice will be emailed to you once you return this form via e-mail or by mail.

Norlin Consulting

908 Meeker Ave. Sumner, WA 98390 Phone: 253-736-4242