Monitoring performance of primary care, working on new tools.
Although we may have a the idea that we know what Primary Care is, we presently do not have sufficient tools as yet to measure Primary Care or its performance.
Especially when we want to measure performance over a period of time in one country or region, we lack the instruments. That is why the WHO, European Office in Copenhagen, has commissioned NIVEL, a research institute in the Netherlands, a project to develop indicators that help to measure Primary Care performance.
During 3 days, representatives from several countries (Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Estonia and Bosnia –Herzegovina) met with staff of NIVEL and WHO to discuss a first draft of a set of indicators. The challenge is to find indicators for elements of Primary Care that are generic, which means that they are not just linked to certain models of Primary Care but valid for all countries and contexts. Characteristics of Primary Care like continuity, comprehensiveness, accessibility and coordination are translated in measurable indicators. In addition, stewardship, resource generation and financing also are characteristics that define the strength of Primary Care and are included in the set of indicators.
The draft presented by NIVEL was appreciated and, with some adjustments, considered fit fore the next phase: field testing. During the coming months, the set of indicators will be tested in Turkey and the Russian Federation. By November 2007, the final version of the set of indicators should be ready for use, including a manual for its use.
Two further instruments, namely one to measure quality of Primary Care and another one to measure integration of care between Primary and Secondary Care will be developed by NIVEL during 2007. The three sets together will provide for powerful tools to describe Primary Care in countries and measure its strengths and development.
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