Refaah Al-dhawi
Understanding the Ethics of my Major
Refaah Al-dhawi
PMU – University Theories and Applications of Learning Miss. Noor Felemban
Introduction 4
Ethical Behavior 4
Importance of Ethics in accounting 5
Ethical Issues 6
Conclusion 6
Bibliography 7
Do you think ethics are important in work environment? Some people think that the business environment has nothing to do with ethics. So where are the ethics? How can you be honest, if you are not honest in your business? For example: - you are honest with your family and friends but you lie in your business so, I cannot say about you that you are an honest person or you have good ethics. In addition, there are some people who believe in the sentence that says
Do you think ethics are important in work environment? Some people think that the business environment has nothing to do with ethics. So where are the ethics? How can you be honest, if you are not honest in your business? For example: - you are honest with your family and friends but you lie in your business so, I cannot say about you that you are an honest person or you have good ethics. In addition, there are some people who believe in the sentence that says "Business is Business"; yes business is business, but what does this mean? It does not mean that just care about business. It means that you need to give everyone his/her right and not to let your feelings about someone control your decisions in the workplace. Moreover doing business means being successful and earning money which can be achieved in an ethical manner. So, you need to understand and learn ethics because you will not get a good work environment without a system that is based on ethics. The importance of work ethics can be shown through special classes that are designated to teach work ethics to students in many colleges including the college of engineering and the college of medicine not just the college of business. In this report I will discuss the following, ethical behaviors, the significance of ethics in accounting and some ethical issues I may face it in my workplace.
Ethical Behavior
The ethics is very important to get a job. Everyone is afraid for his/her property. You will not find any good place will appoint you to any function if you do not have good conduct and behavior. Examples of ethical behaviors are you must be honest in all information that you telling the customers to gain their trust. Second Punctuality, you must be disciplined in all appointments to make your work organizer. Third, fair competition and not to give bribe because the bribe will makes hatred spreading between the contenders. (kearc, 2000)
Fourth, working on teamwork and helping employees to each other will make the work ease. Fifth, it is precision in work. This point specialty is very important in my Major. I Must be accurate when I dealing with numbers because any small error which lead to big mistakes. For example the manipulation of the number one in a daily report lead to change average figure at the level of the day and the month level and lead to be monthly and annual reports do not reflect the truth and even lead to the failure analysis and development because the numbers have nothing to do with reality. (adeson)
Sixth, try to share your thoughts with coworkers to find solutions for the problems of your work or to development your work. Seventh, be a responsible person that is mean do you work by yourself and do not receive your own mistakes on other people. Eighth, you should keep the confidentiality of certain information about your work and do not tell any person about it. Ninth, find security systems to maintaining the safety of employees' .Finally, you must respect the laws and do it at all the time. (lweastn, 2008)
Importance of Ethics in accounting
Ethics in accounting is very important .people who works in the field of accounting must not only be well qualified but must also possess a high degree of professional integrity, professional competence and confidentiality. I have a few examples about practices in accounting. From the 1980s to the present there have been multiple accounting scandals that were widely reported on by the media and resulted in fraud charges, bankruptcy protection requests, and the closure of companies and accounting firms. The scandals were the result of creative accounting, misleading financial analysis, as well as bribery. (Calle, October 11, 2011,)
Various companies had issues with fraudulent accounting practices, including Nugan Hand Bank, Phar-Mor, WorldCom, and AIG. Both of these companies were involved in unethical accounting practices. While Enron was accused of a vast number of shady dealings that included concealing debts in order keep them from being reflected on the company’s accounts, WorldCom’s accounting practices were so fraudulent that the company was led into the largest bankruptcy in history. Also, one of the most widely-reported violations of accounting ethics involved Enron, a multinational company that for several years had not shown a true or fair view of their financial statements. In Addition, their auditor Arthur Andersen, an accounting firm considered one of the "Big Five", signed off on the validity of the accounts despite the inaccuracies in the financial statements. When the unethical activities were reported, not only did Enron dissolve but Arthur Andersen also went out of business. Enron's shareholders lost $25 billion as a result of the company's bankruptcy. Although only a fraction of Arthur Anderson's employees were involved with the scandal, the closure of the firm resulted in the loss of 85,000 jobs.
Ethical Issues
A major ethical issue that may occur in the work is the distinction in gender, race and religion. Furthermore, different treatment by the manager for his/her staff by his/her feelings or his/her relations with them and this is one of the images of bribery. Also, the marketing to customers for some harmful product is ethical issues because it lied to the customers. And forgery numbers, signature or information that involves deceit and fraud. Also, do not steal someone ideas then attribute it to yourself because this is infringement of the rights of others. However, an ethical issue for accountants depend on their role in society .The role of accountants is critical to society. Accountants serve as financial reporters and intermediaries in the capital markets and owe their primary obligation to the public interest. The information they provide is crucial in aiding managers, investors and others in making critical economic decisions. Accordingly, ethical improprieties by accountants can be detrimental to society, resulting in distrust by the public and disruption of efficient capital market operations. Accounting ethics has been deemed difficult to control. I have some example for big Ethical Issues the first one is embezzlement. Accountants may embezzle from their employers when given too much responsibility and little oversight. These situations give accountants more control than necessary and the ability to mislead their employers on financial information. Second one is tax Evasion. Some accountants create illegal tax shelters to hide company income. And some companies use these shelters to avoid paying government income tax. The third one is personal Loss. Poor accounting ethics can cause great personal damage in addition to business problems. Accountants found guilty of manipulating financial information are sent to jail, creating difficult situations for the accountant's family members. Forth, the Bribery is one of the greatest crimes rampant in the world.
As you seen, ethics are important in work environment. Ethics are with you in all the places. From ethics you can understand with which kind of people you are dealing? In my opinion, it will be good idea if the schools are going to teach the student special classes for work ethics like a colleges. Finally, I hope all the people are abide the ethical in their work environment. Without ethical you cannot get good work environment.
adeson, s. 2001.
Business, L. (. ( October 12, 2011).
Calle, J. (. (October 11, 2011,).
kearc, t. (2000). the best major for me.
lweastn. (2008).
name / Refaah Al-dhawisec / 211
Id / 201100593
Ms. / Miss. Noor Felemban
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