25April 2018


Minutes of Meeting held
25April 2018 / Friends of Duns Primary School
Date of Meeting / 25April 2018


/ Friends of Duns Primary School Meeting

Venue and Time

/ Duns Primary School 6.15pm


/ Pauline Heron, Julie Chalmers-Mckenzie, Sandra Dewar, Morag Myers, Wanda Field, Lynne Bryce, Lesley Rosher, Sara Steady, Audrey Anderson, Victoria Tait, Mr Maunder, Miss Webster


/ Ann Lindsay, Mo Lamond, Sarah Williams, Jacqui Bennett, Debbie Knighton, Heather Boyes


/ Julie Chalmers-Mckenzie

Minutes Prepared by

/ Morag Myers /


Approve Minutes of Meetings Held on 24 Jan 2018
Minutes approved by Julie.
Items from last meeting
Discussed whether FDPS should provide each child with a Tshirt for their house for PE/Sports day. Agreed that bibs would be a better investment as they could be reused. Mr Maunder to follow up.
Lines in school hall, wall bars and signage – all requested from SBC.
All School photo - Tempest can do a formal photo with seating – Mr Maunder will enquire for pricing. Audrey to ask YID and Mike Liddington could also be approached.
World Children’s Day incorporating Global Cafe
Friday 01 June – global café event incorporating food from families with English as their second language. Launch of the new tapestry as well as the summer fair incorporated on same afternoon. FDPS to do teas and coffees.
Summer Fair
01 June. Ice cream van and Michael Noon booked. Charge for kids to use inflatables from Michael Noon and he will give FDPS a donation. Potential other activities:
face-painting, Active schools (basketball/netball) in MUGA, Police, Mountain Rescue, Fire Brigade, Craft Stall, Nail Bar, Tombola, Pin the tail, Splat the rat, Golf, Dunk tank, Pony Rides (TBC).
All to consider a token system for paying for stalls for next meeting.
Consider dress down day for Tombola.
Localities Funding Update
£29000 awarded to Duns Primary School. Great engagement from community which helped us secure the funds. A lot of hard work and time committed by Lesley to also help make this possible.
Looking at an outdoor climbing area that will cover all ages. Future proof, safe and weather proof. Also looking to get front red curtains for the stage in the hall as well as black curtains for the wings and a lighting system. Hopefully all will be installed in summer subject to approval from council and receipt of the funds.
Also discussed that Fleming Homes have very generously offered to make 10 x picnic tables.
Bide and Blether
Friday 11 May in Allsorts at 11.15 – school pickup. Selection of P1 and P2 children to come and share their learning. Pauline and Audrey are helping.
School Sports Day
Tuesday 05 June (backup 12 June). P1-3 and P4-7. 3 races and a picnic lunch. Will be on rugby pitch. Ice-cream van will be a surprise for kids. Canteen organising a BBQ, Teas/coffees and home-baking.
School Update by Ross Maunder
First year in new building has gone well. Settled in quickly and a much more inviting environment. A key focus area at the moment is SNSA (Scottish National Standardised Assessments). A consistent approach to assessing the level of literacy and numeracy across Scotland. Assessments will be in P1, P4 and P7. The children complete
Diagnostic assessment online that automatically adjusts the difficulty level as the child progresses through the assessment. No grades, percentages or league tables but informs the school where they are with their learning and what areas they need to focus on. Results are also shared on a national level. Any parents with questions are invited to speak to Mr Maunder directly.
This year the school are piloting 2 x school reports. The 2nd report will be issued at the end of May.
School needs a school shed for storing of materials.
School phone number will be changing. Currently on a temporary phone number as awaiting a new wireless phone system. Number on website is correct and will be updated once new system in place.
Jacqui raised that Border Embroideries (BE) are now charging £2.50 delivery of any ordered school uniform. Jacqui has offered to collect any orders on a weekly/monthly basis. Mr Maunder is going to discuss the charge with BE in the first instance and will feed back to FDPS.
Items for next meeting
Xmas Fair – Vicky Tait taking the lead
Fun run – Wanda taking the lead. Great idea aim for 26 Sep. Need to map a course, Police approval and risk assessment required.
Book swap - November
Next Meeting / Mr Maunder
Mr Maunder
Pauline, Audrey
Mr Maunder
Wednesday16May 2018ca 19.00in School for summer fair only / All members and parents