Sample Junior Ranger Program Format

1. Introduction

A. Warm-up

  • Introduce yourself
  • Say something about why you like what you do.
  • Showcase your own enthusiasm for today’s topic

B. Focus

  • Introduce the topic for the day
  • Get the group focused on the topic with an attention-grabber or a thought-proving question.

c. Objectives

  • Let the Junior Rangers know what they will be doing (exploring, drawing, playing games, etc.).
  • Let them know what they will learn by the end of the program.

2. Body

A. Inquiry/Discussion

  • Interpreting with a question/answer (vs. lecture) format. Ex. Who knows the story of the little mouse, the forest fire, and the Douglas fir tree? (you tell story or have kid share rendition of the story) Why do you think the mouse was safe in the Douglas fir?

B. Guided Discovery

  • Interpretation using games, crafts, activities, walks, etc. Think ACTIVE learning.

3. Conclusion

A. Application

  • Discuss how the Junior Rangers can apply what they have learned at home.
  • Encourage stewardship of the parks and nature.

B. Award

  • They’ve earned recognition as a Junior Ranger! (badge, completed booklet, sticker, etc.)
  • Announce next Junior Ranger session, campfires, nature walks, etc.

1. Introduction and Welcome

A. Warm-up

  • Hi my name is ____ and I am a Naturalist at ______.
  • I love working at ______because ______.
  • I think it is so cool to see signs of wildlife, like animal homes, when I am hiking.

B. Focus

  • Introduce the topics, i.e. robins, their chicks and bird nests
  • Present a theme statement linking bird nests to the concept of home and safety for chicks
  • Bird’s build nests to raise their baby chicks and keep them safe from danger.
  • Focus the group on the topic with an attention-grabber or questions, ex. Ask the kids questions about the topic in a thought-provoking way, play audio, point out a robin, show specimens)

C. Objectives

  • Let the JR know what they’ll be doing (reading a book and then building their own bird’s nest)
  • What will they learn?

2. Body

A. Inquiry/Discussion

  • Read a short, fun, related book and ask questions afterward.

B. Guided Discovery

  • Jump into the peak activity (build a bird’s nest). Pretend to be birds and gather materials for their nests. Make connections to the book and your surroundings.

3. Conclusion

A. Application

  • Discuss the “so what?” And how the Junior Rangers can apply what they have learned.
  • Get JRs excited about animal homes.
  • Encourage stewardship of the parks. Appreciation of animal homes = protection.

B. Award

  • They’ve earned recognition as a Junior Ranger! (say the pledge, handout badges/stickers, complete booklets, etc.)
  • Announce next Junior Ranger session, campfires, nature walks, etc.

Adapted from California State Parks – Working with Children Handbook