
Amazing Race

Start at Native American Fire Area

Expected Time:Gather at 11:30 am, depart at 11:45 am


This is the start of the Race. You will all be dividing into pairs (teams of two) for the duration of the race. Each “leg” of the race will start with a clue that will tell you about the next leg of the race. The starting clue is special in that everyone gets the clue at the same time by racing a short distance on foot to where the clues are.

After the first clue you must learn to look for the Red/Yellow Girl Scout Amazing Race flags to find your next clue(s).

Use the clue to determine where the next task or clue is located. Upon arriving at your destination look for the Red and Yellow Amazing Race flags which will indicate the next race area.

If the clue is in a box, safely open the box and read the clue for instructions. Some clues will require you to perform certain tasks at that location while others will route you to a new location for the next clue. At times during the race adults will be handing you your next clue rather than requiring you to open a box to retrieve it.

Race Rules:

Read these rules carefully and be sure to follow them. Failure to do so may disqualify you from the race or result in time penalties.

  1. No Running. The only exception is at the start of the race where you all are allowed to run to get your next clue. After that you should walk quickly to your destinations but do not run through camp.
  2. Stay together. Each team of two is their own Buddy group and should not separate. Fun fact; for the American version of the Amazing Race teams are required to be within 15 feet of each other as much as possible during the race.
  3. Be respectful. Always treat other teams and all adults with respect and kindness; we are all Girl Scouts after all. “be a sister to every Girl Scout” This also means respecting the other programs which will be running at some of the locations during the race. Do not interrupt groups who are involved in other programs and remember to keep quiet as needed around other programs.
  4. Read each clue out loud. The clues will be in envelopes. Once you get a clue either from a clue box or from an adult move off to the side a few feet before opening it. Carefully open the envelope and remove the clue, then read it out loud. If a decision is needed (e.g. a Detour) announce your decision out loud as well.
  5. Detours: When presented with a Detour you can choose either task to perform. If one of the tasks seems to be too hard or is taking too long you may switch detour tasks.
  6. Roadblocks: When presented with a Roadblock ONLY ONE of the team members may perform the task. The other team member may look on and offer encouragement as needed. This is a special case where due to the nature of the race the team member who is NOT performing the Roadblock may NOT provide ANY assistance to the team member who IS performing the Roadblock other than encouragement (no helping with clues).
  7. Stay Close. All legs and tasks of the race will take place within the top area of the map of camp. This means that no clue should lead you far into the woods or down past the Archery area on the main road. If you cannot figure out your clue you may ask an adult for assistance. In general you will always be within sight or yelling distance of the Dining Hall.
  8. Pit Stops: At any Pit Stop along the race you may be required to rest for a period of time before resuming the race. The adults in charge of the Pit Stop have the ultimate say as to when each team may proceed to the next leg of the race. While at the Pit Stop do NOT disrupt any other program activities which are going on there.
  9. Pit Stop: When arriving at a pit stop, BOTH girls must be on the mat before you may be checked in.
  10. Pit Stop: If when you arrive at a pit stop the adult is talking to a team or teams on the mat you MUST wait until invited by the adult to move onto the mat.
  11. All decisions of the adults running the race are final. Do not argue your case with the adults, accept their decision and move on with the race.
  12. Some of the tasks are physically demanding. If it is warm out make sure that you stay hydrated.
  13. Read and follow any safety instructions for each specific task.
  14. No Running!