Response – Resource Section

  1. Authorities and References:


1)Emergency Management Services Code, 35 Pa. C.S. §§ 7101 et seq., as amended.

2)Public School Code of 1949, 24 P.S. §§ 1-101, et seq., as amended.

3)Homeland Security President Directive – 5: Management of Domestic Incidents, February 2003.


1)The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Emergency Operations Plan, dated December 23, 2008

2)_(Insert name of School District’s County Name here)______Emergency Operations Plan, dated _(Insert date of latest plan here)______

3)_(Insert Each School Building’s Municipality Name here) ______Emergency Operations Plan, dated ______

4)__(Insert School District’s County Name here)______County’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

5)__(Insert Each School Building’s Municipality Name here)______Municipality’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

  1. Key Words:

a.Command Post – The area from which the command function will operate during an emergency.

b.Incident Command – The organizational structure that the school will use during an emergency.

c.Unified Command – Designated individuals from response agencies work jointly with the school commander to carry out the response.


  1. Emergency Management Institute: and
  2. Pennsylvania Pandemic Planning Toolkit for Schools:
  3. Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools TechnicalAssistanceCenter:
  4. U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

4.Sample Resources:

  1. Emergency Decision Making FlowchartPage 183
  2. School Incident Command System StructurePage 184
  3. List of Incident Command Post Equipment andPage 185

Structure Requirements

  1. Checklist for Bomb ThreatsPage 186 - 188
  2. Checklist for Building Loss of Structure orPage 189 – 190

Structural Failure

  1. Checklist for Child Abduction/Lost ChildPage 191 - 192
  2. Checklist for Death of a Student/Staff MemberPage 193 - 194
  3. Checklist for EarthquakesPage 195 - 196
  4. Checklist for Field Trip EmergenciesPage 197
  5. Checklist for FightingPage 198 - 199
  6. Checklist for Fire/ExplosionPage 200 - 201
  7. Checklist for FloodsPage 202
  8. Checklist for Gang-Related ActivitiesPage 203
  9. Checklist for Hazardous Materials/ChemicalPage 204 - 205


  1. Checklist for Hostage SituationsPage 206 - 208
  2. Checklist for Intruder/TrespasserPage 209
  3. Checklist for Life-Threatening CrisisPage 210
  4. Checklist for LockdownPage 211 - 212
  5. Checklist for Mass Contamination ofPage 213


  1. Checklist for Nuclear Power Plant/RadiologicalPage 214 - 215


  1. School Potassium Iodide (KI) Distribution PlanPage 216


  1. School Potassium Iodide (KI) Distribution PlanPage 217 - 219


  1. Potassium Iodide (KI) Participation AgreementPage 220

for Schools

  1. Sample Parental Consent LetterPage 221 - 222
  2. Information for Physician Standing OrderPage223 - 228
  3. Checklist for Pandemic InfluenzaPage 229 - 230
  4. Checklist for Severe WeatherPage 231
  5. Checklist for Sexual Assault/RapePage 232
  6. Checklist for ShootingsPage 233 - 234
  7. Checklist for Student Unrest/DemonstrationPage 235
  8. Checklist for SuicidePage 236 - 237
  9. Checklist for TerrorismPage 238 - 239
  10. Checklist for Utility FailuresPage 240 - 242
  11. Checklist for Vehicle AccidentPage 243 - 244
  12. Checklist for Weapons SituationPage 245 - 246
  13. Chart of Immediate Response ActionsPage 247 - 248
  14. Parent/Guardian/Student ReunificationPage 249 - 250


  1. Emergency Release CardPage 251 – 252
  2. Media Communications ChecklistPage 253
  1. Template for Initial Media ReleasePage 254
  2. Tips for Speaking to the Media in an IncidentPage 255
  3. Telephone Bomb Threat CardPage 256