July 26, 2010

Dr.Tarek Chebbi, Chairperson

Research Review Committee

1500 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 225

Miami FL 33132

Completion of Research Study by Cramer, E., Nevin, A., & Orlando, C. (2004). Project INSPIRE: Inclusive School Practices and Impacts on Referrals and Education. A Joint Project of Florida International University & M-DCPS--MDCPS Approval #1115 (expires 6/30/10)

Dear Dr. Chebbi: In accordance with the conditions outlined in the approval of this study (signed by then Chairperson Dr. Gomez, dated Fall of 2004), we are sending you a report of the completion of the study. The results of the study have been published as 5 refereed journal articles as follows:

Cramer, E., Liston, A., Nevin, A., & Thousand, J. (in press). Co-teaching in urban secondary US school districts to meet the needs of all teachers and learners: Implications for teacher education reform. International Journal of Whole Schooling

Nevin, A., Cramer, E., Salazar, L., & Voigt, J. (2008). Instructional modifications, adaptations, and accommodations of co-teachers who loop: A descriptive case study, Teacher Education and Special Education, 31(4),283-297.

Cramer, E. D., & Nevin, A. I. (2006). A mixed methodology analysis of co-teacher assessments: Implications for teacher education. Teacher Education and Special Education, 29(4), 261-274.

Cramer, E., Nevin, A., Salazar, L., & Landa, K. (2006, Fall). Co-teaching in an urban, multicultural setting: Research report. Florida Educational Leadership, 7(1), 43-50.

Salazar, L., & Nevin, A. (2005, Spring). Co-teachers in an urban multicultural school. Florida Educational Leadership, 5(2), 15-20.

The results of the study have also been presented at 5 national conferences:

Nevin, A., Cramer, E., Salazar, L., & Voigt, J. (2007, April). Instructional modifications, adaptations, and accommodations of co-teachers who loop: A descriptive case study. Paper presented at Special Education SIG, Annual Conference of the American Association for Educational Research (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Cramer, E., Nevin, A., Voigt, J., & Salazar, L. (2006, April). The accommodated learner in a multicultural urban setting. Poster session presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Cramer, E., Nevin, A., Thousand, J., & Liston, A. (2006, February). Co-teaching in urban school districts: Meeting the needs of all teachers and learners. Paper presented at American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, San Diego, CA. Also available as an ERIC Document Number ED491651.

Cramer, E., & Nevin, A. (2005, April). A mixed methodology analysis of co-teacher assessments: Preliminary results. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Cramer, E., Nevin, A., Salazar, L.., & Landa, K. (2005, April). Promoting a co-teacher team in an urban, multicultural setting. Poster presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Baltimore, MD.

We deeply appreciate the cooperation of principals, teachers, and district personnel in the conduct of this study. We have attached the most comprehensive report (Nevin et al., 2008).for your files.

Sincerely yours,

Elizabeth Cramer () & Ann Nevin ()

Florida International University