PARISHIONERS SURGERY: Mrs.Hudson informed the Council of a complaint to the Environmental Health Officer concerning the Church Clock chimes being a nuisance at night. The matter would be on the APM agenda.
1.PRESENT: Mr.Eccles (Chairman), Dr.Cantwell, Mr.Brown, Mr.Brett & Mrs.Campbell.Also Mrs.Hudson, Mr.P.Wright, Mrs.O’Hanlon, Mr & Mrs. Morrison, Mr.Woodget and the Rose & Crown caretaker. Apologies from Mr.Mr.McNab & Mrs.Wilkes. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Mrs.Cambell – Rose & Crown.
2. MINUTES: Of13-2-17 were signed as correct.
3. ROSE & CROWN: Mr.Wright gave a presentation on his plans for the Rose & Crown. This would be to re-instate part of the building as a small pub selling quality beers & drinks with just snacks. He would then convert the rest and the barn, together with some new build houses to give 10 to 15 2/3 bedroom units for the private rented sector. All residential parking would be on site. He had already had an initial meeting with EHDC who were now slow at responding to his plans. Permission had been given by EHDC to fell the trees on the site.
4.1 BENINGTON ROAD POST BOX:A reply from Sandra Doyle said a new site was being explored in Benington Rd.
4.2BROOKFIELD PATH STREET LIGHT: This was not working so the clerk would yet again inform Mr.Pett of Ringway.
4.3 BT BROADBAND: Members had registered and October 2017 was the likely date for this.
4.4 HEDGE AT 21 NEW PARK LANE.This had been roughly cut.
4.5 NEW ALLOTMENT TENANCY:This was on going.
4.6 MUDLARKS: Replies from Serena Clay & Cllr.Crofton were both positive for this to proceed. The clerk was to ask S.Clay for a key to the gate from Aston Bury Drive.
4.7 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: The handbills were given out. Mrs.Campbell would arrange for the Hall to be unlocked by 7pm. The agenda would be Apologies/2016 Minutes, Gresley Park, Rose & Crown, Church Clock chimes, Parish Magazine, Traffic problems, Mudlarks, Questions on the Year’s Work/AOB. The clerk email Mr.Brett a copy of the agenda for an overhead slide.
5. CLERK’S REPORT: Was accepted. A request to use Centre Field for a family party for Mr.Head on Aug. 5th was agreed for a fee of £90, of which £30 would go to the Cricket Club.
P/16/16 PARK FARM – Mr.Eccles would email EHDC regarding the strict implementation of the conditions.
6.2 DENE LODGE – Conversion of annexe to separate dwelling. This had been refused by EHDC but was being taken to appeal. The clerk was asked to write to the Inspector on the same grounds of opposition as sent to EHDC.
7. ACCOUNTS: The following cheques were presented for approval and agreed:-
HMRCIncome Tax£149-20
Aston Bowls ClubUse of Pavilion75-00
J.WarrenLenghtmans Salary403-20
V.GraingerAston End lengthmans salary126-00
R.FalderClerk’s salary596-55
HCCRubbish Bags30-00
HCCFootway Lighting & Maintenance693-18
Primary Care SuppliesDefibrillator1498-80
R.FalderClerk’s half year expenses575-69
8. PLAY EQUIPMENT: Consultation with users seemed to indicate a roundabout would be popular to replace the space rocker. Examples from the Wicksteed catalogue would be passed to the clerk to obtain prices.
9.GT.BRITISH SPRING CLEAN:This was all in hand for the weekend of March 18/19.
10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Mr.Brett asked about the debris left in Millfield by the evicted rough sleeper. This would be a matter for the landowner.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.45pm