Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2008


Barb Reisner, Jed Beach, Jill Koenitzer, Megan Keller, Bill Knickerbocker

Meeting Facilitator:

Barb Reisner


·  Old Business

·  Clothing Sale

·  Sock Hop

·  Box Tops Milk Caps and Labels

·  Danishes with Dad

·  New Business

·  Build a Book project

Old Business

·  Clothing Sale – Gross sales for clothing sale was $3360.00 we will receive 15% of the sales minus the personalization fees. Sales total at the High School/Middle School was $202.00. Clothing will be delivered on Monday December 15, Jedd, Megan, Barb, and Wendy will help sort clothing starting at 9am.

·  Sock Hop Update – No update

·  Box Tops Milk Caps and Labels – Contest started Dec 1 and will end January 30. Notes were sent home describing contest and asking for counting volunteers. Three parents have volunteered so far.

·  Danishes with Dad – 200 RSVP’s were received. Danishes were ordered through food service (200+ large and 100+ small danishes). Volunteers so far include Colleen Jacob, Jedd Beach, Megan Keller, Barb Reisner, Wendy Boese. Volunteers will be responsible for setting up extra chairs, decorations, serving food, and cleaning tables. Please arrive at 7:15am.

New Business

Build a Book – Bill Knickerbocker talked about the Young Authors Program. In the past about 200 kids have participated, with some going on to the Young Authors conference in Rice Lake. Registration fees of $20.00 were split between school and parents. Participation requires that the books are completed by March 1.

We discussed introducing the concept of the Build a Book/Young Author project at a night meeting in January or early February, providing a blank book ($1.50 per book) and a pack of draft blank paper to be used by the students. Registration for the event would be required. Possibly having the theme baskets auctioned off on that night. Another night could be scheduled for the students to work on their books at school using computers and supplies provided by PTO. Final books would be displayed at Parent Teacher Conference Night.

We need to come up with a plan and timeline by next meeting so we could kick it off at the end of January.

Next Meeting

Thursday January 8, 2009

Next Meeting Agenda Items

·  Box Top Contest

·  Build A Book

·  Sock Hop

·  Breakfast with mom
