Report Card Requirements

Report Card Requirements

Instructions for Completing
District & School Report Card 2016 – 2017 Templates
(for Report Cards to be distributed to parents)

Report Card Requirements

The District Report Card and School Report Card templates are designed to meet District and School Report Card federal and state requirements (4 AAC 06.895). The District Report Card template contains data for the district and is designed to be used in conjunction with individual school report cards. Individual school report cards must contain most of the same information at the school level as the district template contains at the district level. A Single Site District & School Report Card template is also available.

For 2016-2017, there are no Alaska School Performance Index (ASPI) star ratings and Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) Progress reports. Due to the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the accountability system remains paused until the state implements a new accountability system. The reported ASPI score and star rating are the same as those based on data from the 2013-2014 school year. Under ASPI, each school received a score on a 100-point scale and a star rating from 5-stars (highest) to 1-star. The ASPI score and star rating gave an overall picture of how well the school did to prepare students to be college-, career- and culturally ready graduates.

For 2016-2017, districts will receive an Accountability Indicators Report that reports the percentage of full-academic year students in the school, district, and state who were proficient in English Language Arts and Mathematics, along with the participation rates, attendance rates, and graduation rates for all students and subgroups. A copy of the applicable district or school Accountability Indicators Report should be appended to the end of the completed template.

While districts are not required to use these templates, they must ensure that all district and school report cards contain the required elements. Additional information may be included as desired. However, districts are encouraged to use these report card templates as a starting point when creating their own formats.

The district and school report cards must be disseminated to each parent in the district no later than 30 days after the department has made all necessary data available to districts and may be posted on the district website. For report cards that are posted on the district website, the district and school must send home a copy with students, mail a copy to parents, or provide information to parents through a letter or school newsletter on how to access the report card on the Internet. Options for a paper copy should be provided for parents without Internet access.

Table of Contents

Instructions for DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (form #05-18-019)

Inserting Data from the DIASA website into the DISTRICT Report Card Template

Instructions for SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (form #05-18-020)

Inserting Data from the DIASA website into the SCHOOL Report Card Template

Instructions for DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE for Single Site Districts (form #05-18-021)

Inserting Data from the DIASA website into the SINGLE SITE DISTRICT & SCHOOL Report Card Template

Protocol for Reporting Results

Alaska Regulation 4 AAC 06.895. Report card to the public

Form #05-18-018Instructions for District & School Report Card Templates 2016-2017

Alaska Department of Education & Early DevelopmentPage 1 of 22

Instructions for DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE(form #05-18-019)

Page 1:

Links to Report Cards: Enter specific information about the district website and on-site locations where parents can find the District Report Card and School Report Cards.

Information on Teacher Qualifications: Information about teacher qualifications is the same information that is reported to DEED in the Certified Staff Accounting file, which includes all certified staff employed on October 1, 2016.

Note:The language indicating that parents can request information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers meets the parent notification requirement, and a separate parent notification is not required.

Page 2:

Information about Student Achievement Results: Enter the number of newly arrived EL students who were exempted from taking the English Language Arts assessment in the box. This number is the number of students reported in the 2017 Participation Rate file as “Y” in field 23 “FYI – Exclude from Reading Participation”, or field 25 “FYI – Exclude from Writing Participation.”

The tables display the assessment results in all proficiency levels for each required test (English Language Arts and Mathematics) taken by all students in grades 3-10 (not just students enrolled for the full academic year) and for the science test taken in by students grades 4, 8, and 10.

Note: The results reported for English Learners (EL) and students with disabilities include only students currently identified in those subgroups. Assessment results of former EL students or students with disabilities are not included in these reports.

Enter the assessment results (at each proficiency level) and participation information for each content area of English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. Districts are able to get assessment data and percent tested data to complete the report card from the online website Data Interaction for Alaska Student Assessments (DIASA) at Contact the District Test Coordinator for access to this data. See the step-by-step instructions for copying district assessment data on page 5 of this document.

Note:The assessment data from this website has notbeen suppressed to protect personally identifiable information. Remember to put an asterisk in any cell for which the number of students is so small that the information could be personally identifiable. (See the “Protocol for Reporting Results” on page 11 of this document.)

The district level student results must be compared to the state level student results.

Note:The table displays all required subgroups. It also displays some categories that are not required, but are included since they print in the DIASA report. If desired, the district may eliminate the rows for not economically disadvantaged, students withoutdisabilities, not EL, not migrant, and not active duty.

Page 4:

Two-Year Trend in Assessments: When complete, this chart will display your district data for two years for the Science assessment for each grade level. The data required to complete the two-year trend is available on the DEED’s Assessment Results webpage: ( under the appropriate year’s link, 2015 and 2017. To fill in the data on the chart, from the template right click on the chart, select the arrow to the right of Edit Data, and select Edit Data in Excel 2013, which will display a spreadsheet for data entry. The data spreadsheet will display two rows, one for each testing year. Enter the percentage of all district students for each grade that scored advanced/proficient (or Meets the Standards for 2015) for each year.

When you are finished entering data, close the spreadsheet. The graph should now appear with colored data bars representing the data. A sample graph with data entered is shown on page 20.

Page 5:

Designation of Schools: List all schools on this page that have an ASPI rating of 1- or 2-stars from 2013-2014 and all schools that are designated as a Priority or Focus school within the district. Indicate whether each of those schools is a Title I school. Enter the percentage of district schools that have a 1- or 2-star rating in the designated box.

Page 6:

NAEP Data: Results from theNational Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are pre-populated on pages 7-8 of the template. The 2015 administration is the most recent administration for which results are available.

Note:NAEP is administered every two years, not every year. Results from the 2017 administration of NAEP will be available in late 2017 or early 2018. The District Report Card template includes a link to the DEED website where updated NAEP data may be found (

Page 9:

District Accountability Indicators: Accountability Indicators Report: Insert the 2016-2017 District Accountability Indicators Report on this page. This report can be accessed by going to DEED’s accountability pageat clicking on the Accountability Indicators Reports tab and choosing the appropriate year.

This report shows, for all students and for all required subgroups, the percentage of students proficient in English Language Arts and Mathematics; a comparison to the percentage of proficient students at the state level; the participation rate; the graduation rate (as applicable for 12th grade); and the attendance rate.This should be the last page in your report card and can be added to your template in several ways, including saving as a PDF or pasting it as a picture into Word.

Inserting Data from the DIASA website into the DISTRICT Report Card Template

Open the DIASA website

  1. Go to the DIASA website:
  2. Log in to DIASAby entering your Username and Password
  3. On the Legal Agreement page, press the “Agree” button
  4. On the splashpage, select the “Click Here” link on the left hand side.

Download the data reports

  1. Get the PEAKS Report for English Language Arts and Mathematics
  2. On the Main Menu page, select the following:

Program = PEAKS

Report = Report Card

Year = 2017

From the “Select” dropdown menu, choose "District"

From the “Choose” dropdown menu, select your district

  1. Press the "Get Report" button
  2. On the next page, press the "Download CSV" button
  1. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"
  2. This automatically creates a document titled "reportcard.csv"; rename this report file to an easily identifiable name, for example"2017 [DISTRICT NAME] PEAKS ELA & Math Report.csv" and save to your computer.
  1. Get the Alaska Science Assessment
  2. On the Main Menu page, select the following:

Program = ASA

Report = Report Card

Year = 2017

From the “Select” dropdown menu, select “District”

From the “Choose” dropdown menu, select your district

  1. Press the "Get Report" button
  2. On the next page, press the "Download CSV" button
  3. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"
  4. This automatically creates a document entitled " reportcard.csv "; "; rename this report file to an easily identifiable name, for example"2017 [DISTRICT NAME] ASA Report.csv" and save to your computer

Formatting the Data Reports

  1. Open your savedPEAKS Report file and select columns E through N
  2. Align center
  3. Increase decimal places to 1
  4. Select column M and decrease decimal places to 0
  5. Save
  6. Repeat with the ASA Report file

Insert the data into the District Report Card Templates

English Language Arts Data (PEAKS)

  1. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file
  2. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E8 (English Language Arts/Total/Advanced District) to N26 (English Language Arts/NOT Active Duty/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)
  3. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 3 – 10 in English Language Arts" table
  4. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/District" to "NOT Active Duty/Percentage Tested/District" and paste (CTRL+V)
  5. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10

Mathematics Data (PEAKS)

  1. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file
  2. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E27 (Mathematics/Total/ Advanced District) to N45 (Mathematics/NOT Active Duty/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)
  3. In the Template, go to the " All Students Tested Grades 3 – 10 in Mathematics " table
  4. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced /District" to "NOT Active Duty/Percentage Tested/District" and paste (CTRL+V)
  5. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10

Alaska Science Assessment (ASA)

  1. Open both the Template file and the ASA Report file
  2. In the ASA Report, select the cells E8 (Science/Total/Advanced District) to N26 (Science/NOT Active Duty/% Participation Rate District) and copy (CTRL+C)
  3. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 4, 8, & 10 in Science" table
  4. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/District" to "NOT Active Duty/ Percentage Tested/District " and paste (CTRL+V)
  5. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10

Note:The assessment data from this website has notbeen suppressed to protect personally identifiable information. Remember to put an asterisk in any cell for which the number of students is so small that the information could be personally identifiable. (See the “Protocol for Reporting Results” on page 17 of this document.)

Questions about the DIASA data should be directed to Heather Kahklen, by phone at 907-465-8724 or by email at:

Instructions for SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE(form #05-18-020)

Page 1:

School Name & Basic Information: Include basic information about the school. If the school is accredited, indicate the name of the accrediting organization, the date and the level of accreditation.

Links to Report Cards: Enter specific information about the district website and on-site locations where parents can find the District Report Card and School Report Cards.

Page 2:

Information on Teacher Qualifications: Information for the teacher qualifications is the information that is reported to DEED in the Certified Staff Accounting reports that are due to DEED on October 15 and May 1 of each year. Report the number of all teachers in the school by the highest degree earned.

Note:The language indicating that parents can request information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers meets the parent notification requirement, and a separate parent notification is not required.

Other School Information: The additional data in the chart is required by Alaska regulation 4 AAC 06.895.

Grades KG-8 Retention Rate:Report the KG-8 retention rate by taking the number of students not progressing to the next grade and dividing by the membership on the last day of the school year, expressed as a percentage.Example: if 40 students were enrolled in grades KG-8 on the last day of the 2016-2017 school year and two of them were not progressing to the next grade then the KG-8 Retention Rate would be 5.00%

Number of High School Graduates: This is the total count of students who received a regular high school diploma during the 2016-2017 school year. This includes early graduates, students who receive a diploma in four years, and students who receive a late diploma, as long as the diploma was issued during the 2016-2017 school year.

Grades 7-12 Dropout Rate:Report the percentage of dropouts by taking the total number of students in grades 7-12 who discontinued school during the 2016-2017 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2016-2017 school year divided by the October 1, 2016 enrollment count of all students in grades 7-12. If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the school year, contact Eric Caldwell at for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Number of Grade 7-12 Dropouts: Report the total count of students who discontinued school during the 2016-2017 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2016-2017 school year.If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the school year, contact Eric Caldwell at for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Enrollment Change:Report the annual percentage change in enrollment by taking the October 1, 2016 enrollment and subtracting the October 1, 2015 enrollment, then dividing by the October 1, 2015 enrollment. Example: For a school with180 students enrolled on October 1, 2016 and 200 students on October 1, 2015. Step One:[180 – 200=-20] Step Two: [-20/ 200=-0.1] Percentage Change = -10.00%

Enrollment Change Due to Transfers:Report the percentage change in enrollment due to transfers by dividing the number of students enrolled at least 170 days in the school year by the number of students enrolled at least one day in the school, then subtracted from one.Example: A school has 250 students in membership for at least one day in 2016-2017 and 200 students in membership for at least 170 days. Step One: [200 / 250 = 0.8] Step Two: [1 – 0.8 = 0.2] Percentage Change = 20.00%

Students Survey Response Rate:The Students Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to students and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by students.

Parents Survey Response Rate:The Parents Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to parents and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by parents.

Students Commenting: Report the number of students commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Parents Commenting: Report the number of parents commenting on school district activities during the school year.A narrative description of these comments shall be included in the included space on the form or distributed as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Average Volunteer Hours per Week: Report the average number of volunteer hours per week spent in the school by parents and interested community members.

Community Members Commenting:Report the number of community members commenting on school district activities during the school year.A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.