
(Questions based on pp. 3-4 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 1 – THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)

  1. Discuss the different responses of men when confronted with Christ’s question “But whom say ye that I am?”.
  1. Why is our perception of Christ crucial to our standing before God (cf. Matthew 10:32-33)?
  1. Why is it imperative to look to God’s Word to gain a proper and fuller understanding of Jesus Christ?

Christ: The Pre-eminent One

(Questions based on pp. 5-9 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 1– THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)

  1. What were the various ways that God used in order to reveal His truth to the prophets of old progressively and what was the ultimate truth revealed as its climax? Why do we say that only Jesus can fully tell us who God is?
  1. When did the period of the “last days” mentioned in Hebrews 1:2 begin and how did the Jews understand this concept?
  1. The truth that Christ is God’s Son is particularly offensive to the Jews of Jesus’ days. Why? (John 5:17-18; 10:32-33)
  1. What heresy has come out of the misapplication of the phrase in Hebrews 1:2 – “whom he hath appointed heir of all things”? How does it oppose the biblical doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Christ in the light of Psalm 2:7-8 and John 16:15?
  1. Hebrews 1:2 affirms Christ as the great Creator. Briefly explain the all-inclusive scope of His creation as reflected in this verse as well as those in John 1:3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 3:9 and Colossians 1:16-17.
  1. How do the following verses express the very fullness of God in the incarnate Christ: Hebrews 1:3a; Colossians 1:15 and 2:9?
  1. Share some chaotic situations that can possibly ensue if Christ were not to govern the world “by the word of his power”.
  1. Looking at Hebrews 1:3c, share your thoughts on why we must conclude that there is no Saviour other than Christ.
  1. Discuss the three magnificent truths about Christ sitting down at the Father’s right hand as depicted in the following verses:

a)Hebrews 10:12 –

b)Romans 8:34 –

c)1 Peter 3:22 –

Christ: Superior to Angels

(Questions based on pp. 11-16 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 1 – THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)

  1. What characteristics of angels can be learnt from the following verses?

a)Psalm 103:20 –

b)Psalm 104:4 –

c)Matthew 28:3-4 –

  1. If man is said to be “a little lower than the angels” (Psalm 8:5), then why is Christ, having lived on earth as a man, described as “being made so much better than the angels” in Hebrews 1:4a?
  1. Discuss how Christ’s resurrection and ascension demonstrate Christ’s superiority over angels (1 Peter 3:22).
  1. Angels are sometimes referred to as “sons of God”. How does this designation differ from that of Christ as “the Son of God” (John 3:16; Hebrews 1:5)?
  1. Discuss the doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Christ in the light of Hebrews 1:6.
  1. Hebrews 1:6 tells us that the angels were bidden to worship and praise the Son of God during His incarnation. Describe from Luke 2:9-14 and 1 Timothy 3:16 how the angels responded to this instruction.
  1. From Hebrews 1:8-9, what are the circumstances surrounding Christ that lead to Him being exalted above the angels?
  1. Discuss the importance of the ministry of the angels to the Person of the incarnate Christ as recorded in the Gospels (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:20, 24; Luke 2:8-15; Matthew 2:13; 2:19-20; 4:11; Mark 1:13; Luke 22:43; Matthew 28:2-4; John 20:12).
  1. Having learnt about the superiority of Christ over the angels, can you name some of the cult groups which regard Christ as merely a good man, a kind angelic being or even a lesser god?

Christ: Greater than Moses

(Questions based on pp. 17-21 of Bible Witness, Volume 10, Issue 5 – THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)

  1. What could be the reason why the writer of Hebrews considered Moses for comparison with Jesus to further highlight the supremacy of Christ (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18)?
  1. What can we gather about Moses from Deuteronomy 34:5-12 with regard to his reputation among the Jews?
  1. Briefly define the office and functions of an apostle as mentioned in this article.
  1. How did the Apostle Peter present Jesus to the Jews at Jerusalem in Acts 3:22-26?
  1. What important benefit and blessing are accorded to the believers, having Christ as their High Priest? (Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:22-26)
  1. Moses cannot lay claim to what Jesus said in John 8:29 as he is said to have lapses in his faithfulness. Can you recall those incidents? (Exodus 2:11-12; Numbers 20:8-11)
  1. Compare the glory accorded to Moses (Exodus 34:5) with Christ’s own glory (2 Corinthians 3:7-11).
  1. According to A.W. Pink, why is Christ entitled to the highest honour from the family and thus worthy of more glory than Moses?
  1. Moses’ reputation among the Jews should have led them to believe in Christ. Looking at the following verses, cite some reasons to support this statement.
  1. John 5:46 –
  1. Luke 24:27 –
  1. John 8:35 –

Christ: Exalted on High

(Questions based on pp. 22-27 of Bible Witness, Volume 11, Issue 1 – THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)

  1. Why is it that the writer of Hebrews repeatedly asserts that Christ, having “sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high”, is highly exalted above all? (Hebrews 1:3b, 13; 8:1b; 10:12; 12:2)
  1. In your own words, describe the glory and grandeur ascribed to the One being seated “on the right hand of the Majesty on high”.
  1. According to Revelation 5:13, who should worship and give glory unto the highly exalted King of the universe?
  1. Which phrase from Hebrews 1:13 signifies the anticipation of Christ’s ultimate victory over all His enemies? Explain this concept in the context of ancient war customs.
  1. Explain why there was no chair for the OT priests to sit on in the Tabernacle after offering their sacrifices. Relate this to the fact that Christ, our great High Priest, sat down after offering only one sacrifice for sins forever (Hebrews 1:11-12; cf. John 19:30).
  1. How does the Lord Jesus, being our perpetual Intercessor, secure our eternal salvation before God (Hebrews 7:25; 9:24; 1 John 2:1; Romans 8:34)?
  1. As our forerunner to heaven, what did Christ accomplish for the believers and what blessing awaits them there (John 14:3)?
  1. Why can we be sure that Christ knows all our struggles and thus is able to help us (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15)?

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