Beowulf OCSWebquest

Name:______Period ____ Date: ______

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The epic poem Beowulf is considered the earliest major work of English poetry. Before diving into the text itself, it is important that we understand some of the poem's background, language use, and literary devices, for it is impossible to understand a work of literature without understanding the people who produced it. Follow the links to discover a wealth of information about Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon culture. Use what you find to answer the questions below. Some questions may take some searching and careful reading, but all the information can be found within the websites provided.

Remember that you also have as a search engine option.

Part One: Overview

  1. When is Beowulf thought to have been written?
  1. In what language is the poem written?
  1. Is Beowulf a fictional or historical character? What about other leading characters in the poem?

Part Two: Poetics

  1. Define alliteration and how Beowulfuses it.
  1. Define a “kenning” and then come up with three of your own, complete with explanations.

Part Three: Anglo-Saxon Life and Culture

Explore the websites on culture to help you better understand what life was like for the Anglo-Saxon people who wrote and enjoyed Beowulf.

1. Write a description of what your typical life would be like in the Anglo-Saxon time period.

2. Describe your clothing, your food, and how you spend your time if you are a woman or a man.

3. Look at these 2 topics:

Religion – Describe Anglo-Saxon religious Beliefs. Did they believe in God? Heaven? Hell?

Fun Facts – Find 3 FUN facts on this web page (look for Fun Facts).

Part Four: The Poem

1. The Characters of Beowulf

Who are the Geats? [Clue: They are people.] Where did they live?

Who is Grendel?

2. Beowulf had 2 battles besides his fight with Grendel. Explore the website below and summarize each of the battles.