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©2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
© 2009 <Your Company Name>
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Technical Reviewers:
Additional Reviewers:
Copyright 2
Acknowledgments 2
Purpose 2
Objective 2
Summary of Solution 2
Solution Hardware 2
Supporting Infrastructure 2
Exchange Configuration 2
3rd Party Components 2
Insert the purpose of the solution
What the main objective were
Summary of Solution
Provide a summary of the technical solution
Solution Hardware
In depth technical overview (and configuration information) of the hardware which makes up the solution – this could and should include:
Memory, CPU and Disk configurations (including controller settings).
You should include disk layouts, purposes (e.g. Logs, DB, Index Volumes)
This will go on for several pages.
Supporting Infrastructure
In this section include relevant elements of the Active Directory environment (child domains, FSMO role holders, Networking infrastructure – essentially detailed information on the components which make your Exchange installation work.
This again may go on for several pages.
Exchange Configuration
This should contain a structured view of the entire Exchange organisation – including storage groups, data bases, HT, CAS, Edge, and UM.
You might also wish to consider a detailed overview of the O/S configuration in this section; however you could also place it in the “Supporting Infrastructure” section.
3rd Party Components
Here you can include the configuration of any 3rd party software which interfaces with the Exchange installation – for example Anti-Virus, Archival software, log monitoring, SCOM etc.