SSRVM Computer TTC Schedule
Day 1 (Saturday) : 13 December 2008
9:00 – 9.30 AM / Startup:Ice-breaking exercises to awaken the child within
Group formation (Give names to groups – Farida, Usha)
Ensure at least one computer savvy person in each group / Prof. Sridhar
Session 1
9.30 – 10.30 / Some basics from Shraddha Workshop (SIP):
Start with pranayam
Discuss teaching methodology
Mention Patanjali sutras / Prof. Sridhar
10.30 - 11.00 / Group activity (B1.10.1a,1b,4c,5a,5b,6) / Farida, Usha
11.00-11.15 / Tea Break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha to arrange)
Session 2
11.15 - 11.45 / Computer Masti (CM) books:
Brief intro to the topics.
Associated activities.
General philosophy behind the curriculum. / Prof. sridhar, Malati
Session 3
11.45 – 12.45 / Hands on installation:
Edubuntu configuration (on Windows)
Applications required for Computer Masti.
Ask people to get their own laptops also, if possible.
Troubleshooting and queries etc / Vijaya, Swati
Mention about availability of exe that can be installed on the laptops if they do not want to install ubuntu.
1.00 – 2.00 / Lunch Break / Aahar (Rekha to arrange)
2.00 – 3.00 / Hands on (Pratyaksha) of using CM applications;
Take activities from CM 1 and 2 and ask them to do it.
Use Gcompris to stress on developing self-learning skills, such as accessing the manual.
Use TuxPaint to stimulate creativity and get them to discover various features of any software.
Let them work in pairs/groups, note down insights, difficulties, enjoyment, etc. / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin, Vinod
Session 4
3.00 – 3.30 / Making lesson plans:
How to use CM.
How to make lesson plans. / Prof. Sridhar
3.30 – 3.45 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
3.45 – 4.15 / KYC basics:
Short video of a typical class from SSRVM Mulund.
Summary of KYC basics for learning how to deal with children. / Sameer, Farida, Usha
Prof. Sridhar
4.15 – 5.15 / (Homework): Choose a lesson/topic and make your own lesson plan and suggest a group activity. / Prof. Sridhar
Farida, Malati, Usha, Vijaya
5.15 - 5.30 / Wrap up session of first day
* Include pranayam at appropriate points to ensure attention.
* Insert group activities from CM1 and 2 at appropriate points to avoid boredom.
Day 2 (Sunday): 14 December 2008
Session 59.00 – 10.15 / Recap:
KYC and Shraddha basics.
Topics of CM 1 and 2 (especially Dos and Don'ts). / Prof. Sridhar
Farida, Vijaya
10.15 – 10.45 / Group activity II
CM2-9:1,2,3,4,5 / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin
10.45 – 11.00 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
Session 6
11.00 – 12.30 / Review of lesson plans:
Give time to refine/complete lesson plans.
Review and feedback (some individually and others within group). / Prof. Sridhar
Vijaya, Malati, Usha
12.30 – 1.00 / Queries / Moderator – Vijaya - SSRVM Team
1.00 – 2.00 / Lunch Break / Aahar (Rekha, Pravin to arange)
Session 7
2.00 – 3.00 / Hands on of CM applications;
Take activities which were found to be difficult yesterday.
Use Childsplay to encourage them to find alternatives to Gcompris.
Use TuxMath to show integration of computers and other subjects.
Use TextEditor (do something with a given paragraph). / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin
3.00 – 3.30 / Group activity
Dos and donts – CM2
Traditional folk games. / Vijaya, Farida
Rekha/Pravin - Get a few rubber/ping pong balls which will bounce.
3.30 – 3.45 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
Session 8
3.45 – 4.45 / Consolidation:
Each group creates a presentation on what they learnt in workshop.
Experience sharing.
Feedback about the workshop. / Prof. Sridhar
5:00 PM / Closed
* Include pranayam at appropriate points to ensure attention.
* Insert group activities from CM1 and 2 at appropriate points to avoid boredom.
Rekha: Discuss with Prof. Sridhar
Registration form done by Farida was to be finalized by Prof. Sridhar.
Paticipants registration kit: (Whether we are giving) If yes, the kit contents
- Notepad, pen, os+apton cd, oscar brochure
- CM1
- Handouts (if any)
- Feedback forms prepared by Farida