SSRVM Computer TTC Schedule

Day 1 (Saturday) : 13 December 2008

9:00 – 9.30 AM / Startup:
Ice-breaking exercises to awaken the child within
Group formation (Give names to groups – Farida, Usha)
Ensure at least one computer savvy person in each group / Prof. Sridhar
Session 1
9.30 – 10.30 / Some basics from Shraddha Workshop (SIP):
Start with pranayam
Discuss teaching methodology
Mention Patanjali sutras / Prof. Sridhar
10.30 - 11.00 / Group activity (B1.10.1a,1b,4c,5a,5b,6) / Farida, Usha
11.00-11.15 / Tea Break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha to arrange)
Session 2
11.15 - 11.45 / Computer Masti (CM) books:
Brief intro to the topics.
Associated activities.
General philosophy behind the curriculum. / Prof. sridhar, Malati
Session 3
11.45 – 12.45 / Hands on installation:
Edubuntu configuration (on Windows)
Applications required for Computer Masti.
Ask people to get their own laptops also, if possible.
Troubleshooting and queries etc / Vijaya, Swati
Mention about availability of exe that can be installed on the laptops if they do not want to install ubuntu.
1.00 – 2.00 / Lunch Break / Aahar (Rekha to arrange)
2.00 – 3.00 / Hands on (Pratyaksha) of using CM applications;
Take activities from CM 1 and 2 and ask them to do it.
Use Gcompris to stress on developing self-learning skills, such as accessing the manual.
Use TuxPaint to stimulate creativity and get them to discover various features of any software.
Let them work in pairs/groups, note down insights, difficulties, enjoyment, etc. / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin, Vinod
Session 4
3.00 – 3.30 / Making lesson plans:
How to use CM.
How to make lesson plans. / Prof. Sridhar
3.30 – 3.45 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
3.45 – 4.15 / KYC basics:
Short video of a typical class from SSRVM Mulund.
Summary of KYC basics for learning how to deal with children. / Sameer, Farida, Usha
Prof. Sridhar
4.15 – 5.15 / (Homework): Choose a lesson/topic and make your own lesson plan and suggest a group activity. / Prof. Sridhar
Farida, Malati, Usha, Vijaya
5.15 - 5.30 / Wrap up session of first day
* Include pranayam at appropriate points to ensure attention.
* Insert group activities from CM1 and 2 at appropriate points to avoid boredom.

Day 2 (Sunday): 14 December 2008

Session 5
9.00 – 10.15 / Recap:
KYC and Shraddha basics.
Topics of CM 1 and 2 (especially Dos and Don'ts). / Prof. Sridhar
Farida, Vijaya
10.15 – 10.45 / Group activity II
CM2-9:1,2,3,4,5 / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin
10.45 – 11.00 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
Session 6
11.00 – 12.30 / Review of lesson plans:
Give time to refine/complete lesson plans.
Review and feedback (some individually and others within group). / Prof. Sridhar
Vijaya, Malati, Usha
12.30 – 1.00 / Queries / Moderator – Vijaya - SSRVM Team
1.00 – 2.00 / Lunch Break / Aahar (Rekha, Pravin to arange)
Session 7
2.00 – 3.00 / Hands on of CM applications;
Take activities which were found to be difficult yesterday.
Use Childsplay to encourage them to find alternatives to Gcompris.
Use TuxMath to show integration of computers and other subjects.
Use TextEditor (do something with a given paragraph). / Farida, Usha
Rekha, Pravin
3.00 – 3.30 / Group activity
Dos and donts – CM2
Traditional folk games. / Vijaya, Farida
Rekha/Pravin - Get a few rubber/ping pong balls which will bounce.
3.30 – 3.45 / Tea break / KreSIT canteen (Rekha, Pravin to arrange)
Session 8
3.45 – 4.45 / Consolidation:
Each group creates a presentation on what they learnt in workshop.
Experience sharing.
Feedback about the workshop. / Prof. Sridhar
5:00 PM / Closed
* Include pranayam at appropriate points to ensure attention.
* Insert group activities from CM1 and 2 at appropriate points to avoid boredom.

Rekha: Discuss with Prof. Sridhar

Registration form done by Farida was to be finalized by Prof. Sridhar.

Paticipants registration kit: (Whether we are giving) If yes, the kit contents

  1. Notepad, pen, os+apton cd, oscar brochure
  2. CM1
  3. Handouts (if any)
  4. Feedback forms prepared by Farida