Overview of topic taught each half term

Overview of topic taught each half term

Subject: English

HoD: Mr. B Rackstraw

Overview of topic taught each half term

Half Term / Year 7 / Year 8
Autumn / Changes, Childhood & Conflict
Goodnight Mister Tom
This module focuses on writing to argue for the first half of the term with pupils’ reading a range of non-fiction texts to explore ideas around evacuation and belonging.
In the second half the pupils are introduced to the skills of academic writing. They will examine the nature of how character’s change throughout a novel referring to language features and writer’s intentions. / American Dreaming
Of Mice and Men
Pupils will analysis the relevance of this classic story of friendship, as well as develop their analytical writing skills.
Autumn / Appeals Please!
Non-Fiction Writing of Charity Appeals
Pupils will practice their ability to write to persuade by creating their own emotive charity appeal for a charity of their choice.
Christmas Break
Spring / Grounding Grammar & Descriptive Narratives
Non-fiction and fiction based on the Environment / The Gothic Tradition
Poe’s Short Stories, extracts from Dickens’s Great Expectations
In order to prepare pupils for the challenges of GCSE, Year 8 pupils will read a range of short stories written in the 19th century to develop their familiarity with the language and aspects of the culture.
Easter Break
Summer / Star-crossed Shakespeare
Romeo & Juliet
Pupils will study in detail the time-less tale of Romeo and Juliet where they will both cement their academic writing skills as well as practice their creative writing skills. / Love & Relationships
Selection of Poetry
This module offers pupils the opportunity to read a range of poems, and become comfortable with commenting on language features, imagery, structure and tone in comparison style questions.
Summer / Documenting Selfhood
Extract of diary entries across the ages.
At the end of KS3 pupils reflect on their growth as individuals, and channel their thoughts into non-fiction writing.