Curriculum Vitae / Luís Miguel Pereira Lopes

Luis Miguel Pereira Lopes

Place and Date of Birth: Born in Lisbon in September 18th, 1978

Nationality: Portuguese, Europe

Personal Phone: (+351) 96 902 17 95

E-mail Contact: ;


PhD in Applied Psychology (Organizational Psychology) at New University of Lisbon (Supervisor: Professor Doctor Miguel Pina e Cunha), Portugal, in the research field of Positive Organizational Studies (Summa Cum Laude).

Dissertation title: “Good vibrations”: Optimism, social network position and resource-attraction capability.

Graduation in Psychology (Licenciatura, 5 years) with a speciality in Social and Organizational Psychology, at the Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, University of Lisbon, Portugal (Top 10%; average 16/20).


Current Positions:

Assistant Professor at Department of Psychology at the Évora University (2008/…) as responsible from the courses on “Psychology and Organizational Behavior”, “Work and Organizational Psychology”, “Research and Data Analysis”, as well as supervising Masters Thesis.

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2008/…) as responsible from the course on “Organizational Behavior”.

Professor at the LisbonMBA in partnership with the MIT (2008/…) as responsible for the course on “Human Resources Management”, as well as the following courses on the Leadership Development Track of the MBA: “Networking Skills” and “Teamwork”.

Executive Director and President of the Direction at INTEC-Behavioral Technology Institute (2008/…).

Past Positions:

Senior Manager at Leadership Business Consulting (2007/2008), responsible for the Human Capital Management business line and for the Leadership Business Academy.

Teaching Assistant at ISPA (Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada) (2005/2008), in Lisbon, teaching a course in “Organizational Psychology” (Psychology Undergraduate), a Course in “Project Management” (Masters in Applied Psychology), as well as supervising Masters Thesis.

Project Manager and Product Development Manager (2002/2004) at HUMANPERSI, a Strategic Consulting and Human Resources Development firm.

Teaching Assistant at Universidade Independente (2001/2006), in Lisbon, teaching the following courses in the Psychology undergraduate: “Organizational Change and Development”, “Communitarian and Organizational Intervention Methods”, “Social Psychology”, “Personal Development” and “Developmental Psychology”.


Refereed Publications

1)  Lopes, M.P., Cunha, M.P., & Palma, P.J. (2009). Cases studies on what entrepreneurs actually do to attract resources: A two-route framework. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17(3), 1-27.

2)  Lopes, M.P. & Cunha, M.P. (2008). Who is more proactive, the optimist or the pessimist? Exploring the role of hope as a moderator. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3(2), 100-109.

3)  Ramalho, A.C., Palma, P.J., & Lopes, M.P. (2008). Em alta voltagem: Líderes energizantes e o seu impacto na percepção de eficácia grupal. Psychologica, 48, 237-260.

4)  Kaiser, S. & Muller-Seitz, G., Lopes, M.P., & Cunha, M.P. (2007). Weblog-technology as a trigger to elicit passion for knowledge. Organization, 14(3), 385-406.

5)  Lopes, M. P. & Cunha, M.P., & Palma, P.J. (2007). Giving out but not giving up: The Port of Lisbon Authority (1907-2005). International Public Management Review, 8(1), 31-53.

6)  Palma, P.J., Cunha, M.P., & Lopes, M.P. (2007). Comportamento organizacional positivo e empreendedorismo: Uma influência mutuamente vantajosa. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 12(1), 93-114.

7)  Gomes, J.F.S., & Lopes, M.P. (2006). Mudança organizacional e gestão de recursos humanos, ou porque é que se muda para não mudar nada. Faces Journal, 5(3), 57-63.

8)  Lopes, M.P., Cunha, M.P., & Reis, F. (2006). Marketing de ideias e construção de redes: As duas vias de atracção de recursos para novos empreendimentos. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 12(1), 115-136.

9)  Palma, P.J., Cunha, M.P., & Lopes, M.P. (2005). Rumo a uma adaptação contínua às tecnologias de informação: O papel da identidade organizacional empreendedora. Revista Gestão e Tecnologia, 6(1).

10)  Palma, P.J., & Lopes, M.P. (2005). O Papel do Tipo e da Abrangência Cultural na Aprendizagem Organizacional. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 11(2), 133-158.

11)  Almeida, L. & Lopes, M.P. (2004). O Inventário dos Valores de Vida (LVI): Estudos com adultos trabalhadores. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 10(2), 186-206.

12) Lopes, L. M., Palma, P. J. & Gomes, V. R. (2003). Estratégias de Gestão das Recompensas e Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional: O papel mediador das atitudes de satisfação. Inovação Organizacional,1, 77-105.

13) Palma, P. J. & Lopes, L. M. (2002). O impacto das práticas de gestão das recompensas no stress organizacional: O papel mediador da auto-eficácia. Liberdade – Anais Científicos da Universidade Independente, 2, 135-157.

Books and Book Chapters

1)  Cunha, M.P., Rego, A., Lopes, M.P., & Ceitil, M. (2008) Organizações Positivas: Manual de trabalho e formação. Lisboa: Sílabo.

2)  Lopes, M.P., Cunha, M.P., Kaiser, S. & Muller-Seitz, G. (2009). Positive Organizational Scholarship: Embodying a Humanistic Perspective on Business. In Amann, S. Khan, E. Kimakowitz, M. Pirson, & H. Spitzeck (Eds.), Humanism in Business: State of the art. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

3)  Lopes, M.P. (2008). Tolerância, talento e tecnologia: A gestão do capital humano como factor-chave para o desenvolvimento económico das nações. In Bancaleiro, J. (Ed.), Movimento RH21: Reflexões e contributos para a GRH em Portugal. Lisboa: RH Editora.

4)  Lopes, M.P., & Cunha, M.P. (2009). Innovation. In S.J Lopez (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, pp.520-521. Boston: Blackwell Publishing.

5)  Palma, P.J., Cunha, M.P., & Lopes, M.P. (2009). Entrepreneurial Behavior. In S.J Lopez (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, pp.338-342. Boston: Blackwell Publishing.

6)  Rego, A., Lopes, M.P., & Cunha, M.P. (2009). Justice. In S.J Lopez (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, pp.547-549. Boston: Blackwell Publishing.

Papers under Review

1)  Lopes, M.P., & Cunha, M.P.. Alter-optimism: Effects on advice-seeking, problem-solving and innovation networks. (Submitted to the Creativity and Innovation Management).

2)  Palma, P.J., Cunha, M.P., & Lopes, M.P.. The identity, image, construed image triangle: An exploratory case study of an acquisition. (Submitted to the Group and Organization Management).

3)  Müller-Seitz, G., Kaiser, S., Lopes, M.P., & Cunha, M.P.. The Janus-headedness of positive emotions: Towards a functional perspective. (Submitted to the Journal of Managerial Psychology).

Published Working Papers

1)  Lopes, M.P. & Cunha, M.P.. A dialectical approach to organizational positivity. NIIPOG-ISPA Working Paper Series OB032006.

2)  Lopes, M. P. & Cunha, M.P.. All that glitters is not gold: A critically-constructive analysis of Positive Organizational Behavior. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Working Paper Series.

3)  Lopes, M.P., Cunha, M.P., & Rego, A.. The effectiveness of paradoxical optimism: A case-study research on the psychological capital of Portuguese workers. Working paper.

Non-Refereed Publications

1)  Lopes, M.P. & Cunha, M.P. (2009). Administração Pública 2.0: As redes sociais como motor do desenvolvimento. Interface Administração Pública, 49, 20-25.

2)  Lopes, M.P. & Cunha, M.P. (2008). A sociedade em rede: Contributos para a gestão das pessoas e das organizações. Recursos Humanos Magazine, 58, 18-22.

3)  Lopes, M.P., & Gomes, J.F. (2006). Novas práticas de gestão de recursos humanos: Atrair e reter talentos no Séc. XXI. Recursos Humanos Magazine, 46, 20-26.

4)  Lopes, M.P. & Cunha, M.P. (2005). Mindpower: O valor do Capital Psicológico Positivo. Recursos Humanos Magazine, 41, 24-41.

5)  Lopes, L. M., Palma, P. J. (2003). Da Teoria à Acção: Os Mecanismos de Aprendizagem Organizacional. Recursos Humanos Magazine, 27, 56-59.


International Conferences Presentations

1)  “Vibrating living places: Quality of life and the positive psychological capital of citizens”. Presented at the First World Congress on Positive Psychology. International Positive Psychology Association, Philadelphia, 18th-21st June, 2009.

2)  “Entrepreneurial Leadership: A two-route framework.” Invited Speaker at the Fourth Bi-Annual Conference on POS. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 4th-6th December, 2008.

3)  “What entrepreneurs really do to attract resources: A two-route framework.” Presented at the Entrepreneurship Seminar of the “MIT-Portugal Consortium”, Lisbon, 11th –12th June, 2007.

4)  “Optimism Induction Capability: Effects on advice-seeking, problem-solving and innovation networks.” Presented at the OB Seminar of the “MIT-Portugal Consortium”, Lisbon, 22nd-23rd March, 2007.

5)  “The flow of optimism in social networks: Optimism induction and the extraordinary feelings of everyday work.” Invited Speaker at the Third Bi-Annual Conference on POS. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 7th-9th December, 2006.

6)  “How do they flock together: Innovation and problem-solving networks of optimism inductors”. Presented at the Fifth Gallup International Positive Psychology Summit, Washington DC, 5th-7th October, 2006.

7)  “Idea Selling and Network Building: Two Routes to Attract Resources for New Venture Development.” Presented at the Enterprise Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) Conference, Singapore Management University. Singapore, 2rd -5th July, 2006.

8)  “Generated Optimism: From optimistic personalities to oprtimistic organizations.” Invited Speaker at the Catholic University of München (Ingolstadt, Germany) in the Business School Annual Summer School, 21st July, 2006.

9)  “Positive psychological capital: Distinguishing profiles and their relation to organizational climate.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Oslo, Norway, 17-20th May, 2006.

10)  “Magnetic relationships: How entrepreneurs attract resources for new ventures.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Oslo, Norway, 17-20th May, 2006.

11)  “All that glitters is not gold: A critically-constructive analysis of Positive Organizational Behavior.” Presented at the IV International Meeting of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management (IAAM). Lisbon, Portugal, 08-11th December, 2005.

12)  “Putting the B on the Best: HRM Dimensions in a “Best Place to Work”. Presented at the XII European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15th May, 2005.

13)  “A Dialectical Approach to Organizational Positivity.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). München, Germany, 4-7th May, 2005.

14)  “Organizational Acquisition as Value Creation”, Presented at the III ISPI-EUROPE Annual Conference (International Society for Performance Improvement), Lisbon, Portugal, 07-09th October, 2004.

Portuguese Conferences Presentations

1)  “O Poder do know-who”, seminar for the MBA students at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) – Escola de Gestão e Negócios (EG&N), September 26, 2008.

2)  “Networking: A importância do relacionamento para a GRH”, invited speaker at the “E-GRH: As novas tecnologias na gestão dos recursos humanos”, RH Magazine, October 29-30, 2008.

3)  “Vantagens do Capital Psicológico”, invited speaker at the “HR Forum”, RH Magazine, April 17-18, 2008.

4)  “O fenómeno das cidades criativas”, invited speaker at the “Link - Human Capital Forum”, AIP (Portuguese Industrial Association), May 30-31, 2007.

5)  “As redes sociais dos optimistas e dos indutores de optimismo”, presented at the VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Évora University, November 28-30, 2006.

6)  “A relação entre perfis psicológicos positivos e o clima organizacional: O caso dos optimistas paradoxais”, presented at the VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Évora University, November 28-30, 2006.

7)  “Relações Magnéticas: Duas vias de atracção de recursos para novos empreendimentos”, presented at the VI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Évora University, November 28-30, 2006.

8)  “À espera de D. Sebastião: Estudos empíricos sobre o optimismo e o pessimismo dos Portugueses”, presented at the II Encontro de Psicologia Organizacional e do Consumidor – Universidade Lusíada, April 28, 2006.

9)  “O antagonismo controlo/eficácia na gestão de organismos públicos: O caso da Administração do Porto de Lisboa”, presented at the VI Simpósio sobre Comportamento Organizacional – FPCE-UL, September 28-30 de Setembro de 2005.

10)  “Controlo e eficácia na gestão de organismos públicos: O caso da Administração do Porto de Lisboa”, presented at the Conferência “Políticas Públicas para o Desenvolvimento”. Lisboa, ISCTE, June 16-17, 2005.

11)  “Na Corda Bamba: Eficácia na Gestão de Equipas Comerciais”, presented at the Vº Congresso Hispano-Português de Psicologia – Universidade de Lisboa, September 22-25, 2004.

12)  “Gestão do capital humano na administração pública.”, presented at the Iº Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública: Os Vectores da Mudança – INA (Instituto Nacional de Administração), November 10-11, 2003.

13)  “A dimensão ética na implementação de mecanismos de aprendizagem organizacional: Análise do caso de uma multinacional a operar em Portugal.”, presented at the IIº Colóquio Europeu de Psicologia e Ética - ISPA, November 05-07, 2003.

14)  “A gestão das pessoas para a aprendizagem organizacional.”, presented at the Vº Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, October 16-18, 2003.

15)  “Estratégias de aprendizagem organizacional.”, presented at the Iº Simpósio de Investigação em Psicologia - Universidade Independente, May 29-30, 2003.

16)  “Estratégias de gestão dos recursos humanos: Variáveis psicossociais e mudança organizacional.”, presented at the Vº Simpósio sobre Comportamento Organizacional - Universidade do Minho, November 20-22, 2002.

17)  “Estratégias de gestão dos recursos humanos: Variáveis psicossociais e mudança organizacional.”, presented at the Vº Encontro sobre Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão - ISPA, September 26-27, 2002.


1)  Ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Positive Psychology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, and Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão.

2)  Reviewer (OB Division), 67th International Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Philadelphia, PA (USA), 03rd-08th August, 2007.

3)  Track Chair member of the “Positive Organizational Behavior and Organizational Energy” track for the 2007 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), to be held in Paris, France, in 16th-19th May, 2006.

4)  Guest Editor of the Special Issue on “Positive Organizational Behavior: Strengthening the roots of a fruitful field of study”, for the Portuguese refereed journal Revista de Comportamento Organizacicional e Gestão (Organizational Behavior and Management Review), ISPA.

5)  Group coordinator of the “Positive Organizational Behavior” track for the 2006 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), held in Oslo, Norway, in 17th-20th May, 2006.

6)  Reviewer (OB Division), 66th International Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 11th-16th August, 2006.

7)  Reviewer (OB Division), 4th International Meeting of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management (IAAM). Lisbon, Portugal, 08th-11th December, 2005.

8)  Discussant of the interactive session in Public Administration (State-Owned Companies and Private Management Methods) at the 4th International Meeting of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management (IAAM). Lisbon, Portugal, 08th-11th December, 2005.