Policy and procedures checklist

The checklist provides a list of the policies and procedures that your organisation should consider having in place. Depending on the particular circumstances of your organisation, some policies may not be relevant, or there may be additional policies your organisation requires.

You can use the checklist to review your organisation’s current policies. Where the title of the policy is underlined, this indicates that there is a live link on the MSO site to a template for this policy. You can click on the link to access the template, which you can download and adapt for your organisation. Further templates will be being added, so contact MSO if you are wanting a particular template that is not yet live.

For a blank policy template: Sample policy and procedure template

Area / Suggested
file number / Policy and procedures / Have current version / Not relevant /
1. The organisation / 1.1 / Purpose and values
1.2 / Organisational structure: Responsibilities and accountabilities
1.3 / Incorporation compliance requirements
1.4 / Membership
1.5 / Annual report
1.6 / Code of ethics and conduct
1.7 / Privacy
1.8 / Confidential information
1.9 / Harassment and bullying
2. Governance / 2.1 / Board role and responsibilities
2.2 / Board structure and appointment
2.3 / Committees, sub committees and advisory bodies
2.4 / Annual general meetings
2.5 / Conflict of interest
2.6 / Duties of board members
2.7 / Board meetings
2.8 / Orientation for new board members
2.9 / Board performance appraisal
2.10 / Training and development for board members
2.11 / Board dispute resolution
3. Management and accountability / 3.1 / Leadership, continuity and accountability
3.2 / Senior staff positions
3.3 / Delegations of authority
3.4 / Internal reporting
3.5 / Policy development and approval
3.6 / Staff/team meetings
3.7 / Internal audit procedures
4. Planning / 4.1 / Strategic or business planning
4.2 / Operational planning
4.3 / Staff work planning
4.4 / Developing new business
4.5 / Organisational performance and evaluation
4.6 / Project planning and management
4.7 / Crisis response planning
5. Human resource management / 5.1 / Workforce development and planning
5.2 / Recruitment, selection and appointment of staff
5.3 / Staff induction
5.4 / Staff position descriptions
5.5 / Summary employment conditions
5.6 / Flexible and supportive work practices
5.7 / Professional ethics and conduct
5.8 / EEO, equity and diversity
5.9 / Workplace health and safety
5.10 / Critical incidents
5.11 / Performance management and review
5.12 / Staff development and training
5.13 / Grievance, complaints and disputes
5.14 / Alcohol, drugs and smoking in the workplace
5.15 / Disciplinary procedures
5.16 / Exit or termination procedures
5.17 / Work-related travel expenses
5.18 / Conference attendance
5.19 / Students
5.20 / Volunteers
6. Financial management and administration / 6.1 / Overview of finances
6.2 / Financial management
6.3 / Budget management and monitoring
6.4 / Annual audit
6.5 / Asset management
6.6 / Procurement
6.7 / Project budgets and acquittals
6.8 / Financial payment methods
6.9 / Records management
6.10 / Invoicing and accounts payable
6.11 / Sitting fees
6.12 / Payroll
6.13 / Investment
6.14 / Donations
7. Physical assets / 7.1 / Premises – Maintenance and security
7.2 / Equipment
7.3 / Telephones
7.4 / Motor vehicles
8. Health, safety and environment / 8.1 / Fire safety
8.2 / First aid
8.3 / Rubbish and recycling
8.4 / Energy conservation
8.5 / Hazards
9.Services and activities / 9.1 / Service scope and planning
9.2 / Service information
9.3 / Access to services
9.4 / Intake and referral
9.5 / Service allocation and delivery
9.6 / Client rights and responsibilities
9.7 / Client security and safety
9.8 / Client records
9.9 / Client feedback
9.10 / Managing complaints
9.11 / Standards and service quality monitoring
9.12 / Consultation
9.13 / Member services
9.14 / Public events
9.15 / Research
9.16 / Advocacy
9.20 / Specific service activity procedures
10. Risk management, compliance and insurance / 10.1 / Risk management
10.2 / Monitoring legal compliance
10.3 / Managing contracts and funding agreements
10.4 / Intellectual property
10.5 / Insurance management
11. Information and communication / 11.1 / Information Technology
11.2 / Publications
11.3 / Website
11.4 / Internal communication
11.5 / Knowledge management
11.6 / Access to confidential information
11.7 / Use of internet
12. External relationships and stakeholders / 12.1 / Corporate representation
12.2 / Partnerships
12.3 / Sponsorship
12.4 / Media
12.5 / Stakeholder relationships
13. Administration and office procedures / 13.1 / Office and reception
13.2 / Post and correspondence
13.3 / Stationery and office supplies
13.4 / Filing and records management
13.5 / Expenses reimbursements
13.6 / Contractors and suppliers
13.7 / Staff amenities

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Management Support Online NGO Services Bradfield Nyland Group Consultancy Practice projects of Breaking New Ground Pty Ltd

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