QuickBooks Online 2013 Student Guide

Course 5:
Reporting in QuickBooks Online


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QuickBooks Online 2013Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Author

Course Overview

Course Opening


Training at a Glance

QBO Plus Test Drive

Preferences Pre-work

Lesson 1: Reports Overview

Reports Available

QuickBooks Online Simple Start: 20+ Reports

QuickBooks Online Essentials: 40+ Reports

QuickBooks Online Plus: 65+ Reports

Viewing Reports

Changing How A Report Looks When Printed

Turn on the Text Wrapping Preference for Reports

Change Browser Printing Options

Change the Way Column Titles Print

Printing Wide Reports

Email Reports

Customizing the Content of a Report

Lesson 2: Company Reports

What is a Company Report?

Balance Sheet

Profit & Loss

Quick Company Health Reports

Company Snapshot


Lesson 3: Customer Reports

Customer Balance Detail Report

Collections Report

Unbilled Charges Report

Memorized Reports

Customizing Fields, Columns and Filtering

Sorting and Filtering (Matching)

Lesson 4: Vendor and Sales Reports

A/P Aging Summary Report

Sales by Customer Detail Report

Sales by Product/Service Detail Report

Course Conclusion

Course 5: Reporting in QuickBooks Online1

QuickBooks Online 2013Table of Contents

About the Author

Megan is an Advisory Supervisor Accountant at Squire & Company, PC, located in Orem, Utah – a full-fledged CPA firm specializing in Audit, Tax, and Business Advisory. Megan is a Certified Public Accountant and Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor, and has provided consulting and training services for many of the Intuit suite of products, including QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions, QuickBooks Point of Sale, and QuickBooks Online.

She teaches many QuickBooks seminars through in-class sessions, one on one consulting sessions, and online webinars. She is most recently participating in developing QuickBooks training materials through the Intuit Trainer/Writer Network. She works hard to empower her clients to know their accounting system enough to either do it themselves or have confidence that it is providing valuable information as they make business decisions.

She is involved in the community through Kiwanis, a global organization dedicated to serving children, as well as spending significant time providing service through her local church. She loves spending time with her young family and playing sports whenever she gets a chance.

Squire & Company, PC provides numerous accounting services, including individual and business tax return preparation and planning; audit, review, and compilation services; technology consulting; and business advisory services including outsource CFO, processes and policy documentation, financial planning, and much more. Squire is one of the original Intuit Solution Provider firms and has Premier status in the Intuit Reseller Program. Megan can be reached at

Course 5: Reporting in QuickBooks Online1

QuickBooks Online 2013Table of Contents

Course Overview


Working from the QuickBooks Online Plus Test Drive, you will explore the power of reporting in QuickBooks Online. You will find the company reporting features help measure the health of your company. You will see a company’s use of sales reports to track income and vendor reports that track spending.


In this module, you will work through hands-on activities to:

  • Identify features and utility of Company reports
  • Recognize the elements of the Sales and Vendor reports
  • Identify features ofAP Aging and Vendor Balance Detail reports

Training ata Glance

Lessons / Topics / Description
  1. Reports Overview
  • View, print, and e-mail customizable reports
  • QuickBooks Online Simple Start: 20+ reports
  • QuickBooks Online Essentials: 40+ reports
  • QuickBooks Online Plus: 65+ Reports
/ Explore the types of reports and various changes that you can modify report data using all the versions of QuickBooks Online.
  1. Company Reports
  • Balance Sheet Report
  • Profit and Loss Report
  • Company Snapshot
  • Scorecard
/ Uncover the use of basic company reports to show profit, expenses, liabilities and income.
  1. Customer Reports
  • Customer Balance Detail Report
  • Collections Report
  • Unbilled Charges Report
  • Memorized Reports
/ Identify customer reports. Showing the amounts of money still on the books but net yet collected is important to the bottom line of any business.
  1. Vendor and Sales Reports
  • A/P Aging Summary Report
  • Sales by Customer Detail Report
  • Sales by Product/Service Detail Report
/ How much you sell and how much you spend is critical to profits. Vendor billing can be looked at and evaluated using vendor reports.

QBO Plus Test Drive

Lessons in the Activities Handbooks include hands-on exercises in a QuickBooks Online Plus “test drive”. The test drive uses a sample company file called Craig’s Design & Landscaping Services. It can be accessed through the following link:

You don’t have to create an account or sign in; just complete the security validation and click Continue. This test drive is designed for you to explore and try out new things without worrying that you will break something or make a mistake. It is not designed to retain any changes you make. Once you close the QBO Plus test drive, it is completely refreshed, so please remember to allow sufficient time to complete each activity. But don’t worry if you have to close the test drive before you are finished! You can always begin again.

Note: The test drive uses the QuickBooks Online Plus plan. It contains some features that are not available in QuickBooks Online Simple Start or Essentials. In addition, some features, such as the Apps Center tab and in-product Help are not enabled at this time. However, this is subject to change.

Preferences Pre-work

  1. Openthe QBO Test Drive
  2. On the Company tab, click Preferences.
  3. In the Preference list, under Sales Form Entry, click Delayed Charges to go to that section of the Preferences screen. Click the box next to Delayed charges.

  1. In the Preferences list, scroll down to Reports, and click Cash/Accrual. In the Preferences screen, in the Default accounting method for summary section, select Accrual.
  2. In the Default display and print settings section, select Turn on text wrapping in report columns.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Preferences screen. In the Numbers Format section, selectNormal and under Show All Numbers, check ExceptZero Amounts.
  4. ClickSave.

Course 5: Reporting in QuickBooks Online1

QuickBooks Online 2013Lesson 1: Reports Overview

Lesson 1: Reports Overview

Reports are critical for feedback and specialized business activities. Their objective is to provide information about the financial position, and the performance and changes in the financial position of a company. Reports should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. They show assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses that are directly related to an organization's financial position.

The purpose of reports can impact an owner’s important business decisions that affect its continued operations. They can provide management with a more detailed understanding of the figures. These reports are also used as part of management's annual report to the stockholders.

This lesson will focus on how reports are viewed, printed, sent, and customized in QuickBooks Online.

Reports Available

The process is simple to access reports. Click the Reports tab to see the Reports List page. It contains a complete list of all reports available. They are separated in categories. Here are the categories in QuickBooks Online Plus at the time of writing:

  • Company
  • Customers
  • Sales
  • Vendors
  • Tax
  • Employees
  • Payroll
  • Banking
  • Budgets
  • Accountant &Taxes
  • Lists

QuickBooks Online Simple Start: 20+ Reports

There are reports available for use based on the version of QuickBooks Online you have purchased. For QuickBooks Online Simple Start, here are some of the reports you have access to:

  • A/R Aging
  • Account Listing
  • Balance Sheet
  • Check Detail
  • Collections Report
  • Customer Balance Summary
  • Memorized Reports
  • Taxable Sales
  • Transaction List by Date
  • Profit & Loss
  • Reconcile Reports
  • Sales by Customer
  • Sales by Product/Service
  • Statement of Cash Flows

QuickBooks Online Essentials: 40+ Reports

For QuickBooks Online Essentials, here is the list of reports available:

Company (8)
  • Profit & Loss
  • Profit & Loss Detail
  • Balance Sheet
  • Balance Sheet Summary
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Account Listing
  • Company Snapshot
  • Scorecard

Customers (11)
  • A/R Aging Summary
  • A/R Aging Detail
  • Customer Balance Summary
  • Customer Balance Detail
  • Collections Report
  • Income by Customer Summary
  • Transaction List by Customer
  • Sales by Customer Summary
  • Sales by Customer Detail
  • Invoice List
  • Statement List

Sales (8)
  • Sales by Customer Summary
  • Sales by Customer Detail
  • Sales Tax Liability Summary
  • Taxable Sales Detail
  • Invoice List
  • Statement List
  • Sales by Product/Service Summary
  • Sales by Product/Service Detail

Vendors (9)
  • A/P Aging Summary
  • A/P Aging Detail
  • Vendor Balance Summary
  • Vendor Balance Detail
  • Unpaid Bills
  • Expenses by Vendor Summary
  • Bill Payment List
  • Transaction List by Vendor
  • Vendor Contact List

Banking (3)
  • Check Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Reconciliation Reports

Accountant & Taxes (7)
  • Trial Balance
  • General Ledger
  • Journal
  • Transaction Detail by Account
  • Transaction List by Date
  • Transaction List with Splits
  • Recent Transactions

Lists (11)
  • Customer Phone List
  • Customer Contact List
  • Vendor Phone List
  • Vendor Contact List
  • Employee Phone List
  • Employee Contact List
  • Account Listing
  • Product/Service List
  • Payment Method Listing
  • Terms Listing
  • Recurring Template Listing

QuickBooks Online Plus: 65+ Reports

For QuickBooks Online Plus, here is a list of all available reports. Note: The reports available in your company depend on the features you are using. For example, if you’re using Class Tracking, on the Report List you’ll see Profit & Loss by Class, Sales by Class Summary, and Sales by Class Detail.

Company Reports (10)
  • Profit & Loss
  • Profit & Loss by Location
  • Profit & Loss by Class
  • Profit & Loss Detail
  • Balance Sheet
  • Balance Sheet Summary
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Account Listing
  • Company Snapshot
  • Scorecard

Customer Reports (13)
  • A/R Aging Summary
  • A/R Aging Detail
  • Customer Balance Summary
  • Customer Balance Detail
  • Collections Report
  • Income by Customer Summary
  • Estimates by Customer
  • Transaction List by Customer
  • Sales by Customer Summary
  • Sales by Customer Detail
  • Invoice List
  • Statement List
  • Unbilled Charges

Sales (12)
  • Sales by Customer Summary
  • Sales by Customer Detail
  • Sales by Location Summary
  • Sales by Location Detail
  • Sales by Class Summary
  • Sales by Class Detail
  • Sales Tax Liability Summary
  • Taxable Sales Detail
  • Invoice List
  • Statement List
  • Sales by Product/Service Summary
  • Sales by Product/Service Detail

Vendors (14)
  • A/P Aging Summary
  • A/P Aging Detail
  • Vendor Balance Summary
  • Vendor Balance Detail
  • Unpaid Bills
  • Expenses by Vendor Summary
  • Bill Payment List
  • Transaction List by Vendor
  • Vendor Contact List
  • Purchases by Vendor Detail
  • Purchases by Product/Service Detail
  • Purchases by Location Detail
  • Purchases by Class Detail
  • Open Purchase Order List

Tax (1)
  • Tax Liability Report
Employees (4)
  • Time Activities by Employee Detail
  • Time Activities by Customer Detail
  • Unbilled Time
  • Recent/Edited Time Activities

Payroll (15)
  • Payroll Summary
  • Payroll Details
  • Payroll Deductions/Contributions
  • Last Paycheck
  • Employee Details
  • Paycheck List
  • Payroll Tax Liability
  • Payroll Tax and Wage Summary
  • Total Pay
  • Payroll Tax Payments
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Vacation and Sick Leave
  • Payroll Billing Summary
  • Total Payroll Cost
  • Retirement Plans

Banking (3)
  • Check Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Reconciliation Reports

Budgets (2)

  • Budget Overview
  • Budget vs. Actuals

Accountant & Taxes (8)

  • Trial Balance
  • General Ledger
  • Journal
  • Transaction Detail by Account
  • Transaction List by Date
  • Transaction List with Splits
  • Recent Transactions
  • Recent Automatic Transactions

Lists (13)

  • Customer Phone List
  • Customer Contact List
  • Employee Phone List
  • Account Listing
  • Payment Method Listing
  • Property Listing
  • Recurring Template Listing
  • Vendor Phone List
  • Vendor Contact List
  • Employee Contact List
  • Product/Service List
  • Terms Listing
  • Class Listing

Viewing Reports

Viewing a report is easy. In the Report List screen simply click on any report from the list of categories, and that report will display. Move your cursor over the report and notice that links appear when you mouse over them. This is the QuickZoom® feature. Click one of the links, and it shows the detail behind the reports and lets you drill down to the transaction level. You can display original transactions and analyze the numbers behind the numbers. It is easy to see summary reports on a cash or accrual-basis at any time.

It is possible to collapse and expand the parent and child accounts in reports. Simply click Collapse. It will alternate to the Expand button if you want to return to the full display of information.

For more additional information beyond this default display, seeCustomizing the Content of a Reportlater in this lesson.

Changing How AReport Looks When Printed

Turn on the Text Wrapping Preference for Reports

You can control whether or not text wraps automatically in report columns. Turning on text wrapping can improve how a report appears on the screen or the printed page.

  • On the screen, text wrapping helps minimize having to scroll horizontally
  • On the printed page, text wrapping helps prevent cutting off the columns on the right side of the page

You can set the default behavior for text wrapping in reports using Preferences. Each user in your company can have individual settings for this preference.

To turn on text wrapping for reports:

  1. Open Preferences (or, from the Company menu, choose Preferences).
  1. Click theReportssection; then clickDisplay/Print Settings.
  2. Select theTurn on text wrapping in report columnscheckbox.
  3. ClickSave.

Change Browser Printing Options

Browser printing options control page orientation and margins:

  1. From your browser'sFilemenu, choosePage Setup.
  1. Make your changes.
  2. ClickOK.

Change the Way Column Titles Print

Your browser has a setting that controls if it prints background colors and images, or ignores them.

QuickBooks Online Plus uses background colors for headings, so by controlling how your browser prints background colors, you can control the way QuickBooks Online Plus prints headings.

Try printing both ways to see which you prefer.

  1. From your browser'sToolsmenu, chooseInternet Options.
  1. Click theAdvancedtab.
  2. Scroll to thePrintingsection.
  3. Check or clearPrint background colors and images.

You can also:

  • Adjust the column width and have the columns print the way they show up on the screen.
  • Export it to Microsoft Excel. In Excel, you can control all the formatting (fonts, headers and footers, columns, spacing).

Printing Wide Reports

If some of the columns in your report don't print, try the following:

  • Preview the appearance of a printed report
  • Turn on text wrapping for reports
  • Resize columns in a report
  • Remove unneeded columns
  • Make the margins smaller
  • Change the orientation to landscape
  • Print on legal-size paper
  • Scale the page by a percentage. Check yourPrinter Setupproperties to see if your printer driver supports scaling.
  • Export the report to Excel: In a spreadsheet, you have more control over report formatting.

Email Reports

Emailing reports is simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Create the report you want to send.
  1. ClickEmail... the Email Report window opens.
  2. Fill out the fields. Here are some tips:
  • From: This is auto-populated with the email address associated with your login name. If it's the wrong email, click Incorrect?and follow the instructions.
  • To: Enter the recipients full email address. If there is more than one recipient, separate the addresses with commas or semi-colons.
  • Subject: The default subject is the name of the report. You can change the subject.
  1. ClickSend. The report is sent as text in the body of the email and as an html attachment.

Customizing the Content of a Report

It's easy to customize QuickBooks Online reports, so you can quickly develop report formats tailored to your unique business. Once you customize a report, you can have QuickBooks Online memorize it so that you can run it any time you wish. Customize QuickBooks Online reports in minutes from the Customize Report window.