AREMA® Committee 39 Spring 2012 Meeting Minutes
Positive Train Control
March 14th / May 24th, 2012
Atlanta, GA. / Cincinnati, OH.
Wednesday May 24th, 2012. Atlanta, GA.
Meeting of AREMA Committee 39 was called to order at 8:00 AM by Chairman, Jim Barrett. The safety briefing for the facility and introductions were made as well as a room head count of 45 persons.
The first order of business was approval of the meeting minutes from the Fall 11 meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Dave Gove made a motion to accept the Fall 11 minutes. Steve Craven seconded the motion. A vote was called and the motion was passed.
Tony Grimm was recognized by the committee to present an AREMA board report pointing out some key activities and future agenda for us to be aware of.
Sid Bakker addressed the committee on our current activity with the AREMA Scholarship Fund. He gave our current dollar amount to date and our goal to try and reach by the end of our meeting.
Jim Barrett announced the need to elect a new Chairman for the group going into 2012 as he was not planning to continue as Chairman due to his extremely busy PTC schedule. A call for nominations was asked for and produced four nominees. Sid Bakker, Dave Thurston, Dave Gove & Chuck Wisniewski. The nominees were asked to be removed from the room and a unanimous decision was made to elect Sid Bakker as the new Chairman. Jim Barrett made a motion to accept Sid Bakker as the Chairman. Monte Siefers made a second motion. A vote was cast and the motion was passed.
Ed Tilley gave an "ITC Update" and presented a Power Point on the subject explaining the current ITC working assignments and details on the On-Board portion of the ITC work.
Mr. Barrett introduced the sub-committee chairmen to present an update to the committee on current work and assignments.
Mr. Barrett then adjourned the full committee for sub-committee breakout sessions.
Mr. Barrett reconvened the sub-committees and allowed each chairman to present another update to the committee on current work and assignments.
The committee was asked to review three manual parts for ballot.
MP 22.1.1. A motion was made to accept this manual part to the manual for 2013 by Monte Siefers. It was seconded by Harvey Glickenstein. A vote was cast, and the motion was passed.
MP 21.1.1. A motion was made to accept this manual part to the manual for 2013 by Dave Gove. It was seconded by Monte Siefers. A vote was cast, and the motion was passed.
MP 22.1.2. A motion was made to accept this manual part to the manual for 2013 by Jim Barrett. It was seconded by Steve Craven. A vote was cast, and the motion was passed.
The committee discussed next full committee meeting and scheduled it for May 21st – 23rd in Cincinnati, OH. in conjunction with the RSSI show.
Sid Bakker made a motion to accept Greg Rogers as the new “Communications” sub-chairman to replace Sid Bakker’s vacancy. Glenn Darby seconded the motion. A vote was cast and the motion passed.
A motion was made by Dave Gove to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Steve Craven. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00pm by Jim Barrett.
Thursday May 24th, 2012. Cincinnati, OH.
Meeting of AREMA Committee 39 was called to order at 8:00 AM by Chairman, Jim Barrett. The safety briefing for the facility and introductions were made as well as a room head count of 41 persons.
The committee discussed the looking into a new manual part to cover the need to pre-selection filters that may be needed for ITC-Type PTC radios. This will be researched and discussed further at the next meeting.
Mr. Barrett asked the group to separate into sub-committees and called for any new manual parts to be voted on when the full committee reconvened.
The full committee reconvened and reviewed three manual parts for balloting.
MP 24.3.2. A motion was made to accept this manual part to the manual for 2013 by Jim Barrett. It was seconded by John Danyluk. A vote was cast and the motion was passed. The manual part is approved for ballot.
MP 21.1.4. A motion was made to accept this manual part to the manual for 2013 by Monte Siefers. It was seconded by Harvey Glickenstein. A vote was cast, and the motion was passed. The manual part is approved for ballot.
MP 24.5.1. The committee reviewed the manual part titled “Recommended Practices for PTC Systems with Back office Servers” It was discussed that more work needed to be done on this manual part and that it would have to be voted on at the next meeting.
The committee discussed next full committee meeting and scheduled it for Oct. 2nd – 4th in Ft. Worth, TX.
A motion was made by Jim Barrett to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by John Danyluk. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm by Jim Barrett.
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