Homework Sheet

Thursday, December 15

Read pages 326-330 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Explain Lincoln’s rationale for the defense of the Union.

-“The Civil War had started to preserve the Union, but for the majority in the North, it had become a war to create a more perfect Union

1)Assess the validity of this statement.

-Compare and contrast the relative advantages and disadvantages of the North and the South as the Civil War began.

  • Detail the Northern strategy at the beginning of the war (the “Anaconda Plan”).
  • Detail Southern strategy as the war began.

Friday, December 16

Read pages 330-335 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Why were there draft riots?

-Explain the factors leading to the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact.

-“The removal of General George McClellan represents a loss for the Army of the Potomac and a victory for the interfering politicians in Washington.”

1)Assess the validity of this statement focusing your examination on the time period 1860-1862

Monday, December 19

Read pages 335-344 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Consider the impact of the draft riots on black citizens in the North. During the New York riots, blacks were beaten and lynched, many homes were destroyed, and the mob burned a black orphanage. Given this and the general racism in the North, is the willingness of blacks to fight for the North surprising?

-Detail the impact of the war on the northern economy and on northern economic development.

-Explain the political divisions in northern society during the war and political divisions within the Confederacy.

- “The South never had a chance to win the Civil War.”

1)Assess the validity of this statement making reference to the military, economic, and political events of the period 1850 to 1863.

Tuesday, December 20

Read pages 344-350 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Discuss the respective virtues and failings of Lincoln and Davis as war leaders. How important was this match-up to the outcome of the war?

-It is often assumed that the South had better military leadership. Might it be argued that the South enjoyed superior military leadership in the East, at least until 1864, but that the North had constantly better leadership in the West?

-Discuss the impact of technology on the Civil War. Why did generals on both sides fail to adapt quickly? To what extent did this contribute to the massive loss of life on both sides?

-“Lincoln was one of the most democratic and also one of the most autocratic or presidents.”

1)Assess the validity of this statement.

-“The Civil War was the third American Revolution.”

1)Asses the validity of this statement.

Wednesday, December 21

-Chapter 15 Study Guide

-Test on chapters 12 – 15

Name ______AP US History

Study Guide

Textbook Chapter 15

Historical Time Period #5 1844-1877 (13%)

Key Terms and Analysis: Fill in the boxes as you read the assigned chapters. Within the boxes, thoroughly define key terms on the left and respond to questions and/or prompts on the right. Not all key terms are in the textbook and you are encouraged to utilize additional resources.

Chapter 15 The War to Save the Union (pgs 325-352)

Section 15.1 War Commences

Define/explain significance:
Fort Sumter
Border States
Battle of Bull Run
Writ of habeas corpus
Radical Republicans
Charles Sumer
Thaddeus Stevens
Copperheads (Peace Democrats)
Ex parte Milligan (1866)
Homestead Act
Morrrill Land Grant Act
Pacific Railway Act
National Banking Act / Analyze and make connections:
Explain three causes of the Civil War. Which was the most significant and why?
Why did the border states decide not to join the Confederacy?
Why was it so important for the North to keep the border states in the Union?
Provide 3unprecendented actions taken by President Lincoln during the Civil War. Explain what impact they had on the country.
How did the North finance the war?
How did the South finance the war?
Make a T-Chart of the wartime advantages (military, economic, and political) of both sides. Provide 5 advantages for each side. Which side had the strongest advantage and what were the reasons for their advantage?

Section 15.2 Stalemate and Slaughter (1862)

Define/explain significance:
Anaconda Plan
Battle of Antietam / Analyze and make connections:
Why was 1862 a year of stalemate?

Section 15.3 Lincoln Frees (Some) Slaves to Win the War

Define/explain significance:
Emancipation Proclamation
NYC Draft Riots (1863)
Conscription Substitute Document, 1885:

Why was the Civil War called, “a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight”? Use the document in your response. / Analyze and make connections:
Why did Lincoln free slaves only in the areas still controlled by the South?
How did each of the following contribute to the end of slavery?
- Lincoln
- Congress
- Enslaved African Americans
Evaluate the contribution the Emancipation Proclamation made to the war effort and list ways it altered the social, military, and economic systems of both the North and the South.

Section 15.4 Turning Point (1863)

Define/explain significance:
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Vicksburg / Analyze and make connections:
Explain how each of the following events were turning points of the war:
- Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Gettysburg
- Western Victories
Which was the most significant turning point and why?

Section 15.5 Strangling the South (1864)

Define/explain significance:
Sherman’s March to the Sea / Analyze and make connections:
What role did each of the following play in the Union strategy?
- Mississippi River
- blockade
- Grant
Explain three reasons (in different categories/themes) the South was unable to win the Civil War. Support with evidence.

Section 15.6 Final Reckoning (1865)

Define/explain significance:
Appomattox Court House
Clara Barton
Sanitary Commission / Analyze and make connections:
Explain whether Lincoln was more of a democratic president or an autocrat and support with evidence.
Evaluate the impact of war on attitudes towards women with evidence.