Decisions Table from
PCC/LC PSD RDA Policy Statements Task Group Report
April 18, 2012
Updated with current status September 19, 2012
Recommendation / PoCo Comments / Next Steps / Timetable/Priority / Status Summer 20121. Create separate sets of policy statements for LC and PCC. / After extensive discussion, PoCo disagreed with this recommendation.
PoCo would like to see a consolidated set of LC/PCC policy statements. A label (or labels) would be used for each policy statement to indicate practice: LC/PCC practice, LC practice, or PCC practice.
There is little desire and no infrastructure to support a separate set of policy decisions. We reflected on the word “Cooperative” in our name as appropriate for this approach. Both parties are prepared to compromise to achieve as unified a set of policies as possible, but recognize that there will be issues where we will have differing policies (series, for example). / SCS and PSD will work together to define and establish an ongoing process for communicating, revising and maintaining the LC/PCC Policy Statements.
Note: There are many elements within the TG report (Appendix D) that require followup, for example, inviting other specialist groups to review LCPSs in their area of expertise, reviewing the LCPSs not done by this TG, and reviewing the April 2012 (and future) LCPS changes. This followup work will be done by the SCS in coordination with PSD. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Consolidation process is underway. Following the decision to create a consolidated set of LC/PCC policy statements, SCS has established a wiki as a vehicle to finish the remaining 25% of the policy statements that had not been covered by the initial TG. As a bridge from the initial group, Ed Jones has joined us. In addition to the 25% we also respond to any policy statement questions from PSD that may still be outstanding from the original TG. We are currently working on policy statements in RDA Section 3 (element set 9).
2. Improve and normalize the labeling conventions for policy statements. / PoCo supported these recommendations. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: The initial group of combined policy statements is in the RDA Toolkit. The graphic still says “LCPS” but once clicked on it is clear whether the LCPS pertains to LC or PCC or both. As Dave Reser works his way through the list, or if he needs to update something for another reason, he follows the guidance provided by the TG to label the “parts” of each policy statement where it is applicable. Note that a single policy statement may get one or more labels, and some long ones may get a dozen or more.
3. Include an introduction to the policy statements. / PoCo supported these recommendations. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This is on PSD’s To Do list, but is not the highest priority now.
4. Use consistent language for policy statements on RDA options/alternatives. / PoCo supported these recommendations. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Some instances of this problem have been taken care of as encountered. PSD will continue to watch for this. There are not too many of these.
5. Avoid duplication of policy statements / PoCo supported these recommendations. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Discussion between SCS and PSD has been deferred until October. One of the things not yet addressed from RDA Chapters 2 and 0 was some suggested moving around, as well as references to replace repeated content. Other than adding PCC Practice statements, the re-organization has not been done yet. PSD wants to propose some alternative suggestions to the original proposals, but has not done this yet.
6. Normalize conventions for annotating the examples in policy statements. / PoCo supported these recommendations. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done. The specific LCPS that provoked this comment has been fixed. PCC members should point out any others that might warrant such explanations.
7. Identify sustainability approach for ongoing review of PCC policy statements.
8. Establish procedure for submitting PCC policy statement proposals. / While PSD will take the lead on drafting, editing, and publishing joint policy statements, the Standing Committee on Standards will have lead responsibility to articulate PCC policy and practice when different, and to provide that text to PSD. SCS will assist PSD as needed with shared policy language.
The Chair of SCS and the Division Chief of PSD will be the contact persons in terms of initiating or revising policy statements.
Within PoCo, the SCS has the discretion to decide which policy issues are straightforward (and can approve policies and move ahead with PSD with an FYI to PoCo), and which policy issues are more divisive and thus require consultation with PoCo, and PoCo’s active involvement and approval.
PoCo endorsed the need for a procedure for the membership to submit PCC policy statement proposals, but prefers to develop this after RDA implementation, possibly starting in late 2013. / SCS and PSD will work together to define and establish an ongoing process for communicating, revising and maintaining the LC/PCC Policy Statements.
The PCC Chair and the Secretariat will update the PCC Governance Document to describe the new responsibilities of the SCS Chair. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); needed to establish a new routine.
PoCo would like to review the process in one year to see how well it worked and to make adjustments/improvements. / As of September 2012: Underway. PSD and the SCS have established a tentative workflow between the LC liaison and the SCS Chair for this new responsibility.
SCS’s discretion on deciding which policy issues are straightforward enough to bypass PoCo, and which require PoCo consultation, has not been tested yet.
The PCC Governance Document has been updated and will be reviewed and approved by PoCo in November.
9. RDA 0.11.2 Language and script: Add a policy statement that states the preferred language and script of the agency. / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Because of complicated timing, there was no official response from PSD. For now, PSD doesn’t see any alternative but to indicate that English is the language of cataloging for LC/PCC at 0.11.2, and maybe 8.4 (for attributes other than the name).
10. RDA 0.11.4 Dates: Add a policy statement that states the preferred calendar of the agency is Gregorian. / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Because of complicated timing, there was no official response from PSD. The JSC is currently looking at all mentions of calendar in the context of the re-wording exercise. PSD suggests that PCC hold off for now until the outcome from JSC is apparent.
11. RDA 3.4.5 Extent of Text: Add a policy statement for the “Exceptions” for early printed resources in 3.4.5. Suggested wording: PCC practice: Apply Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM) conventions when recording the extent of an early printed resource. / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Deferred until the October LCPS update. Re-write suggested by RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee on September 9.
12. RDA I.1 General Guidelines on Using Relationship Designators: Add a policy statement that addresses the use of relationship designators. Suggested wording is provided. / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Deferred. This is part of the charge for the PCC Relationship Designator Guidelines TG, which will present its report later in the Fall.
13. LCPS for 1.4 Language and Script, Pre-Modern Forms of Letters / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done.
14. LCPS for 1.4, First Alternative / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done. There are two separate practice statements.
15. LCPS for 1.7.1, First Alternative / The TG recommended following Appendix A for capitalization; LC would like to give catalogers a choice between using Appendix A or taking what is on the piece. PoCo did not accept the TG recommendation. PCC catalogers should exercise cataloger’s judgment in making this choice, noting that recommendation #16 already allows for flexibility. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done. PCC practice was published in August. The October release will merge the LC and PCC statements.
16. LCPS for 1.7.1, Second Alternative / The TG recommended that a PCC member encountering a record with capitalization as found on the piece would be allowed to edit the master record to make it conform to Appendix A. This would not be required but it would be allowable. PoCo supported flexibility in making such a decision (tacitly supporting the TG recommendation). / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done. The PCC practice does not include the LC-centric first sentence. Additionally, the PCC practice statement includes the following:
Note: Catalogers using data derived from a digital source are permitted (though not required) to make the capitalization conform to Appendix A.
17. LCPS for 1.8.2, First Alternative / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This is a priority for SCS to consider for the December 2012 update.
18. LCPS for 1.8.5, Ordinal Numerals / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: LC deleted the LCPS in August 2012.
19. LCPS for, Recording Edition Statements / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: LCPS will be published in October. Note that ALA has proposed similar wording to RDA itself, so if approved, this LCPS will be deleted.
20. LCPS for, Date of Publication Not Identified in the Resource / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: LC has incorporated two suggestions from the earlier TG: (1) reverted the practice for category A2 (published in August); and (2) incorporated the suggestion from PCC for treating manufacturing information as a 588 note in the text of the LCPS and examples (also published in August). Action: PCC needs to review.
21. LCPS for, Recording Distributions Statements / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This will be flagged a “LC practice” in the October release. LC still thinks it somewhat odd that a practice requested by a PCC library won’t be labeled as PCC Practice, but the policy statement will be there for anyone that wants to follow it.
22. LCPS for Option / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done.
23. LCPS for, Qualification / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This will be labeled as only “LC Practice” in the October release.
24. LCPS for Alternative / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Deferred. This was sent to Chris Cronin for discussion by the RDA BSR TM TG.
25. LCPS for Alternative / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: No change.
26. LCPS for Recording Language of Expression, Original and Translation(s) in Compilation / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This LCPS was updated in August to remove the offending section; also required changes to 6.27.3 (also published in August).
27. LCPS for 6.27.3 Authorized Access Point Representing an Expression / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This LCPS was removed in August; also impacted LCPS for 0.6.3 and (also published in August).
28. LCPS for 6.27.3 Authorized Access Point representing and Expression, Conventional Collective Titles beginning with “Works” / PoCo supported these recommendations, although they were not explicitly discussed. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account these specific recommendations. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: This LCPS was removed in August; also impacted LCPS for 0.6.3 and (also published in August).
29. LCPS for General Guidelines on constructing Authorized Access Points to represent Persons, Giving Dates for Persons / Although it was a close decision and a difficult discussion, PoCo supported this recommendation, favoring the “hyphen” approach over the “born/died” approach. / SCS and PSD will work together on the changes needed to transform the current policy statements into joint statements, taking into account this specific recommendation.
The Secretariat, PSD, and others (NetDev, OCLC, SkyRiver?) will need to consult about making changes to the NACO normalization rules so that hyphens are not disregarded. / High (ongoing throughout the summer); relabeling and consistency needed for RDA authority and bibliographic training. / As of September 2012: Done. Has been incorporated into NACO RDA training and review.
Normalization issues still being investigated.