Ashland University

Northeast Ohio

Graduate Credit


Revised January 2013

Sponsored by

Massillon/Stark Center

Professional Development Services

Paul Stellar, Director

Teresa Welch, Administrative Assistant

(330) 837-5301 or 1-800-723-7655

Web Site:

E-Mail: or

Please contact the instructor listed with the selected classes to pre-register for class or to answer any questions regarding the class. Pre-registration is required.

For classes starting after 9/1/12

$175.00 - $293.00 - 1 semester hour

$350.00 - $586.00 - 2 semester hours

$525.00 - $879.00 - 3 semester hours

Effective Feb. 1, 2013, there will be a 2.7% non-refundable service fee on credit card payments for tuition. This includes credit card payments made online, in-person, and over the phone. The service charge will show as a separate transaction on the person's credit card. Electronic check transactions made online by entering an account number and routing number will be charged a non-refundable service fee of $2.95 per transaction. Weunderstandthere will be no service fee for hard copy personal and school district checks. We apologize for this inconvenience. Hopefully this will help you plan ahead and let your teachers know before any classes you may be doing in your districts.*There will be no service fee for hard copy personal and school district checks.

Our schedule can be found on our website:


for Ed2go online classes

Contact Information:

Professional Development Services

Paul Stellar, Director

Teresa Welch, Administrative Assistant

(330) 837-5301 or 1-800-723-7655

Web Site:

E-Mail: or


Registration may be accessed at:

unless otherwise specified

MS & HS that Work ‘13

CLASS #: 6240 B1; 6240 C1; 6240 D1

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.; 2 Sem. Hrs.; 3 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $175.00; $350.00; $525.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: Ongoing – registration available through 6/15/13

TIME: Varies – contact instructor

LOCATION: Varies – contact instructor

CONTACT: Terry Wheeler

DESCRIPTION: The mission of High Schools That Work & Making Middle Grades Work is to create a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement in high school and the middle grades. Participants/staff will work individually and in teams on each professional development opportunity provided. Participants will be required to demonstrate how these activities will assist them and their school/district for on-going school improvement and student achievement.

NOTE: Participants should coordinate these professional development opportunities with their IPSC committees/district personnel.

Please contact the instructor for additional information.

OFLA 2012-2013 Foreign Language Workshops

CLASS #: 6230 D1

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.; 2 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $175.00; $350.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: Varies – contact instructor

TIME: Varies – contact instructor

LOCATION: Varies – contact instructor

CONTACT: Martha Pero

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of these mini workshops is to engage world language teachers in discussion about new technologies, methodologies, and global awareness. Many of our teachers are very secluded in their schools and are many times the only one in their department. We would like them to have the opportunity to learn, share and take home new ideas for their students. We would also like them to be aware of the new 21st Century Learner initiatives in the state and how they can promote them in their students.

This class will provide participants with valuable collaborative learning opportunities with a choice of Hudson and Dayton Northridge High School locations culminating at the OFLA conference in Columbus. A reflective journal and posting of individual action plans on the OFLS website will be required.

Please contact the instructor for registration in the classesand additional information regarding the sessions.

Reaching All Children

CLASS #: 6230 M3

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $175.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: February23 & March 2, 2013

TIME:8 am – 4:30 pm

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Gloria Brown, PhD 330-499-3972 x 117

DESCRIPTION: The class will provide for an examination of the components of multicultural curricula, multicultural classrooms, dimensions of diversity, and how teachers may work effectively to educate students who identify with/fit within these dimensions (e.g., race, ethnicity, physically, and mentally challenged/differently-abled, the impoverished, gender, sexual preference, single parents, among others). Participants will work in groups to solve problems that appear in case studies and mirror classroom situations that may be present or may occur in participants’ own education settings.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

CAFÉ Book Study

CLASS #: 6230 X4 / 6230 Y4 / 6230 Z4

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr. / 2 Sem. Hrs. / 3 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $200.00 / $40..0.00 / $600.00 – Ashland credit

DATE:March 12 – May 16, 2013 - Hybrid

TIME:3 – 5 pm - 3/12 & 5/16/13

LOCATION: Barberton Middle School – Barberton, OH

CONTACT: Shelly Habegger, Ph.D. 330-714-9626

DESCRIPTION: This book study presents a practical, simple way to integrate assessment into daily reading and classroom discussion. The CAFÉ system, based on research into the habits of proficient readers, is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanded vocabulary. The system includes goal setting with students, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small-group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and focusing while-class instruction in emerging student needs.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

2013 OAASFEP Spring Conference

CLASS #: 6230 P4

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $175.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: March 20 - 22, 2013

TIME: 9 am – 7:30 pm 3/20/13; 8 am 7:30 pm 3/21/13; 7:30 – 11:45 am 3/22/13

LOCATION: Hyatt Regency at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus OH

CONTACT: Bill Bogner 440-324-5777

DESCRIPTION: 2013 OAASFEP Title I/Federal Programs Spring Conference: Opportunities to participate in high quality and timely professional learning presented by America’s most respected educational experts. The focus is on the Common Core State Standards and how Federal Grants can help implement and enhance education using the CCSS.

Please contact the instructor for conference registration and additional information.

Self-Worth to Academics

CLASS #: 6230 D3

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: April 12 & 13, 2013

TIME:4:15 – 9:30 pm 4/12/13 & 7:30 am – 4:45 pm 4/13/13

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “Enhancing Self-Worth in Students and Promoting Tolerance and Respect fo Others,” (K-12) are understanding self-worth as a foundation to meet the emotional, social, and academic needs of students, strategies to help students feel valued and gain academic success, exploring diversity and tolerance as related to teaching the core standards, strategies to promote positive decision-making, diversity, and respectfulness, and information/resources for parents to address social and academic concerns of their children/adolescents.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

3rd Grade Guarantee/OAA

CLASS #: 6230 E3

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: April 26 & 27, 2013

TIME:4:15 – 9:30 pm 4/26/13 & 7:30 am – 4:45 pm 4/27/13

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “Proactive Strategies and Intervention for 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee and OAA Improvement,” (K-8) are overview of 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee and Ohio Achievement Assessment, examining diagnostic assessment materials and OAA results, generate potential reading improvement and monitoring plans and strategies to improve OAA scores, designs “Learning Bags” for common core and create a team approach with parents, and network with teachers to develop/study effective approaches to improve students’ academic success.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

21st Century Students

CLASS #: 6240 S1

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: May 10 & 11, 2013

TIME:4:15 – 9:30 pm 5/10/13 & 7:30 am – 4:45 pm 5/11/13

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “Understanding the 21st Century Students We Teach,” (K-12) are understanding what entitlement means in our society today, examining today’s culture for parents and students, identifying the problem of disrespectfulness and encouraging the power of respectfulness, strategies to help students recognize the connection of school and the real world, and examining destructive behaviors that are hindering students’ behaviors.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

Strategies in Education 2

CLASS #: 6240 W2

CREDIT: 2 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $ 556.00 – payable to Russ Johnson Seminars

DATE: June 10, 11, 13 & 14, 2013

TIME: 8 am – 4:30 pm

LOCATION: 3681 Scenic View NE, Canton OH 44721

CONTACT: Russell Johnson

DESCRIPTION:This class deals with some of the many daily problems in education and includes discussion of relevant topics. We plan to include discussions of such topics as: how to implement the E=MMOR (Education equals Management, Motivation, Organization and Relationships) program as designed by the instructor, dealing with confrontation, relating to what students and parents want from their schools, the ability to develop valid, reliable and usable evaluation procedures, identifying procedures for developing positive attitudes from students, parents, staff and community, developing effective motivational techniques and dealing with classroom management problems.

The class will include presentations by the instructor, instructor-led and designed activities, student reports and presentations, small group and large group discussions, and activities that will include observations and reports on out-of-class situations.

All fees are payable to Russ Johnson Seminars. There is an early registration discount of $25 if registered prior to May 1. If you register for Strategies 2 and 4, there is an additional $25 discount.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

Humor as a Strategy

CLASS #: 6250 E5

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: June 12 & 13, 2013

TIME:8 am – 3:30 pm

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “Using Humor as a Classroom Strategy,” (K-12) are to create a warm and caring classroom atmosphere through humor, increase students’ motivation with humorous strategies and children’s literature, use humorous books, riddles, and poetry to enhance the core standards, defuse difficult situations in the classroom with humor, and spark students’ creativity through humor while implementing the core standards.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

Strategies in Education 4

CLASS #: 6240 X1

CREDIT: 2 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $ 556.00 – payable to Russ Johnson Seminars

DATE: June 17, 18, 20 & 21, 2013

TIME: 8 am – 4:30 pm

LOCATION: 3681 Scenic View NE, Canton OH 44721

CONTACT: Russell Johnson

DESCRIPTION:This class deals with some of the many daily problems in education and includes discussion of relevant topics. We plan to include discussions of such topics as: review of current education problems, trends, events and procedures; public relations, specific teaching skills, bullying and harassment, dealing with stress from students and teachers, identifying one’s own strengths and weaknesses, emotional intelligence and its relevance in the classroom, and the idea of “born teachers”.

The class will include presentations by the instructor, instructor-led and designed activities, student reports and presentations, small group and large group discussions, and activities that will include observations and reports on out-of-class situations.

All fees are payable to Russ Johnson Seminars. There is an early registration discount of $25 if registered prior to May 1. If you register for Strategies 2 and 4, there is an additional $25 discount.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

New Children’s Lit-2013

CLASS #: 6250 F5

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: June 26 & 27, 2013

TIME:8 am – 3:30 pm

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “What’s New This Year(2013) in Children’s Literature?” (K-12) are having an opportunity to view the newest books (2012-13) as short book reviews are given, view the newest awarding winning children’s books and implement relating to core standards, enhance the standards through the use of new children’s literature and creative techniques to implement the books, expand knowledge of books that address building positive social skills and character development, and share and network with other participants concerning what is new in children’s literature.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

Crisis Intervention Team Education Collaboration

CLASS #: 6250 H5

CREDIT: 2 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $300.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: July 15 – 19, 2013

TIME: 8 am – 4 pm

LOCATION: Streetsboro Police Department – Streetsboro, OH

CONTACT: Joel Mowrey 330-673-1756 x 203

DESCRIPTION: The focus of the Crisis Intervention Team Education Collaboration training class is to increase awareness of mental health issues and to provide school staff members with the tools for dealing with such issues, including de-escalation techniques, contacts with community resources, and collaboration with community agencies. Topics include (but are not limited to) Intro to Mental Illness, Trauma, Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Bullying, Self-Inflicted Violence, Suicide Prevention, Substance Abuse, De-escalation Techniques, Domestic Violence, and Gangs.

The training will be provided in a 5-day workshop that will include collaboration with various community agencies (law enforcement & mental health), discussions, and practical de-escalation techniques and practice.

Please contact the instructor for registration andadditional information.

MS & HS that Work/Charlotte 2013

CLASS #: 6250 W2; 6250 X2

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.; 2 Sem. Hrs.

COST: $175.00; $350.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: July 15 – 20, 2013 (conference)

TIME: Varies – contact instructor

LOCATION: Varies – contact instructor

CONTACT: Terry Wheeler

DESCRIPTION: The mission of High Schools That Work & Making Middle Grades Work is to create a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement in high school and the middle grades. Participants/staff will work individually and in teams on each professional development opportunity provided. Participants will be required to demonstrate how these activities will assist them and their school/district for on-going school improvement and student achievement.

NOTE: Participants should coordinate these professional development opportunities with their IPSC committees/district personnel.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.

Bully/Internet/Text Safety

CLASS #: 6250 G5

CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $195.00 – Ashland credit

DATE: July 31 & Aug. 1, 2013

TIME:8 am – 3:30 pm

LOCATION: Ashland University Massillon/Stark Center – Massillon, OH

CONTACT: Beverly Warnimont 419-966-9836

DESCRIPTION: The main objectives of this class, “Promoting a Bully-Free Environment and Internet and Text Messaging Safety”, (K-12)are examining bullying, cyber bullying, and harassment as significant problems for students, identifying the different types of sexual harassment, learning techniques for deducing bullying and harassment behaviors in the schools (healthy relationships, peer pressure, assertive skills, etc.), examining the importance of internet and text messaging safety and resources for parents, and programming, resources, and interventions concerning bullying and harassment.

Please contact the instructor for registration and additional information.


Registration for most online classes can be accessed via

Registration for ed2go classes with JTCE can be accessed via

21st Century Education: Classroom Management: Getting2WinWin


CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $278.00 – Ashland credit

CLASS DATES:Classes will be available from 9/1/012 through 8/15/13 andmust be completed within five (5) weeks.


DESCRIPTION: In 21st Century Classroom Management: Getting2WinWin participants explore the concepts necessary for effective classroom management. They are introduced to online learning fundamentals and a sense of community and sharing is developed as a result of regular opportunities for rich collegial interaction. Participants work through the course activities, through which they identify various strategies to add to their "toolboxes" to positively impact student behavior and develop their own classroom management plans to implement in their classrooms. Participants of all skill levels are encouraged to enroll, as the class is self-paced and those with more experience will not be “held back” by those who may need assistance.

This is a 5 week self-paced class with easy access to the instructor via email who is more than happy to answer any questions. As soon as you register, Dr. Lambert will get you started!

21st Century Education: Creating and Teaching with Podcasts


CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $278.00 – Ashland credit

CLASS DATES:Classes will be available from 9/1/12 through 8/15/13 andmust be completed within five (5) weeks.


DESCRIPTION: 21st Century Education: Creating and Teaching with Podcasts introduces educators to podcasting as a means for engaging students in the learning process as well as for streamlining teacher tasks. Participants examine the role of podcasting in education as a 21st century tool that enhances motivation and engagement and thus increases comprehension and learning. Podcasts can be utilized to create collaborative learning activities and authentic assessments as well as teacher-created instructional tools. Further, they can assist with teacher responsibilities such as communicating with parents, students, and repetitive tasks or ongoing projects. In a Final Project, participants create podcasts for use in their classrooms with students which can serve a variety of functions, from providing interactive, collaborative activities or learning stations for students to participate in meaningful learning activities to teacher professional tools (newsletters, calendars, homework posting, and the like). Participants share ideas through discussion forums and then share their final projects with one another on a wiki specifically for this course. This enables them to gain from the creativity and efforts of their peers. Participants of all skill levels are encouraged to enroll, as the class is self-paced and those with more experience will not be “held back” by those who may need assistance.

This is a 5 week self-paced class with easy access to the instructor via email who is more than happy to answer any questions. As soon as you register, Dr. Lambert will get you started!

21st Century Education: Google Earth


CREDIT: 1 Sem. Hr.

COST: $278.00 – Ashland credit

CLASS DATES:Classes will be available from 9/1/12 through 8/15/13 andmust be completed within five (5) weeks.