

Quarter 3 Exam Review

The Age of Revolutions:

Time Period: 1750-1914

In this time period and unit, we reviewed ideas of the Scientific Revolution and examined how the Enlightenment changed the way that people thought regarding how they were ruled. Political Revolutions gave rise to new forms of government.

On the map above, mark the following events:

Paris—where the salons were the center for the Enlightenment,

France, United States, and Latin America—and include the years that these areas experienced revolutions.



Political Revolutions



1. Identify characteristics of the following two types of political systems:

Absolute Monarchy / A king or quen who has unlimited power & seeks to control all aspects of society
Limited Monarchy / A system of gov. that emerged in England in which the monarch was made to share power with an elected Parliament

2. What political and legal ideas were contained in each of the following:

English Bill of Rights / (1689) After the Glorious Rev. of 1688, William & Mary signed this document agreeing to share many rights for their subjects
Declaration of Independence / Influenced by enlightenment thinkers it is A statement of the reasons for American colonies’ break with Britain approved by the 2nd Continental Congress in 1776
U.S. Constitution / Created a system in which power was shared between the national & state gov., separate branches of gov. with checks & balances, & a bill of rights
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen / Issued by the National Assembly during the French Rev. Stated that gov. rests on the consent of the people, & people have certain protected rights

3. Explain the political philosophies of:

Locke / People enter into a social sontract, & that gov. power comes from the people it governs & have the right to overthrow an abusive gov.
Thomas Hobbes / Wrote that man is nasty & brutish in nature & needs a central authority to keep order or society would break
Voltaire / Views on religious toleration & intellectual freedom (free speech) influenced leaders of the American & French Rev.
Montesquieu / Argued for Separation of Powers
Rousseau / Stated that gov. should follow the people’s general will. His writings inspired the democratic ideals of the French Rev.
Jefferson / Did not want a gov. that had to much power. Individual freedom & rights should be protected by gov. All people should be involved in making decisions for the country







Enlightenment / Movement that applied reason & scientific laws to understand nature & society. Thinkers questioned hereditary privilege & absolutism
Glorious Revolution / 1688- a revolution in Britain in which James II was overthrown and the new king and queen agreed to the Bill of Rights of 1689, granting their subjects certain rights

4. Comparing Revolutions:

American Revolution / French Revolution
Causes / Issues of taxation, enlightenment ideas (Locke) / Issues of taxation
Enlightenment ideas (Rousseau)
Characteristics / -Sought to est. democratic principles of gov.
-Limited democracy in which only property owners could vote
- freedom of religion / - Sought to est. democratic principles of gov.
- During radical phase, est. a democracy of all adult males
- challenged catholic church
Consequences / War with Britain / - Overthrow & execution of Louis XIV
- Reign of Terror

5. What role did the Enlightenment have on the above revolutions?

Enlightenment ideas contributed to the popular desire for more rights & liberties

6. What role did each of the following play in revolutions?



7. Identify each of the following and explain their significance to Political Revolutions.

The Reign of Terror – 1793-1794 when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France nearly as a dictator & thousands of political figures & ordinary citizens wer executed

King Louis XVI – 1743-1793 Bourbon monarch of France who was excuted during the radical phase of the French Rev

Congress of Vienna (1815) – Meeting in the aftermath of Napoleonic wars to restore political stability in Europe and settle diplomatic disputes



8. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte and why was he significant in this time period?

Rose within the French army during the wars of the French Rev. Eventually became general & led a coup that ended the French Rev. He established an empire under his rule. He was disposed in 1815

9. How did the American and French revolutions influence Latin America?

(Identify the dates of the beginning of each revolution in your answer).

Taught that people should be entitled to a gov. that protected their interests.

10. Who was Simon Bolivar and why was he significant?

A creole military officer in northern South America who won a series of victories in Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador between 1817-1822. Military success led to creation of independent state of Gran Columbia

11. Identify the influence of each of the following on political revolutions:

Separations of Powers / The assignment of executive, legislative, & judicial powers to different groups of officials in gov.
Checks and balances / Measure designed to prevent any one branch of gov. from dominating the others
Liberty / Freedom from control
Equality / Being equal to others
Democracy / Gov. controlled by its citizens, either directly or through representatives
Popular Sovereignty / A system of gov. in which ultimate power rests on the consent of the people being governed
Human Rights / Rights that al people possess, such as the right to meet their needs without being persecuted
Constitutionalism / The principles, spirit, or system of gov. in accord with a constitution
Nationalism / Pride in ones’ nation. Belief that each nationaliaty is entitled to its own gov. & national homeland

13. How did the Enlightenment further develop the concept of democratic-republican government?

Industrial Revolution

1.  How did European scientific advancements lead to the Industrial Revolution?

Made inventors open to new ways of doing things. They had the technical skills to build the new machines

2.  How did the Industrial Revolution cause changes in the following areas?

Political / Economic / Social
-  reform movements suchs as a 10 hr work day & ban on child labor
-  reform bill of 1832 / Manufacturing shifted from homes to factories / Ceation of new social classes of capitalist and factory workers

3.  Describe how the following roles changed during the Industrial Revolution:


4.  Identify the contributions of the following significant scientists and inventors:

Marie Curie / Polish born chemist & physicist who conducted early experiments with radioactivity. Became the 1st women to win the Noble Prize
Thomas Edison / American inventor of the electric light bulb, phonograph, & motion pictures
Albert Einstein / Jewish physicist who discovered that time and space were relative. He fled Nazi Germany and recommended development of the atomic bomb
Louis Pasteur / Scientist who found that most diseases are caused by germs. He developed new vaccines and a method to kill germs by heating, known as pasteurization
James Watt / Inventor who improved the steam engine making steam power available to run machines in factories

5.  Identify the Characteristics of the free enterprise system.

People have the freedom to make their own economic choices in deciding what to buy, where to work, & what to make.

6. What ideas did Adam Smith include in his book The Wealth of Nations?

The laws of supply & demand, invisible hand that guides individual actions, & laissez-faire poliy (gov. is hands off)

7. Where and when did communism begin?


8. What ideas did Karl Marx say were characteristic of communism?

Workers would est. an equal society & live in perfect harmony. Everything is owned in common. No private property, no social classes, cooperation would replace competition

9. What is socialism and where did it begin?


10. What are the characteristics of socialism?

Factors of production are owned by the public & operate for the welfare of all. Free schooling, low-cost housing, inexpensive public transportation, & a national health program,

11. Complete the following chart:

Political System / Characteristics / Where did it begin?
Communism / Workers would est. an equal society & live in perfect harmony. Everything is owned in common. No private property, no social classes, cooperation would replace competition
Socialism / Factors of production are owned by the public & operate for the welfare of all. Free schooling, low-cost housing, inexpensive public transportation, & a national health program
Free Enterprise System / People have the freedom to make their own economic choices in deciding what to buy, where to work, & what to make.

12. What political changes occurred in the Industrial Revolution as a result of economics?

13. Explain the effects of free enterprise in the Industrial Revolution.


1. Define Imperialism:

political & economic control of one area or country by another.

2. Identify how each of these influenced European imperialism.

Political Motivations / Europeans wished to aquire colonies to demonstrate power, sought to preserve the balance of power among themselves
Economic Motivations / Industries needed raw materials to keep their factories busy. Sought new markets in which to sell their manufactured goods
Social Motivations / Social Darwinism- the theory that some societies were more successful because their culture were superior, White Man’s Burden, & to spread christianity

3. What were the major characteristics of European imperialism?

Old Imperialism- India & S.E. Asia

Africa- scramble for Africa, Suez canal, Berlin Conference, King Leopold II, Cecil Rhodes

Informal Imperialism- China & Latin America

4. What impact did European imperialism have on the world?

5. How did the opening of the Panama Canal influence the world at this time?