Pre-marriage and wedding ministry of Westwood Church, Saint Cloud MN.

Submit questionnaire on the web form


Consider these subjects in depth and at length:

1. Talk about character. Is this the kind of person who demonstrates the kind of character I would like my children to emulate? Is my potential spouse-to-be prudent in how they handle money? Is there an addiction (chemical, alcohol, sexual) that could threaten a commitment to marriage?

2. Talk about your relationship with family and friends. When you marry, you marry into a family. Have you met each other’s friends and families? Have you shared with each other complete family histories? The family of your potential spouse-to-be is a mirror of how they will parent and interact with you----do you like what you see?

3. Talk about Faith. Is my spouse a follower of Jesus? Do we pray together? Do we discuss spiritual things?

4. Talk about fidelity and commitment. Developing the discipline of withholding sex before marriage in your relationship indicates a willingness to be faithful and true in marriage. Make the decision not to live or sleep together because it erodes the love and respect God wants to create in your relationship.

5. Consider talking through these issues with a counselor. Seek advice from a trusted friend and family member.

Suggested Resource:

Should You Get Engaged by H. Norman Wright


Congratulations, you’re engaged and the wheels are in motion toward a day of celebrating God leading you toward a lifetime of oneness.

First steps…

1. Submit the questionnaire at the bottom of our webpage

2. After reviewing the questionnaire, a staff assistant will contact you with the availability of a wedding ceremony at Westwood.

3. You will receive a wedding packet. This will include important preparation information, covenants and information about pre-marriage classes.

4. After your review of the wedding packet---signing the covenant and registering for pre-marriage classes---you will be assigned a wedding officiant and a wedding date on our calendar can be confirmed.

Other suggestions...

1 Before you schedule a date, or put down hundreds of dollars on a reception hall, make sure you have an officiant and that the church is available.

2. Establish budget guidelines. Include honeymoon and moving expenses. Agree not to add any stress to your new marriage by going into unnecessary debt. Consider alternatives to a Saturday wedding which could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on a reception.

3. Make plans for a reception. Now that you have agreed on what you’re willing to spend, begin making plans on if and where you will host a reception. Westwood does have adequate facilities to host a reception. Click here to view Westwood's facilities and options.

4. Consider purchasing a wedding planning guide to assist you.

5. Understand the purpose of engagement is to be a time that tests your relationship before marriage. Your engagement does not necessarily mean you must get married just because you have reserved the church and a reception. Pre-marriage counseling and your planning should confirm or alter your ‘till death do us part” plans.


Westwood Community Church requires all couples to have up to 6 sessions of pre-marriage counseling (two with the officiant and four group meetings with other couples). At the sessions you will meet other couples from Westwood and the class facilitators. During each session a different married couple from Westwood will help you build a loving, lasting and Christ-centered marriage by utilizing video, teaching, group discussion and individual assessments. You will need to purchase a workbook to prepare for your pre-marriage sessions.

Please register as soon as possible by contacting Westwood’s wedding coordinator at the church office, 320-230-6700. We require a minimum of two couples and allow a maximum of 12 couples at each session. Depending on numbers, we may need to reschedule the session (or set up individual sessions with your officiant).

At these sessions you will receive sample wedding ceremonies and itineraries.

Your wedding officiant will help you produce an itinerary of your wedding day. This must be completed 2 weeks prior to your wedding day.