Creating a Presentation: Tip Sheet


o  Create an outline/run sheet for the entire time you’re in the room

¡  Before & after

¯  Be available

¯  Ready to go – organized, systematic set-up and tear-down

¯  Focus on what’s happening at the time, not your presentation

¡  During

¯  Have handy to keep you on track (not read from!)

¯  Includes a backup plan

o  Communicate/arrange/test needs

¡  Technology

¯  Projector

¯  Computer w/appropriate platform & drives

¯  Remote

¯  Internet

¡  Dietary

¡  Room set up

¯  Podium

¯  Seating style

¯  Audience materials

o  Think about target audience

¡  Who will listen?

¯  What are they like?

¯  What do they want?

¯  How is your talk beneficial to them (based on their needs, not yours)?

¯  How will you connect with a core group?

¡  Refine key (i.e. most important, not all!) messages for this group

¯  Standard organization messages

¯  For this particular endeavor

¯  For the future

¡  How will you speak to them?

¯  As efficiently as possible

¯  With language they can understand and is comfortable for you

¯  With humor if comfortable – make it appropriate and understandable


o  Create and use consistent, branded, complementary templates for all presentation materials

¡  PowerPoint

¡  Handouts

¡  Notes

¡  Guidebooks

¡  Surveys

¡  Feedback

¡  Flyers

¡  Signs

¡  Giveaways

¡  Props

o  Keep it simple

¡  Plenty of space

¯  Limit bullets

¯  Minimal words/reading – 1-3 key points each

¡  Use layout to help with flow

¯  Informative titles

¯  Consistent placement of words, graphics, etc.

¯  Smooth, natural transitions

¡  Easy on the eye

¯  Avoid harsh backgrounds

¯  Limit clutter

¯  Consider proportion/sizing

¡  Use graphics

¯  Illustrate points

¯  Consistent visual feel/style – clipart, fonts, graphs, photos look like they’re from the same “family”

o  Use technology to make it better, not more complicated

¡  Transportation & Execution

¡  File size

¡  Storage / copies

¡  Equipment


o  More than once!

¡  Talking

¡  Operating equipment

¡  Anticipate FAQs & answers

o  Try to memorize talking points so you won’t have to read

o  Record yourself

o  Use the mirror

o  Use staff, family, and friends as guinea pigs


o  Shake it up - make it interactive if possible

¡  Stop and ask questions

¡  Complete an activity

¡  Ask for examples

¡  Don’t focus on props (slides, etc.) or the room; speak to people

o  Think about body language

¡  Make eye contact, or, if uncomfortable, look just above the eyes at the forehead

¡  Stand up straight

¡  Smile

¡  Move if possible – confidently, naturally (hand gestures, tilt head, walk, demonstrate/create a picture)

¡  Show you’re passionate – they’ll become involved if you are

o  Speak

¡  From memory if possible

¡  Clearly

¡  Slowly

¡  With positive conviction

¡  Naturally

¡  Using language that fits with your audience

¡  Don’t rely too much on slides & props

Follow up

o  Deliver on call to action in a timely fashion

o  Contact audience member if appropriate

¡  Thank them

¡  Offer services/help

¡  “Bring them in;” know how you’ll get them involved before contact

o  Add to database (with source code) for newsletters, invitations, etc.

© 2007 Novosad Associates for NeighborWorks® America. Do not reproduce without permission