Progression Co-ordinator Salary scale: £18,000-£26,000pa* (Grade 4)

General Information
Line Manager: Performance Manager Type of Appointment: Full-time/Permanent
DBS disclosure level: Enhanced Version: 1.4 05.17
Job Outline & Purpose
  • To market, advertise and ‘sell’ students to potential employers and businesses for work experience, jobs, apprenticeships and further education opportunities.
  • To set, manage and monitor students’Study Programmes.
  • To undertake regular in-centre and placement reviews to measure students’ progress.
  • To have a bank of at least 50 live employers form a selection of career sectors and source work-experience placements for all students.
  • To undertake robust risk assessments.
  • To ensure students have access to good quality career guidance.
  • To progress students into positive destinations – apprenticeships, employment or further education.
  • To deliver employability based workshops to groups as appropriate.
To safeguard the welfare of all students, preventing radicalisation and promoting British Values
Key Responsibilities & Tasks
Networking & Marketing
  • Ensure a planned and professional approach to selling the programme and students to potential businesses and organisations.
  • To understand and liaise with your Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) and other partners who can support with your knowledge and understanding of opportunities for students.
  • To understand your local Labour Market Information and disseminate this information to staff and students.
  • To complete progression/work experience videos that positively demonstrate the views of employers/students/tutors/parents/external agencies,about how the programme has supported students’ goals and aspirations.
  • To use and maintain social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter with success stories and events.
  • To organise two ‘Celebrating Success’ events per year, to reward achievement with both students and employers – ensure work experience is certificated (employer and student).
  • Carry out effective marketing to local employers to ensure sufficient work-experience placements are recruited and retained, including: cold-calling, employer visits, recruitment fairs, local events and networking, ensuring the database is maintained and relationships managed to gain further business.
  • Ensure all students have a purposeful, individualised learning plan; ensuringappropriate work-experience activities are planned as a key component to the course and students are appropriately prepared before entering their work experience placement.
  • Undertake robust risk assessments and ensure current risk assessments are in place for all live placements.
  • To work with employers to find out what their business needs are and focus matching students to employers.
  • Conduct meaningful reviews are conducted as in-line within the review procedure and they are appropriately documented.
  • To ensure students maintain a learning diary of work experience and progression activity to show distance travelled.
  • Remain in regular contact with placement contacts to ensure issues are dealt with efficiently, and provide excellent levels of customer service.
  • Conduct workplace attendance checks/registers.
Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG)
  • Assist and empower students to fulfil their potential by increasing expectations and raising aspirations.
  • To know and understand where to access local and national support agencies to ensure all students access to good, quality IAG about learning and work to improve their employability potential, achieve personal ambitions and help to their next step.
  • To signpost and refer students who need support and document this, as per procedure.
  • To ensure all students progress to a positive destination.
  • Undertake networking & marketing activities, including social media, to keep up to date with progression opportunities.
  • Monitor student’s programme end date to ensure progression is timely.
  • Undertake tracking of students who have left programme and provide on-going support
Monitor & Feedback
  • To collate and monitor feedback from students, employers and stakeholders in relation to work experience, progression, career and IAG and transfer actions into the Centre Improvement Plan.
  • To analyse employer, work experience and progression data to ensure appropriate actions transfer into the Centre Improvement Plan.
  • To analyse students’ soft skills data and transfer areas for improvement into the Centre Improvement Plans.
  • To deliverworkshops for out of placement students.
  • To achieve targets to meet contractual/blueprint obligations.

*Salary banding fixed to April 2020