PresentCllr Mrs C. Edwardes (Mayor)
“ E. J. Breeze
“ Mrs J. Crisp
“ Mrs E.L. Evans
“ Lady Hooson
“ Mrs A.M. Jones
“ Mrs A. Morgan
“ G. Morgan
“ P. Rees
“ G. Rowlands
“ Mrs P. Smith
“ J. Whittal Williams
Town Clerk
363/01APOLOGIESApologies were received from Cllr Mrs Sian Mills
363/02DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr Gareth Morgan declared a personal interest as a member of PCC
363/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 28.05.12 362/06 It was agreed to add issues at the roundabout to next Environment panel meeting. 362/14 Confirmed date for Mayoral Sunday will be 22.07.12. Minutes were unanimously confirmed as being a True Record
Environment/Planning Panel Meetingheld on 18.06.12 Cllr Margot Jones declared an interest in item 6 Planning. Minutes were unanimously confirmed as being a True record
Town Hall/Finance Panel Meeting held on 18.06.12 It was agreed to discuss PWLB at Finance panel meeting. The following Recommendations were taken
i) Noahs Ark Appeal - Clerk confirmed that the Auditor had explained that Council are able to contribute to the appeal under s137 powers as the Hospital could benefit residents of the Town. It was agreed that £500 would be donated. 11 Councillors in favour, 1 against. It was agreed to discuss further funding at the next Finance Panel meeting along with dates for Coffee Morning and reception to congratulate Mr Les Jones and Mrs Janet Williams on receipt of their MBE’s
iv) Chamber of trade - It was unanimously agreed to donate £330 to Chamber of Trade as a contribution to Hanging Baskets
v) Both Coed –It was unanimously agreed to donate £100 towards the Forest School. Clerk was asked to find out why it is called Both Coed.
It was agreed to discuss the Mural at the next Town Hall/Finance Panel meeting
Minutes were unanimously confirmed as being a True record
i)Charter Market Agreement signed by PCC – received
ii)Invitation to Forest School open day 15.07.12. Clerk was asked to explain that the Car Park is not to be used solely for Both Coed users.
iii)Election of Three Town/Community Councillors to the Community Sub Committee of Powys Standards Committee - Cllr Graham Rowlands expressed an interest. He was nominated by Cllr Breeze seconded by Cllr Smith
iv)Information from PRP - Received
v)Letter from resident re New Recycling System Cllr Morgan gave Clerk copies of residents’ complaints he had received from PCC. It was reported that there were many concerned residents at the open day and many people had given positive feedback.
vi)Letter from OVW RE Membership received
vii)Letter from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service – received awaiting further news. Cllr Rees raised the issue of the ladders being taken away. It was agreed to write to fire officer Jonathan Evans and ask about the removal of ladders. Clerk was asked to speak to Mr Brynley Thomas before sending letter.
viii)Letter from PAVO received
ix)Notice of OVW 2012 Conference and AGM Received
363/05LETTER FROM CAPITA SYMONDS AND PLANNING APPLICATIONA reply to a letter sent from Council was read out. There were discussions over the size of the dome. Council had no objections to the planning consultation P2012 0611.
363/06 LETTER FROM PRESTEIGNE AND NORTON TOWN COUNCIL RE CAR PARKING CHARGES Clerk to send letter to Tony Caine and ask when he is coming to meet with us. Cllr Lady Hooson suggested that on-street parking should be more than 1 hour and that 2 hours would be better. Cllr Whittal Williams proposed that Council should support the letter, Seconded by Cllr Smith. A vote was taken with majority of Councillors in support of the letter. Cllr Morgan was against. Cllr Morgan agreed to find out how much revenue is received by PCC from use of the Car Park.
363/07POLICY STATEMENT RE ENTRY TO CLERKS OFFIE WHEN SHE IS AWAY It was unanimously agreed that:- when Clerk is away, the Housekeeper will have a key to the office. No one will be allowed into the office except the Mayor/Deputy who will have access to secure the Chain as necessary. Mail can be collected from a designated area and opened by the Mayor/Deputy. Telephone answer message will re direct callers to the Mayor/Deputy’s number, and a message displaying contact telephone number(s) will be posted on the Office door.
363/08POLICY STATEMENT RE SLCC Clerk read out information she had received from SLCC stating that 90% of Councils pay the SLCC subscriptions of the Clerk and that all information received by the Clerk from SLCC should be shared unless it is to do with employment/misconduct advice. It was unanimously agreed that Council follow this policy
Cllr Smith left the meeting as she felt unwell.
363/09TWINNING Cllr Whittal Williams declared an interest and left the room. A letter from Twinning Committee was read out. Councillors were invited to attend a reception at the Council Chamber on 25th July with visitors from Derval. It was agreed that the Council Chamber will be given free of charge. A programme of events was read out.
363/10PANEL MEETINGS AND MEMBERS Cllr Margot Jones said that Council were recently told during a meeting with OVW and SLCC that Council Panel meetings are just another Council meeting. Discussions on how panels have been conducted over recent years followed. Cllr Rees suggested that the last joint panel meeting, held on one evening, was very successful. Cllr Gareth Morgan proposed 1 hour for each panel once a month with the Mayor and Deputy to attend both and 6 Councillors on one and 6 Councillors on another.Cllr Peter Rees made anamendment, stay as we are, set a date of second Monday of the month, one hour each for Finance/Town Hall and Environment/Planning and members to attend the both panels, with voting rights, if they so wish. Cllr Rowlands seconded the amendment. A vote was taken, there were 6 votes for the amendment and 5 votes for the proposal.The amendment was carried. It was agreed to trial for 6 months.
363/11CO OPTION Brief resumes from 3 applicants were read out. Phyl Davies, Kelly Hawkins and Robert Parker Munn. Phyl Davies was co opted onto the Council with 6 votes, Kelly Hawkins received 5 votes, Robert Parker Munn had no votes
363/12COUNCILLOR TRAINING - Cllr Crisp and Cllr Evans expressed an interest in attending the Training. The newly elected Councillor will be asked if he wishes to attend.
363/13OCCASSIONAL STALL ON SATURDAY MARKETCllr Crisp suggested having a “Meet your Councillor” stall once a month on the Town Hall steps. It was unanimously agreed upon that Cllr Crisp will draw up a rota and bring to the next Council meeting.
363/14ACCOUNTS The following Accounts for MAY 2012 were confirmed:-
Chq No
104571Wages & P.Cash(03.05.12) 810.07
104572P.C. Q 18.37
104573Willpower 300.00
104574J.A. Jones (window cleaner) 100.00
104575P.C. Q 18.37
104576Wages & P. Cash (10.05.12) 813.59
104577Simon Owen 60.00
104578Severn Trent 276.48
104579OVW (Membership)380.00
104580Community Centre Trust 1,200.00
104581Wages & P. Cash (17.05.12)801.48
104582Wages (24.05.12) 722.46
104583Wages (31.05.12) 722.86
104584Llani Ltd t/a Charter Market 1,170.00
104585Burial Board 17,000.00
104586Inland Revenue 867.32
Total £ 25,261.00
363/15Dates for July meetings were confirmed as:-
Environment/Planning7.00 – 8.00 pm Monday 9thJuly
Finance/Town Hall8.00 – 9.00 pm Monday 9th July Mayoral Sunday 10.30 am 22ndJuly
Council Meeting7.00 pm 23rd July
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm