Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club

Minutes of the General Committee – 11th February 2014

(Venue: Boatshed)

Present / Tristan Southall (TS), John Leiper (JL), Islay Macrae (IM), Alaisdair Mackenzie (AM), Dave McGhie (DM), Ian Hay (IH), Ian Taylor (IT), Judith Bullivant (JB), Morag Amos (MA), Malcolm Mackenzie (MM).
Apologies / Bob Rowe, Colin McAndrew, Fionnlagh Byrne, Gus Loudon, Alison French, Alexander Mackenzie

Due to the delayed arrival of the Commodore, AM, as most recent Commodore present, agreed to chair.

1.  Previous Minutes.

Minutes of the meeting of 25th November 2013 were adopted: - proposed by DM and seconded by IM.

2.  Matters arising:

Tulloch Ard – MM reported that a decision was taken not to follow up on approaching the seller to confirm status of the starters hut grounds. This was questioned, but it was reiterated that the sellers do not claim to own the land, nor is the land in the schedule of sale. AM suggested that if and when the property is sold, the club should make contact with the new owners at the earliest opportunity. This was agreed.

Fishing Competition – this question has not yet been addressed. MM to follow up with Gavin McGhie / discuss with R&S.

Updates on all other matters arising in included below:

3.  Updates from sub-committees:

a.  Boatshed & General Maintenance

DM reported that most work on the boatshed is now completed, except for a few outstanding electrical items. JL has made racks for masts. For these to be fitted the notice board will have to be moved. DM also hopes to get the inside of the shed painted. DM presented project costs, showing that the whole cost is projected to be £2,400 however, there remains scope for the final bill to be less. There is only a small amount of work required on starters hut for which the costs will be small (JL reported that the batteries had not been damaged by the recent exceptionally high tide).

b.  Club Nights

Not met, other than to discuss expenditure – see below.

c.  Handicap

Not met.

d.  Racing and Sailing

In the R&S Secretary’s absence, TS reported on the minute of the R&S meeting held on 21/12/13. The General Committee previously requested that the R&S sub-committee review & recommend clarification of the wording of the capsize ruling in the sailing directions to avoid any ambiguity as to whether a local boat race is cancelled as a result of capsize ( Rule 14, appendix 1).

The current rules state:

APPENDIX 1 Local Boats Only

Assistance. Where two safety boats are in use and there is only one *boat in need of assistance, the race shall continue. However, if there are two Local Boats in need of assistance the race shall be abandoned, but the Commodore / Officer of the Day has the discretion to call off the race even if only one boat is in difficulties and is need of assistance.

* boat in need of assistance will be one which requires and has agreed to accept assistance from the safety boat

The R&S sub-committee propose this be changed to:

Assistance. Where two safety boats are in use and there is only one *boat in need of assistance, the race shall continue. However, if there are two Local Boats in need of assistance the race shall be abandoned. The Commodore / Officer of the Day has the discretion to call off the race even if only one boat is in difficulties and is need of assistance.

* A boat will be deemed in need of assistance when it has capsized or broached and filled with water rendering the boat unseaworthy and where the crew are fully employed not in sailing the boat but in righting, bailing and carrying out other acts of seamanship to make the boat seaworthy again.

AM questioned whether the term “filled with water” could be open to different interpretation, but it was generally agreed that the proposed text represented an improvement. It was therefore agreed to insert the proposed change. R&S to revise sailing directions accordingly in time for publication in handbook.

In response to the request at AGM to explore ways of increasing participation in rowing the R&S sub-committee proposed that a cup be added for a ladies perch row and a junior perch row. Committee agreed that a trophy for a ladies perch row was a good idea and requested that R&S / timekeeper look at whether there is an unused cup which could be used for this purpose. If not, MA offered to donate a trophy for this.

TS stated that a perch row for juniors (under 16s) would require club supervision and therefore volunteer time, which may be difficult – in particular as perch row attempts tend to be impromptu depending on tide and weather. AM suggested that crews would have to satisfy, say the Commodore/Officer of the day, that they sufficiently skilled in rowing/boat skills etc to compete. It was agreed as a precursor to any junior trophies it would first be sensible to seek to introduce some rowing practice into club nights. JB pointed out that there was considerable interest around the Scottish coast in Skiffs, and that the costs involved are not too great. MM expressed the view that a skiff project may be better at a larger scale than a single club.

e.  Safety Boat

DM reported in Gus Loudon’s absence that the safety boat sub-committee had met and that there was a need for a new bilge pump, and some trailer upgrades. All flares and the other outstanding items from RYA club survey are now up to date. GL has expressed a wish to stand down as safety boat convener, DM stated that he is willing to take over as Safety boat convener if required.

f.  Social and Fund Raising

IM expressed an idea for an art competition for the handbook front cover, with the winner announced at the regatta concert and with a possible prize of free sailing lessons or free junior membership. If widely promoted (for example in local schools) this could be a way of promoting the club and training opportunities on offer. There was general consensus that this was a good idea if the sub-committee wish to take this forward. TS cautioned that we should be careful to ensure that we have the capacity in training (i.e. volunteer time commitments) before promoting junior opportunities too widely.

IM reported a further idea to bring different organisations together by combining to make some sort of sailing sculpture, perhaps as part of an open day. As this would likely require some form of art funding, it was agreed that this could be explored in the longer term.

Documentary: MM reported that the video camera has been sold however, upon review the footage is not yet sufficient to make documentary, in particular lacking centerboard and training activities. MM intends to collect more footage (with a different camera) in the early part of the season. IM reported that she was aware of some old reel to reel footage of regatta (Donald John Macrae), which may be worth trying to get copies of. It was agreed that this could be valuable archive material. AM suggested that the Highland Council Archive may also be interested. AM proposed that the Social & fundraising sub-committee follow up on this and look at the possibility for transferring the footage onto digital format.

IM reported that PSBSC have been requested to do a wedding bar on 12th July. AM noted that if the club wish to do this it would require a personal licensee. Committee agreed - if a personal licence holder is willing to submit the application and an appropriate number of volunteers are available.

MM has provisionally booked The Plockton Hotel for the end of March for a dinner dance. The Hotel have offered a price of £20 for a 3 course dinner for 40 people. IT highlighted that there is some risk if insufficient numbers turn up, and the potential to make a loss. DM suggested that we ascertain the level of interest before booking. This was agreed.

IH also mentioned that some sail makers and riggers do talks over the winter, which could be an option to look at in the future.

g.  Training

JL reported that he is looking for Power boat course and possible dates and candidates. AM asked about how best to ensure commitment of instructors paid for by the club and it was agreed that Training sub-committee continue to explore this.

4.  Spending Proposals / Requests.

Requests from all sub-committees for capital spending for the next season were collated and presented at the meeting (see appendix). Below are a few points in relation to these that were highlighted during the discussion:

·  New Masthead floats – important to avoid inversion in open transom club boats, the proposed replacements are more robust than the originals.

·  JB noted that she may be able to arrange a first aid course for free through a contact. It was agreed that this would be great and well worth pursuing. JL & JB to liaise. This could potentially remove the projected cost of a 1st aid course.

·  JL noted that the request for the Topper mainsheet is for 2nd hand topper brought last year, so all club boats are rigged with centre mainsheet (requiring only 1 method to be taught).

·  Though it was generally agreed that new Topper Sails are not critical. TS pointed out that much of the growth in the club in recent years, and the reason for our improved finances has been as a result of junior and family membership, who make considerable use of Toppers. At last year’s junior forum, juniors highlighted new sails as a particular wish. This should also help encourage participation in races and the Gunn Trophy.

·  A considerable expense is projected to be instructor training including powerboat training.

·  JB requested binoculars, as this had been requested by a number of parents on club nights. It was pointed out that communal binoculars are sometimes poorly looked after!

·  Racing and sailing have requested both some new anchors for race marks and a mobile inflatable race mark, either for shortenting courses or setting varied courses. DM asked whether thinking longer term, we should get more race marks as part of a rolling maintenance plan.

·  The overall requested expenditure was just over £5,000. IT reported that we currently have in the region of £8,000 in the bank.

·  DM noted that it is the role of committee to carefully spend money to further the clubs aims, rather than sit on it. However it is important to ensure, with a cash flow forecast, that all anticipated running costs can be covered whilst still retaining the agreed float of £3,000. DM proposed that if cash flow forecasts show we can cover our costs, and retain £3k (previously agreed reserve) then committee should approve all expenditure. IT will look at cash flow projection and report to next meeting

·  One other item not included in forecast (perhaps as it does not fall under a single sub-committee) is a 2nd smaller inshore safety boat, which could berth on the pontoon and act as a tender to the RIB. TS pointed out that there is a current RYA club offer on a Rigiflex with Suzuki for £3,500 and suggested that perhaps this could be a fundraising target for the year ahead. This was agreed.

5.  Survey

No update. Action from last meeting carried forward.

6.  Health & Safety

TS will forward all H&S docs to Fionnlagh. It was reminded that it had been agreed to add social events into the health and safety policy / risk assessment.

7.  Financial Update

Note earlier comments. IT asked whether there needed to be agreed caps on different levels of spending – clarifying the degree to which prior committee approval is required. AM noted that the spending plan under discussion has been designed to avoid unexpected expenditure. IT requests that all spending be approved.

8.  Register of Members Interests


9.  AOCB

·  The Waterside Facilities Project Group have not formally met, but have begun exchanging ideas. Nothing to report.

·  TS reported that the Plockton Inn had been in touch asking whether the boat shed could be used by a group of visiting artists – in event of bad weather – the week after Regatta. This was agreed, with committee suggesting a contribution would be welcome. TS to report back to the Inn.

·  TS brought committee’s attention to a letter from the Friends of Plockton Playpark requesting a contribution toward their fundraising aim for a play park in the village. This prompted some discussion. MA expressed the view that the club should support this. AM expressed the counter argument, questioning the need for the playpark and highlighting that we are not a community interest company (like the Harbour Association) and (after the earlier discussion about spending commitments) don’t have the spare cash. MM felt that this was a good opportunity to show the club was contributing to the community. IH mentioned a possible a conflict in use of space with stored dinghies. This went to a vote and it was agreed to donate £100 – if it can be afforded after cash flow projections.

·  MA asked whether the shotgun is still in boatshed as the original donor asked for it back if it is not in use. It was confirmed that the club no longer uses the gun (or any gun other than the starters canon) and the gun in question has not been in the club’s possession for many years ( JL confirmed that it was no longer in the club’s possession in 2003-04). MA to report back to donor that club no longer has the gun.

·  IH asked whether anything came of the investigation of alternate starter sounds. Nothing further to report on this.